Why are conservatives clueless about our Constitution?

The less the government does the better.

Unless it's essential.

Russia in the 1990s had almost no govt. People had to pay for the mafia, like 30% of what they earned, and they could still get killed by someone else's mafia.

Govt is a balance.

The US govt is totally out of balance. There are much better govts out there, like in Germany, Scandinavia etc.
There is nothing essential being proposed today.
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.

Do you believe that the USA is in the middle of a collapse, and if so, where is the data to back such a claim up?
We are not in the middle of a collapse.

We are stuck in a rut. Big difference
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.

Do you believe that the USA is in the middle of a collapse, and if so, where is the data to back such a claim up?
We are not in the middle of a collapse.

We are stuck in a rut. Big difference

You are the one who mentioned the word "collapse" first. I responded.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders

Judging by the executive orders under this administration, and President Clinton having no choice but to go face to face with Republicans and a government shut down, I'd say the later did a better job in knowing HOW to handle and deal with compromise for the betterment of the nation. Obama's attitude is one of arrogance not leadership. Even though I don't always agree with his policies, I have more of an admiration for how President Clinton came to the table to work through differences.... and I know Gingrich didn't appear to be an easy politician to handle.

Whatever happened to Obama claiming to have more of the skills to go across the aisle? Looks like if history was to be made, our nation might have been better off having a woman as president, if you had to make a choice between the two. Democrats simply just made a poor decision when it came to a nominee, there is no other way to say it. Obama simply is in over his head and doesn't have the right character nor temperament for the job.

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.

Do you believe that the USA is in the middle of a collapse, and if so, where is the data to back such a claim up?
We are not in the middle of a collapse.

We are stuck in a rut. Big difference

You are the one who mentioned the word "collapse" first. I responded.
No that was RightWhiner who used the term "collapse" first.

And if you actually read what i wrote I said that according to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse
They aren't "clueless" exactly...they just think the founders stopped writing after the 2nd Amendment...and only the 1st part of the 2nd Amendment. They pretend the "well regulated" part wasn't written.


You're aware that the definition of "well regulated" meant "disciplined"? That is where the term "Regular Army Unit" came from for British redcoats. The term also appeared in clock making (and still exists in that form today for cyclodial gearing clock makers).

Even the Supreme Court in Heller reinforced this definition.

Why are Democrats so clueless about the Constitution?

But yes, there are a lot of Neocons who don't know any of the other nine amendments, strangely, Neocons and Progressives seem to do the same things once they are in office, like RomneyObama-Care, invading and interfereing with nations 13,000 miles away on the other side of the world, and bailing out the Big Banks.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

That's a rash generalization, what makes you think that only conservatives are unwilling to compromise? Many Liberals are as stubborn and uncompromising as anyone if not more so, change is not always for the better. I think Conservatives tend to make decisions based on their personal beliefs and there's nothing wrong with that. If anything its the political party's themselves who are unwilling to compromise and many other voters simply vote for what they think their party stands for, if I recall correctly George Washington was against Partisan politics in the first place because he was afraid it would drive a wedge between us.
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The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.

Do you believe that the USA is in the middle of a collapse, and if so, where is the data to back such a claim up?

I don't think anyone believes that the US is in the middle of a collapse. The FOUNDATION for a collapse has been laid however. The national debt is skyrocketing ever upward, and no country has ever survived in that state. Either they paid it off or they collapsed. Those are the two options. Currently the US has the ability to pay it down. However, if measures are not taken to reign it in then the inevitable will occur.
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.

Do you believe that the USA is in the middle of a collapse, and if so, where is the data to back such a claim up?

I don't think anyone believes that the US is in the middle of a collapse. The FOUNDATION for a collapse has been laid however. The national debt is skyrocketing ever upward, and no country has ever survived in that state. Either they paid it off or they collapsed. Those are the two options. Currently the US has the ability to pay it down. However, if measures are not taken to reign it in then the inevitable will occur.

That was some good food for thought and I am mostly in agreement with the statement.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

That's a rash generalization, what makes you think that only conservatives are unwilling to compromise? Many Liberals are as stubborn and uncompromising as anyone if not more so, change is not always for the better. I think Conservatives tend to make decisions based on their personal beliefs and there's nothing wrong with that. If anything its the political party's themselves who are unwilling to compromise and many other voters simply vote for what they think their party stands for, if I recall correctly George Washington was against Partisan politics in the first place because he was afraid it would drive a wedge between us.

Indeed, according to the history of our first President and his own writings, he himself was decidely non-partisan and strongly against the formation of political parties. But even as early as 1800, they had formed.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

Why doesn't the Dems compromise? Every time I hear someone whining about compromise it's the Dems whining about the Repubs not compromising.
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.
We saw what happened in 2008 when Bush just let the economy......"work itself out". He turned a cyclical recession into an economic collapse
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
I didn't nor did I miss the part where the Democrats predicted doom and gloom over them and wanted to make the impact of them worse than they actually were so they could blame Republicans for them.
Was sequester a massive spending cut or not?
Yes they were cuts put in place by the so called bipartisan super committee that were only supposed to go into effect if Congress did not reach a budget deal by a specific date. These cuts did happen but they were never intended to there purpose was to force both sides to reach a deal so they wouldn't happen.
Another fine example of an inability to compromise
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

We are not trying to write a Constitution are we?

Do you really believe that the mere passing of legislation is the answer to everything?

Sometimes doing nothing is the best remedy.

Yes I do

Especially when we are in the midst of the worst economic collapse in 75 years. Republicans choosing to do "nothing" is not a solution
According to Obama we are not in the midst of a collapse and everything is better.

But let me get this straight. According to you the more legislation we pass and the more expense we incur to implement and enforce all that mew legislation the better off we will be?

That's like telling someone buying shit will make his life better.
We saw what happened in 2008 when Bush just let the economy......"work itself out". He turned a cyclical recession into an economic collapse
And what makes you think more legislation will make the economy better?
Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
I didn't nor did I miss the part where the Democrats predicted doom and gloom over them and wanted to make the impact of them worse than they actually were so they could blame Republicans for them.
Was sequester a massive spending cut or not?
Yes they were cuts put in place by the so called bipartisan super committee that were only supposed to go into effect if Congress did not reach a budget deal by a specific date. These cuts did happen but they were never intended to there purpose was to force both sides to reach a deal so they wouldn't happen.
Another fine example of an inability to compromise

Another fine post of a far left hack who does not understand the Constitution either.

However what do you expect from these far left drones that follow the most unconstitutional president in history.
The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?

How many bills has Harry Reid not allowed to come to the floor? It works BOTH ways dude, and to claim that it is purely the fault of the Repubs in Congress is simply retarded. Until both sides get rid of the dead weight in their collective parties this is what the result will be.

When one side claims it is entirely the other party's fault you destroy whatever goodwill you might have generated and further you remove yourself from the list of reasonable people that both sides can look to for reasoned observations. You merely become yet another partisan hack with nothing to contribute but hysterical finger pointing.
Why on earth does every single bill that is debated in Congress have to be passed via compromise?

Most of the stuff politicians do is pure bullshit we certainly don't need more of that.

I want to know just what do you think passing more laws would accomplish.

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