Why are conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decline, and what can be done to encourage embracing social/political reality?

Right those cities are nirvana in the same way the Southern border is secure. I have no doubt there are good things in these cities but there is also a lot of bad to pretend like it’s all one or the other is silly.
every city seems to have their poorer crime ridden section....
Conservatives are obsessed with false narratives, including false claims of rising crime as part of their myth of Blue city urban decay and chaos.

For example, Memphis has FIVE times the PC murder rate of Seattle, with Seattle crime dropping overall to the lowest level in nearly a decade.

Why do conservatives insist on false and misleading claims of Blue city decay - including but not limited to crime - while ignoring MUCH more serious issues in Red areas?
You seem to be relying very heavily on your false narrative.
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
Great, next tell us about San Fran.
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
Looks like wealthy elite liberals are avoiding the City as well…. Otherwise, you would not give a flying fuck as to what Conservatives do or think. Are you saying Democrats and liberals listen to the narrative of Conservatives? Show some empirical evidence.
Crime in Seattle is down to levels of the prior decade - why do you think you and other conservatives believe otherwise about Seattle and other safe, vibrant, beautiful Blue cities?

I find it bizarre, and no one on the right has provided an answer.

Let's move beyond debunked conservative claims of Seattle being a "shithole," and move on to why these false claims were/are made in so many instances.

According to the police department in Seattle you are wrong. Crime up over 4%, violent at a 15 year high, but you believe the spin, it seems to work for you. It’s a lie but you have nothing else.
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?
Is it true that street bums poop on the sidewalk in cities like San Francisco and Seattle?
Detroit used to be the 2nd wealthiest and most happening city in the nation, after NYC.
They didn't innovate, Japan won.

But lowest murder rate there in SIXTY YEARS.

Great news, right?

Why do you think conservatives embrace false narratives of decay and chaos?
Detroit was the 6th largest economy in the world
The US automotive industry fossilized itself. :dunno:

Back to topic, why do you think conservatives embrace false/alarming/disturbing narratives of urban decay and chaos?
For instance, Amazon left Seattle a year ago. Microsoft left in 2022.
Seattle is VERY expensive, as noted, and workplace organization in a state of flux.

Did you have a contribution to the topic of conservatives embracing false narratives?
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I go everywhere.

Cities are shitholes.

They may keep the downtown nice looking...but right behind that facade is a virtual open sewer of dilapidation and crime.
So kind of like an impoverished Red state?

Did you have any thoughts on the topic of conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decay/chaos?
Breaking news today, Washington DC crime out of control, dozens of businesses closed, violent crime up 39% since 2022. MinTrut's propaganda thread just got bitch slapped.
DC is an outlier to the dropping urban crime trend, yes.

Thanks for bringing this up. :)

You do understand that exceptions to trends occur, yes?
They didn't innovate, Japan won.
They were also run into the ground by leftist rule locally and by idiotic federal meddling, viz. bullshit like CAFE standards.
But lowest murder rate there in SIXTY YEARS.

Great news, right?

Why do you think conservatives embrace false narratives of decay and chaos?
An outlier year is an outlier....And lets just ignore those blocks upon blocks upon blocks of abandoned houses and empty lots, and the total ghetto most of the city is....


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