Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

For a very simple reason, and it's illustrated with these:

1. You think you see your neighbor kill someone. You go to his house, strike him until he is unconscious, tie his hands together and drag him into your basement. Keep him there behind locked doors for a few years, then kill him. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't policemen, judges, juries, prison guards and executioners get in trouble for doing the same thing?
2. You declare war on your neighbor and shoot him from your upstairs bedroom window. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't soldiers on the battlefield get in trouble for doing the same thing? They don't even declare war.
3. You see your neighbor behaving badly towards another person. You go over to him, grab his arm and push him into a chair, telling him he did a bad thing. You force him to sit there for at least 10 minutes. Do you get in trouble? If so, why don't parents get in trouble for doing the same thing?

In each of these cases, it comes down to authority. Policemen have the authority to capture and restrain you, judges and juries have the authority to imprison you, and executioners have the authority to kill you, all without blame to themselves. Soldiers on the battlefield have the authority to kill an enemy combatant without blame to themselves. Parents have the authority to put their children in time-out and tell them they are misbehaving, and you have none of that authority on your own. By the same token, God has authority to do what He does while we do not.

I will also ask this, does the creator have authority over his creation? If you build an ant farm, do you not have the unquestioned authority to destroy that farm, saving a few ants to start over? The ants probably would be pretty ticked off at you, but do you have to justify your decision to anyone else?

So the US govt is like God?

If the US govt says "killing people is evil" and then the US govt kills people, is the US govt evil? Yes. Same with God.
Great flood didn't happen
The Bible never stated that the flood covered the planet. it said it rose up over the earth/dirt. People need to go back and study the original Hebrew. A minority (but vocal) people of faith take every English word of the Bible literally and atheists have a a fine time poking fun at this. The majority of people of faith do not take every word in the Bible literally, but have no issues with those who do. If that is what they wish to believe, we see no problem. Atheists shrug off the fact that the majority of people of faith never did take each word literally. The themes, yes. People with any literary background at all can pick out Just So stories, fables, myths, folklore, apocalyptic, etc. It seems what those who take every word literally and atheists have in common is no knowledge of the variety of literary styles.
The Bible never stated that the flood covered the planet. it said it rose up over the earth/dirt. People need to go back and study the original Hebrew. A minority (but vocal) people of faith take every English word of the Bible literally and atheists have a a fine time poking fun at this. The majority of people of faith do not take every word in the Bible literally, but have no issues with those who do. If that is what they wish to believe, we see no problem. Atheists shrug off the fact that the majority of people of faith never did take each word literally. The themes, yes. People with any literary background at all can pick out Just So stories, fables, myths, folklore, apocalyptic, etc. It seems what those who take every word literally and atheists have in common is no knowledge of the variety of literary styles.
Deuteronomy 4:2
The Bible never stated that the flood covered the planet. it said it rose up over the earth/dirt
If the flood wasn't worldwide and ONLY 8 SURVIVED, why would God have him spending 120 years building an ark and rescuing 1 or seven pair of every animal?

You lack faith in God and in the Word of God
If the flood wasn't worldwide and ONLY 8 SURVIVED, why would God have him spending 120 years building an ark and rescuing 1 or seven pair of every animal?

You lack faith in God and in the Word of God
Do you have faith that God wants us to know truth? There are many other sources of truth. We can find quite a bit of truth in nature.
Again, He has authority that you don't. Did you not read what I wrote?

Yes, I read what you write. Does it mean I have to agree.

Here's the deal. People worship a God with authority. Just because you have authority, doesn't mean you should act on it.

The US govt has the authority to execute people, doesn't mean it should.

People worship a God who has authority, he goes around killing people, he goes out and does things he says are evil, and you just keep following him. Why?

I have the ability to murder people. I can buy a gun, I can buy a knife and I can kill people. The authority might lie somewhere else, if they can catch me. But I'm still told I'm evil regardless of whether I can get away with it or not.
Just to be clear, a woman having an abortion is bad, but God killing countless innocent babies is perfectly fine. Is that what you are saying?
I'm saying that you can't apply human standards to God's actions.
Yes, I read what you write. Does it mean I have to agree.

Here's the deal. People worship a God with authority. Just because you have authority, doesn't mean you should act on it.
And right there is where you want to apply human standards to God's actions. You think you have standing to tell God when He can and when He cannot exercise His authority.
The US govt has the authority to execute people, doesn't mean it should.
And right there is where you want to apply your personal standards to the government's actions. The government can legally execute people you think they should not execute, and your opinion doesn't matter, they have the authority to do so.
People worship a God who has authority, he goes around killing people, he goes out and does things he says are evil, and you just keep following him. Why?
Because, as I've been saying all along, He has authority and standing that we do not. He is the creator and we are the created.
I have the ability to murder people. I can buy a gun, I can buy a knife and I can kill people. The authority might lie somewhere else, if they can catch me. But I'm still told I'm evil regardless of whether I can get away with it or not.
If you grab your neighbor and restrain him in your basement until he or someone associated with him pays you $500, you go to jail. A policeman does that routinely and is applauded for doing so. The point being that he has authority to do things you consider wrong whether you want him to or not.
Got it. What is in a book doesn't matter. All that matters is whether the few people on the school board agree with it.
You asked why a politician is making a decision. I gave you a plausible answer to that question, and now you're extrapolating wildly. Why are you doing that?
So the US govt is like God?
For the sole purpose of illustrating that an entity or person can have authority that you do not.
If the US govt says "killing people is evil" and then the US govt kills people, is the US govt evil? Yes. Same with God.
Around the world and throughout human history, governments did and do legally kill people, it's called executing criminals and enemy combatants. At the same time, those same governments have had laws that prevent citizens from killing other people, aka murdering them. For what purpose do they have those laws? Are all governments throughout human history evil, or do they avoid that label if they just avoid verbally saying that murder is evil?

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