Why are conservatives clueless about our Constitution?

Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

Why doesn't the Dems compromise? Every time I hear someone whining about compromise it's the Dems whining about the Repubs not compromising.
"Why doesn't the Dems..."

How is 2nd Grade working out for you?

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Let's face it, the majority of the far-right are not that bright. There only understanding of the Constitution is what Fox news spoon feeds them.
Reid is perfectly willing to compromise

Republicans have intitiated 100% filibuster on all bills. 60 votes or the bill goes nowhere. If Republicans are willing to allow Democratic bills to come to the floor with less than 60 votes, then Reid will allow Republican bills to come up for a vote

What say you Republicans? Are you willing to compromise with Reid?
Bullshit. Every word.
You need to get out more, Nutsucker. The voices are getting to you.
How bout it Rabbi?

If Reid sends EVERY Republican bill to the floor for a vote, are you willing to have EVERY Democratic bill come up for a vote?

Simple yes or no will suffice

I suspect it is time for the Rabbi shuffle though

As expected...Rabbi runs away

How bout you other Conservatives?
Are you willing to let Democratic bills come up for a vote if Reid allows Republican bills to come up for a vote?

Its called compromise
If you made some kind of point based on reality it might be worth discussing.
But Reid has blocked discussion of many many bills passed by the House. When he starts bringing them to a vote let me know.

As usual, Rabbi runs away

A simple yes or no is beyond his understanding.

Lets see if we can make it simple for poor Rabbi. You need 60 votes just to bring a bill up for a vote. Republicans don't have 60 votes
If Reid agrees to wave the 60 vote requirement....do you support Republicans doing the same for Democratic bills?

Yes or No?

Not according to the constitution. All you need is a simple majority. Which would be 51 votes to pass a bill.

The only reason why 60 votes are needed is because the republican filibuster almost all bills.

The only way to wave that 60 vote requirement is for the filibuster to be removed or to put 60 democratic senators in the senate and all of them to vote to close the filibuster.

The republicans have effectively removed democracy from our senate. They've been doing it ever since they lost the majority in the senate.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise
You mean like Harry Reid refusing to bring up bills passed by a Republican led House

Where's your condemnation of his refusal to compromise?

Lets see if I can strike out the side

Will Republicans support ending their filibuster of Democratic bills if Reid allows their bills to come to a vote?
Simple compromise...Yes or No?
WHen was the last republican filibuster?

Still waiting.....simple question

Will Republicans support ending their filibuster of Democratic bills if Reid allows their bills to come to a vote?

Don't hide behind filibuster/cloture games
You willing to compromise or not?
Simple compromise...Yes or No?

No they don't support that.

If they did they would have said so. Instead they ignored your question and posted about something else.

Of course they don't compromise. They hate compromise which is why they won't do it.

You're wasting your time. You've already gotten your answer.
The Constitution built a government with multiple checks and balances. It was MADE to be confrontational and they wanted it to be extremely difficult to pass laws. They realized that government will feed itself and grant itself as much power as it can grab. They worked very hard to set up a system where that would be difficult. And it worked for about 100 years. Then the corruptocrats began their work, and we see the result now.

You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Let's face it, the majority of the far-right are not that bright. There only understanding of the Constitution is what Fox news spoon feeds them.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: For the oh so superior hazl, it's spelled "their" Moron.
You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?

How many bills has Harry Reid not allowed to come to the floor? It works BOTH ways dude, and to claim that it is purely the fault of the Repubs in Congress is simply retarded. Until both sides get rid of the dead weight in their collective parties this is what the result will be.

When one side claims it is entirely the other party's fault you destroy whatever goodwill you might have generated and further you remove yourself from the list of reasonable people that both sides can look to for reasoned observations. You merely become yet another partisan hack with nothing to contribute but hysterical finger pointing.
Name a single bill that has had the 60 votes needed to bring it to the Senate floor
That is the standard Republicans have set. Why would you expect it to be waived for Republicans?
You bring up checks and balances but ignore how those checks and balances are resolved

They are resolved by COMPROMISE.
The President will advocate legislation but must compromise with Congress to get that legislation passed
Congress may pass legislation but must compromise to avoid a presidential veto

Unlike what our board conservatives are preaching....GRIDLOCK was not the intent of our founders
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Hell yes I admit it
House bills with poison pills go nowhere.
Offer to let some of Reid's bills proceed for a vote and see what happens
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?

How many bills has Harry Reid not allowed to come to the floor? It works BOTH ways dude, and to claim that it is purely the fault of the Repubs in Congress is simply retarded. Until both sides get rid of the dead weight in their collective parties this is what the result will be.

When one side claims it is entirely the other party's fault you destroy whatever goodwill you might have generated and further you remove yourself from the list of reasonable people that both sides can look to for reasoned observations. You merely become yet another partisan hack with nothing to contribute but hysterical finger pointing.
Name a single bill that has had the 60 votes needed to bring it to the Senate floor
That is the standard Republicans have set. Why would you expect it to be waived for Republicans?

Um, I believe it was dear old Harry that set that standard and it doesn't matter if he doesn't allow the Bills the chance to be voted on now does it? You claim that it's all Repub obstruction yet here is a clear case of Reid doing it and you trot out this lame excuse? Pulease.
Not according to the constitution. All you need is a simple majority. Which would be 51 votes to pass a bill.
The Constitution doesn't even say that. It just talks about the Senate (and House) passing something. It leaves it up to each body, to decide what "passing" is.

The Senate could pass an internal law ("Senate Rules") saying that a 1/3 minority voting for passage, is sufficient to pass a bill. Then if 34 Senators vote to pass the next bill, it is passed.

They have chosen not to do that.

But they HAVE chosen to have filibusters. If you don't like it, write your Senators and ask them to change those Senate Rules. They have been changed a number of times in history, including the part about filibusters. They can change them again if they want to.

Good luck with that.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise
that's moronic. tell Miguel Estrada about Dems willingness to compromise.

and the way you leftwing screwballs piss on the constitution, its rich listening to this tripe

What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?

How many bills has Harry Reid not allowed to come to the floor? It works BOTH ways dude, and to claim that it is purely the fault of the Repubs in Congress is simply retarded. Until both sides get rid of the dead weight in their collective parties this is what the result will be.

When one side claims it is entirely the other party's fault you destroy whatever goodwill you might have generated and further you remove yourself from the list of reasonable people that both sides can look to for reasoned observations. You merely become yet another partisan hack with nothing to contribute but hysterical finger pointing.
Name a single bill that has had the 60 votes needed to bring it to the Senate floor
That is the standard Republicans have set. Why would you expect it to be waived for Republicans?

Um, I believe it was dear old Harry that set that standard and it doesn't matter if he doesn't allow the Bills the chance to be voted on now does it? You claim that it's all Repub obstruction yet here is a clear case of Reid doing it and you trot out this lame excuse? Pulease.

Look ...you can't have it both ways

If it takes 60 votes in the Senate to get a bill to the floor, it applies to Republicans too

You want COMPROMISE? Offer to allow Democratic bills to come to the floor
Let's face it, the majority of the far-right are not that bright. There only understanding of the Constitution is what Fox news spoon feeds them.

most members of the far right (whatever that means in the mind of a leftwing Obama slurper such as you) are much smarter than Obama fluffers who depend on government to feed and clothe them
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Hell yes I admit it
House bills with poison pills go nowhere.
Offer to let some of Reid's bills proceed for a vote and see what happens
The senate bills did get voted on in the House. You see the house did its jon as opposed to obstruction and idiocy by the Senate.

What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Hell yes I admit it
House bills with poison pills go nowhere.
Offer to let some of Reid's bills proceed for a vote and see what happens
The senate bills did get voted on in the House. You see the house did its jon as opposed to obstruction and idiocy by the Senate.
Now you are just making shit up
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Hell yes I admit it
House bills with poison pills go nowhere.
Offer to let some of Reid's bills proceed for a vote and see what happens
The senate bills did get voted on in the House. You see the house did its jon as opposed to obstruction and idiocy by the Senate.
Now you are just making shit up
Remind us of all the stories of the House shit canning Senate bills.
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?

How many bills has Harry Reid not allowed to come to the floor? It works BOTH ways dude, and to claim that it is purely the fault of the Repubs in Congress is simply retarded. Until both sides get rid of the dead weight in their collective parties this is what the result will be.

When one side claims it is entirely the other party's fault you destroy whatever goodwill you might have generated and further you remove yourself from the list of reasonable people that both sides can look to for reasoned observations. You merely become yet another partisan hack with nothing to contribute but hysterical finger pointing.
Name a single bill that has had the 60 votes needed to bring it to the Senate floor
That is the standard Republicans have set. Why would you expect it to be waived for Republicans?

Um, I believe it was dear old Harry that set that standard and it doesn't matter if he doesn't allow the Bills the chance to be voted on now does it? You claim that it's all Repub obstruction yet here is a clear case of Reid doing it and you trot out this lame excuse? Pulease.

Look ...you can't have it both ways

If it takes 60 votes in the Senate to get a bill to the floor, it applies to Republicans too

You want COMPROMISE? Offer to allow Democratic bills to come to the floor

Harry Reid is Der Fuhrer of the Senate. HE sets the rules. HE is a Democrat. I should know, I voted for him before he became a corrupt son of a bitch.
Conservatives wrap themselves in the Constitution and act like they are the only ones concerned with the founders principles in crafting this great document

The key component of our Constitution that Conservatives have declared war on is the idea of compromise. Our founders created a form of governent that was built on the assumption that there would be compromise. Congressmen and Senators must compromise with each other to craft a bill and get it passed....

I will give you this if you will give me that

That is how our government has functioned for hundreds of years. Instead, Conservatives have instituted a policy of....If I don't get my way, nothing will get done

That attitude is an insult to our founders who formed our very government out of compromise

I think Obama is guilty of this. I have a pen and a phone or something like that.
gridlock is exactly what the framers wanted when there was not a sufficient consensus to pass a bill


What happens when there is insufficient consensus to pass a bill? The bill is amended, parts are taken out, new passages are added. Tradeoffs are made......I will give you this if you will give me that

Our Constitutional process is built on COMPROMISE and has been destroyed by conservatives
Once again for the slow and painfully STUPID.... it was not the Republican House that refused to even send to committee hundreds of bills from the Senate.
How many of those bills had any Democratic input? It does help if you want legislation to have a prayer in the Democratic Senate. As it worked out....they were DOA

How many kill Obamacare bills do you have to pass before you realize they don't have a prayer?
So you ADMIT unless the dems get what they want they are not interested. The way our Government actually works is a bill moves from one house to the other, is taken in committee where changes are made to conform to the desires of that body, it is voted on and if passed sent back to the original house for conference where, GASP, compromise occurs between the two houses. The House did just that with bills out of the Dem Senate meanwhile Reid just shitcanned hundreds of House bills.
Hell yes I admit it
House bills with poison pills go nowhere.
Offer to let some of Reid's bills proceed for a vote and see what happens

"Poison pill" is just another way of saying the Dims aren't willing to compromise.

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