Why are cons ALWAYS on the wrong side of history?

Good God man. You were the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of hate, the party of organized crime, the party of rotten corrupt unions, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Now you're the party of sexual degeneracy, of race-baiting, of flag burning, and of communism. So what's all your spam supposed to serve? This is some epiphany going to make us change our ideology? All you prove here is how full of shit the American left really is. Go suck your thumb.
Good God man. You were the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of hate, the party of organized crime, the party of rotten corrupt unions, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Now you're the party of sexual degeneracy, of race-baiting, of flag burning, and of communism. So what's all your spam supposed to serve? This is some epiphany going to make us change our ideology? All you prove here is how full of shit the American left really is. Go suck your thumb.

Got it, you want to conflate parties with ideology even though conservatives/liberals have switched over severl times the last 100 years

LIBERAL they were the GOP when the PROGRESSIVES fought slavery. KKK they were the SOUTHERN conservatives, today GOP base Segregation,AGAIN the Southern base of today's GOP


5. Conservatives swept MLK and the Civil Rights movement to victory.

Back during the Civil Rights era, the preeminent conservative journal National Review stood foursquare against the Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many modern conservatives would be shocked to hear this, as they are convinced that Republican conservatives defeated the Klansmen of the Democratic Party to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and realize King’s dream.

They usually start with the Civil War, at which time Republicans really were African Americans’ better friend among the Parties, and then slide on up to the Civil Rights Act — skipping Strom Thurmond leaving the Democratic Party over segregation, Truman’s integration of the Armed Services, etc.

They point out, rightly, that a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted for the Act in both chamber. They generally don’t recall that nearly all the Democratic opponents were Southern, nor that President Lyndon Johnson, who had pushed for the Act, reflected afterward that the Democrats had “lost the South for a generation” – which turned out to be accurate, plus a decade or two, as Southerners abandoned the Democrats in consequence of their race-mixing ways.

To this day, though they are unsupported by later political developments (such as Tea Party pet Rand Paul’s criticism of the Civil Rights Act), conservatives will claim King and civil rights for themselves, and react to the continuing, massive disposition of black Americans to vote Democratic as an act of stunning ingratitude.
10 historical 8220 facts 8221 only a wingnut could believe - Salon.com
Good God man. You were the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of hate, the party of organized crime, the party of rotten corrupt unions, etc., etc., ad nauseam. Now you're the party of sexual degeneracy, of race-baiting, of flag burning, and of communism. So what's all your spam supposed to serve? This is some epiphany going to make us change our ideology? All you prove here is how full of shit the American left really is. Go suck your thumb.
You just honored a lefty.

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in own eyes.

~ Proverbs 26:5

I'm simply showing that you are an :ahole-1:, and that the left continues to be wrong continually...excuse me, I have at least another 50 pictures to put out to BURY YOUR ASS!


Got it, you can't refute FACTS and history so you go with bullshit spam. Typical right winger

All I have to do is show the TRUTH...you should try it!


CNBC has responded to Fox Business anchor Melissa Francis‘s revelation that the network “silenced” her when she questioned the merits of Obamacare.

“That’s laughable, but we take notice, because as the fastest-growing network in prime time, we’re always on the lookout for high quality comedy writers and actresses,” a CNBC representative told Page Six.

Melissa Francis:

"This, Fox Business, is the only network, and Fox News, not complicit in the campaign to keep you in the dark," she said. "Don’t trust the other guys."

"I can tell you firsthand, they are willing participants in the campaign to keep the economic truth from you," Francis concluded. "Don’t let them do it."

Just look at all the bs propaganda lol...thanks for your "opinion" lol.

OP- That's what cons do. Believe crap from the greedy idiot rich while progress continues...
Just look at all the bs propaganda lol...thanks for your "opinion" lol.

OP- That's what cons do. Believe crap from the greedy idiot rich while progress continues...

Greedy Idiot Rich.....

Elizabeth Warren is worth millions

Senator Elizabeth Warren fights for middle- and working-class Americans. But she's part of the Top 1%. Warren, the Harvard bankruptcy law professor elected to the Senate in 2012, is worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.
Just look at all the bs propaganda lol...thanks for your "opinion" lol.

OP- That's what cons do. Believe crap from the greedy idiot rich while progress continues...

Greedy Idiot Rich.....

Elizabeth Warren is worth millions

Senator Elizabeth Warren fights for middle- and working-class Americans. But she's part of the Top 1%. Warren, the Harvard bankruptcy law professor elected to the Senate in 2012, is worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.

Cool, she thinks Buffett is right too them?

"Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy." Warren Buffett
Just look at all the bs propaganda lol...thanks for your "opinion" lol.

OP- That's what cons do. Believe crap from the greedy idiot rich while progress continues...

Greedy Idiot Rich.....

Elizabeth Warren is worth millions

Senator Elizabeth Warren fights for middle- and working-class Americans. But she's part of the Top 1%. Warren, the Harvard bankruptcy law professor elected to the Senate in 2012, is worth between $3.7 million and $10 million.

Cool, she thinks Buffett is right too them?

"Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy." Warren Buffett
Because by nature, conservatives want the status quo. Change is what they fear but change is inevitable.
Which party has been on the side of the KKK and slavery since day one? Oh right, LBJ/Byrd Democrats. You still got dem niggas voting for ya the next 200 years!
"Why are cons ALWAYS on the wrong side of history?"

Because conservatives are, for the most part, reactionaries – they fear change and seek to adhere to the past; whether it's segregation sixty years ago or the rights of gay Americans today, most conservatives will always be on the wrong side of history as a consequence of that fear.
"Why are cons ALWAYS on the wrong side of history?"

Because conservatives are, for the most part, reactionaries – they fear change and seek to adhere to the past; whether it's segregation sixty years ago or the rights of gay Americans today, most conservatives will always be on the wrong side of history as a consequence of that fear.
Perfect description of today's democrats.
Which party has been on the side of the KKK and slavery since day one? Oh right, LBJ/Byrd Democrats. You still got dem niggas voting for ya the next 200 years!

PARTY? lol. No it was SOUTHERN conservatives, today's GOP base Bubba


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