Why are conservatives clueless about our Constitution?

Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Lies and ignorant nonsense.

If the American people were SO in favor of Obamacare, and were whole heartedly in full support of the Democrats, why DID liberals lose their hold of the House and Nancy Pelosi her position as speaker?
It appears the DNC is cranking out talking point emails to the operatives today.
What, little KKK boytoy, Slow day at Stormfront, eh?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
If it wasn't for accusing your critics of racism, what would you use to argue with?
Isn't it telling that when one disagrees with Obama's policies they are racist but when one makes actual racist comments about West they are just political comments?
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise
You mean like Harry Reid refusing to bring up bills passed by a Republican led House

Where's your condemnation of his refusal to compromise?

Lets see if I can strike out the side

Will Republicans support ending their filibuster of Democratic bills if Reid allows their bills to come to a vote?
Simple compromise...Yes or No?

NO. I have no interest in compromising with Democrats. Defeating Democrats is the only thing I'm interested in.
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
I didn't nor did I miss the part where the Democrats predicted doom and gloom over them and wanted to make the impact of them worse than they actually were so they could blame Republicans for them.
It appears the DNC is cranking out talking point emails to the operatives today.
What, little KKK boytoy, Slow day at Stormfront, eh?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
If it wasn't for accusing your critics of racism, what would you use to argue with?
Isn't it telling that when one disagrees with Obama's policies they are racist but when one makes actual racist comments about West they are just political comments?

I stopped marveling at the hypocrisy of liberals a long time ago.
You mean like Harry Reid refusing to bring up bills passed by a Republican led House

Where's your condemnation of his refusal to compromise?

Lets see if I can strike out the side

Will Republicans support ending their filibuster of Democratic bills if Reid allows their bills to come to a vote?
Simple compromise...Yes or No?
WHen was the last republican filibuster?

Still waiting.....simple question

Will Republicans support ending their filibuster of Democratic bills if Reid allows their bills to come to a vote?

Don't hide behind filibuster/cloture games
You willing to compromise or not?
Simple compromise...Yes or No?
How the fuck would I know what the republicans would do?

Do you know?

And as I said before I am more than happy with government gridlock.

It seems to me that's how the system was designed so as to at least attempt to keep the corrupt politicians and parties in check

Here we have an honest man

Admitting that conservatives want nothing to do with compromise....they want Gridlock

Anyone else willing to admit?

I think several posters have already said as much.
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
What I agree with is to lower the debt you will have to raise taxes and cut spending I also know both sides will never do that.

When has any tax increase ever lowered the deficit? For every $1.00 increase in taxes
Congress always increases spending by $3.00.
There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
What I agree with is to lower the debt you will have to raise taxes and cut spending I also know both sides will never do that.

When has any tax increase ever lowered the deficit? For every $1.00 increase in taxes
Congress always increases spending by $3.00.
I know that's why I said it has to be both and that they will never do it.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.
Conservatives have initiated a mandate that if they don't get to call the shots....then nobody has

They have fractured their own party where even Republicans cannot agree or compromise
They have raised the stakes to the Government as a whole that they prefer nothing be done at all than something that may help the other side
Harry Reid is a conservative? Who knew?
Reid is perfectly willing to compromise

Republicans have intitiated 100% filibuster on all bills. 60 votes or the bill goes nowhere. If Republicans are willing to allow Democratic bills to come to the floor with less than 60 votes, then Reid will allow Republican bills to come up for a vote

What say you Republicans? Are you willing to compromise with Reid?

Prove i
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Lies and ignorant nonsense.

Clayton are you retarded?

Rammed through on a technicality and still more than 50% detest it.
think you are going to get a reply......Jones dont do questions.....

Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

Is that around the time of the lobbyist?
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
The Dems didn't agree to the sequester they were forced into it and it never turned out to be the disaster they said it would now did it
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise
"We've got the votes. Fuck 'em." -Rahm Emanuel, Obama Chief of Staff.

Tell us all about compromise, genius.

They're also the same one who constantly say "We won, get over it".
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

Do you have any evidence what so ever of Democrats being willing to compromise, on anything?

Lets see?

The Stimulus that was loaded with tax cuts
Obamacare which abandoned universal coverage and a public option
The Bush tax cuts that were preserved for thosee making under $400,000

Yeah democrats have mastered compromisin with themselves.

Don't confuse compromising with Democrats bending over, grabbing their ankles, and taking one from Obama.
There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
I didn't nor did I miss the part where the Democrats predicted doom and gloom over them and wanted to make the impact of them worse than they actually were so they could blame Republicans for them.
Was sequester a massive spending cut or not?
If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
I didn't nor did I miss the part where the Democrats predicted doom and gloom over them and wanted to make the impact of them worse than they actually were so they could blame Republicans for them.
Was sequester a massive spending cut or not?
No it wasn't.

All it was was a decrease in the planned spending increases.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill
The Constitution itself was a great compromise. Nobody got their way. Congress itself was a compromise in creating two houses

Our political structure, as it exists today, would be incapable of drafting a Constitution

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