Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

Just to be clear, a woman having an abortion is bad, but God killing countless innocent babies is perfectly fine. Is that what you are saying?
Yes, to them, a woman having an abortion is bad because they want people to have many children for Jesus so that they can surgically remove their brains after they're born, fleece them for life, fill many prisons, or murder them outright, all in the name of God of course.

A side note. When Jesus said "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" it is a reference to the story of the talking serpent, in the beginning, who literally didn't murder anyone. What he did was beguile Adam and Eve into doing exactly what God said not to do which caused their "death" even though they kept on living, had children, etc.. at least according to the fairy tale.

It follows then, according to Jesus, the command to not murder is not about homicide or abortion. What it is about is indoctrinating the gullible into doing that which God specifically said not to do, through mind control, beguiling, what the ancients called 'the magical arts' or sorcery, like worship a human being, a false trinity, or celebrate human sacrifice, all violations of Divine law, under penalty of death, which is exactly what Christianity teaches people to do.

In conclusion every evangelist who beguiles people to worship a man is a serial murderer, just like "satan was a murderer" deflecting their guilt on women and the doctors who help them.
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What you're really saying is "Please pretend the inherant hypocracy in my religion doesn't exist."
What I'm really saying is that God isn't bound by your personal standards. You're elevating yourself to a position where you think you have standing to judge Him.
I do. Your God doesn't measure up to my moral standards. That's why I'm not a Christian.
Do you refuse to recognize a policeman's authority because he doesn't measure up to your moral standards? How about an American president you think is a scoundrel? Do you ignore his authority?
What I'm really saying is that God isn't bound by your personal standards. You're elevating yourself to a position where you think you have standing to judge Him.
Of course God can be judged. You are saying he shouldn't be. Non Christians have no such obligation. We judge him.
Do you refuse to recognize a policeman's authority because he doesn't measure up to your moral standards? How about an American president you think is a scoundrel? Do you ignore his authority?
Apples and oranges. Those authorities can prove their existence.
So, it's okay for God to kill, and then for you to worship a killer, but it's not okay for humans to kill?

God said humans were made in his image.... he's a killer, we're killers, what's the difference?
God also killed the first born of Egypt
Of course God can be judged. You are saying he shouldn't be. Non Christians have no such obligation. We judge him.
You don't have standing to do so. Does a toddler have standing to judge his Daddy for not being home in the middle of the day to play with him? Does a toddler have standing to judge his policeman father for slamming a fleeing suspect to the ground when he is told he can't hit people?

We understand there are bigger issues that the toddler does not understand.
Apples and oranges. Those authorities can prove their existence.
Oh, yes, it's the old, "do a trick" business again. He's proven Himself many times, but the question remains the same, do you recognize the authority of someone with whom you disagree or you do not like?
the question remains the same, do you recognize the authority of someone with whom you disagree or you do not like?
Are you suggesting that people should pay homage to the devil If there's a devil in charge?

Sounds like Paul who wrote, "submit to the governing authorities" when Nero was Caesar. lol.

How does that square with "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"? See Genesis 3:14...
Are you suggesting that people should pay homage to the devil If there's a devil in charge?

How does that square with "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"? See Genesis 3:14...
The devil has some authority, just not as great as God's. Note that even Michael wouldn't argue with him over Moses' body but called on God's authority instead. And yes, we are to obey the law, pay taxes, etc. Jesus did not command disobedience to the government or law, and His nation was under Roman control at the time.

We are all waiting for when God's will is done on earth, immediately and completely, just as it is in heaven, but it's not our job to make that happen, only to obey Him ourselves.
The devil has some authority

The devil has no authority over me or anyone who exerts their will to fulfill genesis 3:14 on earth. The devil can only influence those who exchange their birthright as an individual who reflects the image and likeness of a holy (separate) God for a bowl of fairy tale porridge and a pocket full of lies like, 'If you defy the law of God and worship Jesus you will not die but you
will receive eternal life', for a nominal service charge ( 10% of your income, living in hell for life, and all of your children)

A persons authority over their own soul, free will, is guaranteed and enforced by the Divine.

even if beguiled.
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The devil has no authority over me or anyone who exerts their will to fulfill genesis 3:14 on earth.

A persons authority over their own soul, free will, is guaranteed and enforced by the Divine.
Many have relinquished control over themselves to him without realizing what they're doing.
Many have relinquished control over themselves to him without realizing what they're doing.

Thats why I feel sorry for the victims of Fox new's decades long mind control campaign which culminated in the election of a brazen devil who almost succeeded in destroying democracy.

And replacing it with fascism.

Do you relinquish control over yourself when a devil usurps a position of authority?

Even in a land where a persons right to liberty, speak their minds, and oppose tyranny is law?
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Oh, yes, it's the old, "do a trick" business again. He's proven Himself many times, but the question remains the same, do you recognize the authority of someone with whom you disagree or you do not like?
Yes, unlike Trump I do. However, as a non believer, I don't recognize the authority of a God. I put your God on the same shelve as Santa Claus and wood fairies.

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