Why are conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decline, and what can be done to encourage embracing social/political reality?


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
I guess Antifa not taking over entire blocks of the city as the police are defunded into oblivion would help dispel your little narrative.


Seattleites remain pessimistic about overall quality of life, with a recent survey indicating that 67% have actively considered moving out of the city due to affordability, public safety and other issues.
Well, I think the question is whether they believe the bitter falsehoods they broadcast, or whether the behavior is more consciously deceptive.

Did you read the piece about triggering and conservatives?
That is from Salon; a known Left-leaning propaganda spreader of disinformation!

Conscious deception and broad-brush falsehoods coming from regressive sociopaths such as yourself.
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Seattleites remain pessimistic about overall quality of life, with a recent survey indicating that 67% have actively considered moving out of the city due to affordability, public safety and other issues.
Not just Seattle. Has spread up and down the Puget urban and suburban corridor from about Olympia to the Canadian border.

Buying into the expensive Seattle housing market has been a daunting proposition for many years, but, when mortgage interest rates were down in the 2% to 3% range, a person could take a deep breath and boldly leap into debt. Not so much today.

The COVID-19 pandemic drove up inflation to scary levels and the Federal Reserve responded by jacking up interest rates well past 7%. As a result, fewer home buyers could afford to buy and fewer sellers were motivated to sell, knowing they’d be taking on that high interest burden on their next home.

Right now, the Seattle-area market is running cold. The number of houses with “for sale” signs in the yard has taken a major dip, even as prices continue to rise. The median single-family home in King County sold for $885,500 in November, an increase of 7% from a year earlier, while new listings were down by 11% in the same time period.

BTW, Horsey isn't fully on target here. The FED is only a small part of the equation. Market prices driven by regressive Left-leaning policies and Guv'mint in the city to state realm is the main cause of the PNW becoming unaffordable for any other than the upper-upper-"middle class" and above.
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That's correct.

I toured alleged trouble spots, and found nothing but positivity.

Great city, like so many other Blue gems in the US. :)

Why do you think you're so invested in falsely claiming otherwise?
Bullshit !!!

Try living here in the PNW for a year or more.
Start with buying a home (not renting a condo) in the greater Seattle Metro area.
Get back to me/us then.

I've lived in the PNW and so have my family for decades (70+ years for me). This area is unreasonably expensive compared to the rest of the nation and much is due to the regressive and Leftist politics and leadership that is trashing the affordability and livability of this area. Especially for the under forty generation and new families.
That's correct.

I toured alleged trouble spots, and found nothing but positivity.

Great city, like so many other Blue gems in the US. :)

Why do you think you're so invested in falsely claiming otherwise?
You are full of crap!
One only needs to start by driving I-5 through the heart of Seattle, North or South bound, to see the homeless encampments along the edges of that interstate freeway in the core of the city.

PM me next time you are in this area and I'll give you the real tour of our area/city and drop you off some place "real safe" and full of "positivity" about midnight and leave you there until dawn. ;):cool::muahaha:
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
“Why are conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decline…”

Because conservatives are for the most part dishonest and liars.

“…what can be done to encourage embracing social/political reality?”

Confronting conservatives with their dishonesty and lies.
Well, I think the question is whether they believe the bitter falsehoods they broadcast, or whether the behavior is more consciously deceptive.

Did you read the piece about triggering and conservatives?
we have homeless and drugs, crime and violence in new orleans as well, but so do the white flight parishes and "up state" as well.

now we need to take a look at the actual border .....
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
so you visited there and that makes you an expert on the city?.....did you go to the poor side of town in that visit?.........what about the quality of life there?.....so the rich are going good,what about everyone else?...
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?

Cities in America are undergoing gentrification. Those conservatives kids are living in apartments in those gentrified areas, while going to college, and after for easier commutes to their jobs, where public transportation is available, and bicycle, and EV commutes are more affordable.

You know where those kids aren't going?

Back to the rural country, where there is no opportunity, or availability. Those areas are exclusively relegated to the tired old bastard society. And kids today don't give a rats ass about hunting, fishing, or farming. And as the tired old bastards die off, their land is being sold to developers, when the kids inherit it.
so you visited there and that makes you an expert on the city?.....did you go to the poor side of town in that visit?.........what about the quality of life there?.....so the rich are going good,what about everyone else?...

Cities in America are undergoing gentrification. Those conservatives kids are living in apartments in those gentrified areas, while going to college, and after for easier commutes to their jobs, where public transportation is available, and bicycle, and EV commutes are more affordable.

You know where those kids aren't going?

Back to the rural country, where there is no opportunity, or availability. Those areas are exclusively relegated to the tired old bastard society. And kids today don't give a rats ass about hunting, fishing, or farming. And as the tired old bastards die off, their land is being sold to developers, when the kids inherit it.
MinTrut maybe these ubiquitous stories are a propaganda effort to repopulate the small towns? plenty of out capitalists own factory towns where the only job is theirs and they own the mayor and police.

industries like agricultire and

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