Zone1 Why are Christians opposed to abortion when God.....

It's called fiction for a reason. But nice try

Right. Its not presented as non fiction, however it is written, "Whenever naughty boys stay on pleasure island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay for life." (Pinocchio 3:14)

Everyone knows that puppets cannot speak or become real, but have you never seen people whose strings are obviously being pulled by someone else? Have you never seen a naughty boy or girl turn into a jackass for life with your own eyes? Can I get a hee haw?

Thats how fiction alludes to fact. You should have known this since kindergarten. lol

Did you dismiss the moral of the story because there is no such thing as a fairy godmother?
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Right. Its not presented as non fiction, however it is written, "Whenever naughty boys stay on pleasure island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay for life." (Pinocchio 3:14)

Everyone knows that puppets cannot speak or become real, but have you never seen people whose strings are obviously being pulled by someone else? Have you never seen a naughty boy or girl turn into a jackass for life with your own eyes? Can I get a hee haw?

Thats how fiction alludes to fact. You should have known this since kindergarten. lol

Did you dismiss the moral of the story because there is no such thing as a fairy godmother?
Why should a woman's/gay person's civil rights be dictated by your interpretation of the parts of the Bible you choose to believe in?
Answer that and then we can move on
Why should a woman's/gay person's civil rights be dictated by your interpretation of the parts of the Bible you choose to believe in?

What I believe should not dictate how other people see fit to live their lives, unless they agree.

I only cite scripture to point out the hypocrisy of sanctimonious pricks who would persecute and violate the civil rights of women/ gays/ LGBTQ+/immigrants/ blacks/hispanics/atheists/ artists/ poets/musicians/writers/druggies, etc., by exposing their utter lack of understanding about biblical stories that amount to fairy tales, to extirpate their false claim to moral authority

Is that wrong?
when God killed ALL babies in the great flood of Noah's Ark flood fame?

I write this not to anger people, if you're not interested in discussing it, then don't. Keep your religion to yourself and move on. I write this because I've had a conversation in another thread and thought it might be a good question to ask for those who want to test their religion against my lack of religion.
Do you have a link that supports -

"Christians opposed to abortion"

The thread creation doesn't adhere to the rules so I reported it

I'm agnostic, but I like fair play to the rules. Let's see if the mods get it right.
Yes, to them, a woman having an abortion is bad because they want people to have many children for Jesus so that they can surgically remove their brains after they're born, fleece them for life, fill many prisons, or murder them outright, all in the name of God of course.

A side note. When Jesus said "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" it is a reference to the story of the talking serpent, in the beginning, who literally didn't murder anyone. What he did was beguile Adam and Eve into doing exactly what God said not to do which caused their "death" even though they kept on living, had children, etc.. at least according to the fairy tale.

It follows then, according to Jesus, the command to not murder is not about homicide or abortion. What it is about is indoctrinating the gullible into doing that which God specifically said not to do, through mind control, beguiling, what the ancients called 'the magical arts' or sorcery, like worship a human being, a false trinity, or celebrate human sacrifice, all violations of Divine law, under penalty of death, which is exactly what Christianity teaches people to do.

In conclusion every evangelist who beguiles people to worship a man is a serial murderer, just like "satan was a murderer" deflecting their guilt on women and the doctors who help them.
So your god created satan with the intention of him eventually being murdered? There was nothing he could do to prevent it? That's just like all those people your god supposedly created specically to go to hell. Your god is a mean evil prick, isn't he?
What I'm really saying is that God isn't bound by your personal standards. You're elevating yourself to a position where you think you have standing to judge Him.
I'm judging an act of hypocracy. If your god falls in that category, then so be it. If a unicorn could be shown to be hypocritical, he would be defined as such, because hypocracy is a definble thing, and any living or imaginary being guilty of hypocracy will be defned as such.
I doubt he would say it with all the retarded misspellings, though. You Russians are a hoot.

I know I occsionally misspell a word or two. I'm good with that. If it bothers you, then that's your problem, not mine.
It is blatant hypocrisy on the religion's part though
I know I occsionally misspell a word or two. I'm good with that. If it bothers you, then that's your problem, not mine.
It is blatant hypocrisy on the religion's part though

It's always a little sad when I see a person like you, who reached adulthood without ever learning about free will. Being stupid has hurt you in many ways, but it's made you very useful to the DemoKKKrats.
I'm judging an act of hypocracy. If your god falls in that category, then so be it. If a unicorn could be shown to be hypocritical, he would be defined as such, because hypocracy is a definble thing, and any living or imaginary being guilty of hypocracy will be defned as such.
Is it hypocrisy for policemen, a judge, a jury, prison guards and an executioner to forcibly detain a person, lock him away, and ultimately execute him when you cannot do the same thing, or for a soldier on the battlefield to summarily shoot a total stranger when you cannot? God simply has authority that you do not.

Think. You're willing to give people authority over yourself, but not the creator of all things, as if the creation is greater than the creator. That makes no sense. Let me know when you hold policemen to be hypocrites because they can handcuff someone and put them in jail for a weekend, but you cannot. Or when you accuse soldiers on the battlefield of hypocrisy for killing total strangers when you cannot. Heck, let me know when you accuse firefighters of hypocrisy for opening a fire hydrant when you cannot.

In short, all these people have authority you do not have and you have no problem with them exercising it, yet you want to accuse God of hypocrisy when He exercises his authority over His creation, as if you even have standing to do so.
I know I occsionally misspell a word or two. I'm good with that. If it bothers you, then that's your problem, not mine.
It is blatant hypocrisy on the religion's part though
In what way? No follower of Jesus Christ claims or has authority over their neighbors to do anything more than any other person on the planet.
In what way? No follower of Jesus Christ claims or has authority over their neighbors to do anything more than any other person on the planet.

To be blunt, BULLDOG is stupid and doesn't understand the concept of free will. Show him mercy, as you would show to any other intellectually disabled person.
It's always a little sad when I see a person like you, who reached adulthood without ever learning about free will. Being stupid has hurt you in many ways, but it's made you very useful to the DemoKKKrats.
Free will isn't very free if (like the bible plainly says) people are born to do exactly what they do. There is nothing they can do to change god's will.
So your god created satan with the intention of him eventually being murdered? There was nothing he could do to prevent it?
Excuse me. You sound like you are angry at God because the big bad wolf ate grandma. WTF.

That's just like all those people your god supposedly created specically to go to hell.

Some of the best times of my life on earth was spent in hell. God really isn't such a meanie.

Your god is a mean evil prick, isn't he?

Well, no. I believe in an unknown God who never diddled a virgin to become a man, never made laws impossible to follow, and does not give a crap about what people eat, what people wear, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, or any creature for that matter..

But to be fair, you are right that the way most people interpret scripture, literally, makes God out to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant, as you so succinctly said, a mean evil prick.

But if you find the deeper implications hidden in complicated metaphors like talking serpents, rising from the dead, the fires of hell, (which I can explain if you want) etc., etc., the image and likeness of God becomes more like that of a dedicated loving and benevolent Father.

Thats my God, an unknown God that many professed believers don't believe in. They prefer a capricious mean evil prick that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence.
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Excuse me. You sound like you are angry at God because the big bad wolf ate grandma. WTF.

Some of the best times of my life on earth was spent in hell. God really isn't such a meanie.

Well, no. I believe in an unknown God who never diddled a virgin to become a man, never made laws impossible to follow, and does not give a crap about what people eat, what people wear, or the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, or any creature for that matter..

But to be fair, you are right that the way most people interpret scripture, literally, makes God out to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant, as you so succinctly said, a mean evil prick.

But if you find the deeper implications hidden in complicated metaphors like talking serpents, rising from the dead, the fires of hell, (which I can explain if you want) etc., etc., the image and likeness of God becomes more like that of a dedicated loving and benevolent Father.

Thats my God, an unknown God that many professed believers don't believe in. They prefer a capricious mean evil prick that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

I fear you misunderstand me. I don't oppose anyone's belief in a god. The god you describe sounds ok, and I honestly hope your belief gives you comfort. Frankly, I'm a bit jealous. I wish I had belief in an omnipotent god who would care for and protect me. Unfortunately, I haven't found a reason to believe that such exists. My problem appears when people demand that others adhere to their belief in their specific god, and try to force laws based solely on that belief. We all must adhere to common morality, but that is not the same as adherance to a specific religion.
I fear you misunderstand me. I don't oppose anyone's belief in a god. The god you describe sounds ok, and I honestly hope your belief gives you comfort. Frankly, I'm a bit jealous. I wish I had belief in an omnipotent god who would care for and protect me. Unfortunately, I haven't found a reason to believe that such exists. My problem appears when people demand that others adhere to their belief in their specific god, and try to force laws based solely on that belief. We all must adhere to common morality, but that is not the same as adherance to a specific religion.

This is how we all felt when you people tried to force everyone to follow your bizarre religious beliefs about magical injections that prevent covid transmission, and taxes that can change the weather.
This is how we all felt when you people tried to force everyone to follow your bizarre religious beliefs about magical injections that prevent covid transmission, and taxes that can change the weather.
Seems you have no idea what a religious belief is.

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