Why are conservatives clueless about our Constitution?

Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....
I will give you this if you will give me that
This is a fundamentally false assumption.

The truth is, the founders designed the Constitution so that no laws would be passed unless three different groups, with three different sets of interests and loyalties, all agreed that it was needed. If even one group didn't want it, it was discarded.

The three groups were:

1.) Citizen-legislators who were loyal to their communities, and who would serve only briefly before going back to their real lives (House);
2.) Professional politicians appointed by their states whose loyalties were to see that states maintained power and the Federal government remained limited (Senate);
3.) A citizen of high character and integrity who had no legislative power but could stop laws he thought were wrong or unnecessary (President).

The reason the founders designed it that way, was because they assumed that free men pretty much didn't need laws to live and prosper. Only laws that were obvious (laws forbidding murder, assault, fraud, theft etc.; laws mandating standards for measurement, money etc.) would be passed. In all other matters, men were free to do what they wanted, and it was up to them to figure out how best to prosper and provide for themselves, their families, and their communities, as long as they didn't venture into the realm of those obvious laws.

The basic assumption the Founders made, was that laws were necessary evils that took away freedom and inhibited people from using their better judgment; and that only laws that EVERYONE thought were necessary, should be passed. Which were relatively few.
The idea of compromise, goes directly AGAINST that basic assumption, and in fact is destructive. It causes people to make laws that some of them disagree with: Laws the founders knew should NOT be imposed upon a free people.

The founders deliberately set up a government that had great difficulty in passing laws. If one group didn't like the law, it was toast.

And that's a good thing.

Only people who are willing to ignore the bad effects of laws (they override the better judgment of the people who are there on the spot and working for their families' and communities' own good), could possibly think that the kind of compromise the OP mentions is desirable. They are our chronic big-government addicts, who believe that a remote, detached, bureaucratic government can somehow make better decisions that the people directly involved who must live with the consequences of those decisions.

The obvious laws I described, produce far more benefit than harm. No compromise is needed to see that they should be passed.

Laws that require compromise, usually do more harm than good, and should NOT be passed. That's why the Founders designed such a cranky, cantankerous government,that has three ways to stop a law but only one way to pass it.

If a law is proposed that most of an entire group of legislators think are bad, we are probably better off without it.

This, of course, flies in the face of the big-govt addicts who think government is wiser than free citizens and more and more restrictions are good. They are wrong on both counts.

The "you vote for my law even if you don't like it, and I will vote for yours later even if I don't like that" attitude, is exactly what the founders wanted to avoid. And for good reason.
Reid did NOT EVEN send the bills to committee, he shit canned there was no vote possible. What part of that do you not grasp? There was no chance for a vote as Reid refused to even send them to committee.

Swing and a miss

Why can't you answer a simple question?

Republican bills do not have 60 votes to end cloture. If Reid sends Republican bills to a vote, do you support the COMPROMISE of sending Democratic bills for a vote
Look you RETARD THE REPUBLICAN BILLS NEVER LEFT REIDS IN BASKET EXCEPT TO GO TO THE TRASH, THEY WERE NOT EVEN SENT TO COMMITTEE SO THERE NEVER COULD BE A VOTE. What part of that escapes your pea brain? Reid sent the bills to the trash can he never SUBMITTED them to the Senate at all.

The one that swung and missed is you you fucking idiot.

Swing and a Miss...STRIKE TWO!

Committee? I have already offered bring them to the floor for debate and bring up for a vote

If Reid does that.....Do you support allowing the same for Democratic supported bills in the Senate?

Why is it like pulling teeth to get you guys to COMPROMISE?

First- Reid has to send them to certain committees.
Bills passed by the House and the Senate must be sent to their respective committee's, then passed by the certain committee's before they can be brought up on the Senate or House Floor to be debated and then voted on.
Senator Reid has not allowed the house bills to even go to any of the committee's so they can't be voted on period.

Why is it difficult for you to answer a simple question?

Hell with committees, Hell with debate

If Reid allowed those bills to go for a VOTE.....would Republicans agree to allow Democrat bills to go for a vote without 60 vote cloture?

Yes or No?

Our Government is not suppose to a party of only majority rules especially in our Senate.
The Senate is desiged for equal reprentation.
Historically, if the minority objects, Senate rules dictate that a supermajority vote of two-thirds is first needed to cut off debate, before a simple majority vote can change the rules of the Senate. This requirement was established to protect the rights of the minority in the Senate, just as our Constitution was established to protect the rights of a single individual.
Americans' Top Critique of GOP: "Unwilling to Compromise"

poor seabytch, we dont believe in her life style so we are unwilling to compromise. We are all the compromising fags? you fags dont compromise on anything.
So much hate, so much loathing, so much NLT stupidity.

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Shuudup faggot
Try to make me, little deep throating buddy.

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Another example of Republican refusal to compromise

Ten-to-one isn 8217 t good enough for the GOP Political Animal The Washington Monthly

I’m going to ask a question to everyone here on the stage. Say you had a deal, a real spending cuts deal, 10-to-1, as Byron said, spending cuts to tax increases…. Who on this stage would walk away from that deal? Can you raise your hand if you feel so strongly about not raising taxes, you’d walk away on the 10-to-1 deal?”
All eight candidates raised their hand. Literally all of them, if offered a debt-reduction deal that’s 10-to-1 in their favor, would simply refuse.
And yet, as of last night, every Republican running for president believes a 10-to-1 ratio simply isn’t good enough. What’s more, as the video shows, the crowd of Iowa Republicans roared with approval.

Like I stated earlier, the left has gotten what they wanted for decades. And now that the right finally says "enough", we get hounded for not compromising.

I'll make you a deal. First, you guys start compromising back, then we can talk.


Here's my idea of a compromise: cut the budget by $250 billion instead of $500 billion
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
What I agree with is to lower the debt you will have to raise taxes and cut spending I also know both sides will never do that.
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?
The Republicans agreed to Obama's demands on sequester talks and then Obama demanded more torpedoing them.
Look, man. When the Supreme Court overturns a state law which violates the equal protection of the laws, the judges are a bunch of activist bastards ignoring states rights and the will of the people.

When the Supreme Court overturns a state law which bans guns, they are the guardians of our freedumz. The states can't just go and violate the Constitution like that, man.

It really isn't that complicated. You just gotta compartmentalize your brain, see, and don't ever ever EVER let any thoughts cross between those compartments or your brain will asplode from cognitive dissonance.
Another example of Conservatives refusing to compromise is the Grover Norquist "No new taxes" pledge

100% adherence or else there is a political price to pay

Bring the country to war? No new taxes
National disaster? No new taxes
Balance the budget? Do it with no new taxes

Zero room for compromise no matter how important it is to the American people

There is nothing more important than controlling the debt.


A financial collapse means the end of the United States.

If thats the case, why not attack debt at both ends?

Spending cuts AND Tax increases?
I agree with that and go a bit farther by not limiting the tax increases to the so called 1 percent it would be everyone getting hit to some degree and having nothing off limits in regards to spending cuts.

Why would you agree with more tax increases? When have Democrats ever agreed to actual spending cuts? Let them vote on spending cuts first.
You missed that whole sequester thing didn't you?

We know you missed and relied on far left propaganda sites to tell you how to think on it.
Obama has a phone and a pen and according to Biden Obama has a big stick...
When Michelle and Valerie Jarrett was asked to confirm they both blushed.
Well one of them anyway.

Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Lies and ignorant nonsense.
Conservatives have initiated a mandate that if they don't get to call the shots....then nobody has

They have fractured their own party where even Republicans cannot agree or compromise
They have raised the stakes to the Government as a whole that they prefer nothing be done at all than something that may help the other side
Harry Reid is a conservative? Who knew?
Reid is perfectly willing to compromise

Republicans have intitiated 100% filibuster on all bills. 60 votes or the bill goes nowhere. If Republicans are willing to allow Democratic bills to come to the floor with less than 60 votes, then Reid will allow Republican bills to come up for a vote

What say you Republicans? Are you willing to compromise with Reid?

Prove i
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Lies and ignorant nonsense.

Clayton are you retarded?

Rammed through on a technicality and still more than 50% detest it.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I am not a conservative but must respond to your asinine comment :

Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....
I will give you this if you will give me that
This is a fundamentally false assumption.

The truth is, the founders designed the Constitution so that no laws would be passed unless three different groups, with three different sets of interests and loyalties, all agreed that it was needed. If even one group didn't want it, it was discarded.

The three groups were:

1.) Citizen-legislators who were loyal to their communities, and who would serve only briefly before going back to their real lives (House);
2.) Professional politicians appointed by their states whose loyalties were to see that states maintained power and the Federal government remained limited (Senate);
3.) A citizen of high character and integrity who had no legislative power but could stop laws he thought were wrong or unnecessary (President).

The reason the founders designed it that way, was because they assumed that free men pretty much didn't need laws to live and prosper. Only laws that were obvious (laws forbidding murder, assault, fraud, theft etc.; laws mandating standards for measurement, money etc.) would be passed. In all other matters, men were free to do what they wanted, and it was up to them to figure out how best to prosper and provide for themselves, their families, and their communities, as long as they didn't venture into the realm of those obvious laws.

The basic assumption the Founders made, was that laws were necessary evils that took away freedom and inhibited people from using their better judgment; and that only laws that EVERYONE thought were necessary, should be passed. Which were relatively few.
The idea of compromise, goes directly AGAINST that basic assumption, and in fact is destructive. It causes people to make laws that some of them disagree with: Laws the founders knew should NOT be imposed upon a free people.

The founders deliberately set up a government that had great difficulty in passing laws. If one group didn't like the law, it was toast.

And that's a good thing.

Only people who are willing to ignore the bad effects of laws (they override the better judgment of the people who are there on the spot and working for their families' and communities' own good), could possibly think that the kind of compromise the OP mentions is desirable. They are our chronic big-government addicts, who believe that a remote, detached, bureaucratic government can somehow make better decisions that the people directly involved who must live with the consequences of those decisions.

The obvious laws I described, produce far more benefit than harm. No compromise is needed to see that they should be passed.

Laws that require compromise, usually do more harm than good, and should NOT be passed. That's why the Founders designed such a cranky, cantankerous government,that has three ways to stop a law but only one way to pass it.

If a law is proposed that most of an entire group of legislators think are bad, we are probably better off without it.

This, of course, flies in the face of the big-govt addicts who think government is wiser than free citizens and more and more restrictions are good. They are wrong on both counts.

The "you vote for my law even if you don't like it, and I will vote for yours later even if I don't like that" attitude, is exactly what the founders wanted to avoid. And for good reason.
This is ridiculous, unsubstantiated fabrication and nonsense.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I'm sure liberals led by example by wasting months bogging down the House, and preventing these representatives from talking to their constituents, over a health care mandate the American people didn't want.

Never had the phrase "my way or the highway" meant more than through the actions of democrats and this administration.
Lies and ignorant nonsense.

That about sums up the far left, so why do you vote far left in every election?

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