Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

Go ask a Priest, go to Church and read the Bible if you really want to know the answers to these stupid questions, As another poster has said.......the excuses you make to justify murder.....

I asked here. You don't want to answer, fine, but don't tell me to go ask a priest.

I'm not trying to justify murder either.

In fact maybe it's the opposite. I'm saying that Christianity, one of the most violent religions (the top 35 countries for murder in the world are Christian, most violent Asian country is the Philippines, the only Christian country... etc etc) The US justified warring and executions from CHRISTIANS like Dubya....
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.

God is not only the Author and Creator of Life, but He and He alone determines where that life goes after death.

None of us are creators of life. It's not the same.

Put simplistically:

No one puts up a fuss if a child builds a sandcastle and then, a little while later, kicks the sandcastle down. The child built it; he has that right.

But if a child builds a sandcastle and ANOTHER child comes to kick it down....
I don't. But I know what you believe and I know that the peace that passes all understanding is denied to you.
why would you invoke him if you dont believe he exists??

my objection to the murder of innocent children had nothing to do with god,,
You are the problem here. What you are suggesting is incompatible with a free society, Herr Obersturmbannführer.
Yes it is. It's quite compatible. The freedom to have all the sex you want without the thought of pregnancy. The women might actually think a miracle occurred. No freedoms have been taken away. Freedom has been bestowed and expanded.

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