Why are conservatives so against alternative lifestyles?

Because it caused the fall of several civilizations in the past
i don't think they are really - most conservatives i think are live and let live types but they also are against having them shoved down their throats. That's the real issue as best illustrated by the gay couples and the bakers.
Agreed. It's when the SJW's get involved that most conservatives get prickly.

There are obviously exceptions, of course, and inside they may not care for it, but they'd mostly live and let live otherwise.
None of you have lived in East Texas, obviously, where evangelical conservatives can be raving butts about alternative lifestyles.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

Why are conservatives so against alternative lifestyles?

Why are Liberals so against Traditional and healthy lifestyles? :popcorn:


Lucy, it is OK to be traditional; it is ok to be an alternative lifestyle.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

A better question is, why do liberals embrace the contrary so much they'll sell themselves out to live it?

No that's not the "better question". If you believe in freedom of expression, freedom of choice, and right of the individual to pursue happiness, then why would object if that pursuit leads to an alternative lifestyle?

For conservatives, who talk about freedom of expression, they sure don't like those who choose it.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?
They're conservative, they're all about conformity. Not sure if that equates to being "scared" of alternative lifestyles though.
Lucy, it is OK to be traditional; it is ok to be an alternative lifestyle.

If with Alternative Lifestyle it means Transgender, Drugged Up, Body Piercings, Bizarro Paraphilia then no.

Alternative lifestyle means anything that isn't the "American Dream" of a white couple living in a two-storey house in the suburbs, a stay at home Mom, a father who provides for his family, and 2.3 kids and s dog, who all go to Disneyland on vacation.

An alternative lifestyle doesn't mean that a person isn't straight or isn't working. It can be as simple as choosing to live off the grid, eschewing technology in a self-sustaining cabin in the woods and growing your own food, while home schooling your children.

Or it could be a tattoo artist running their own studio and going clubbing at night.

My oldest daughter and many of her friends live an alternative lifestyle. She works part time as a hair colourist and a stylist, and has worked with several musicians and artists that you would have heard of, as well as movie productions. She lives on a 2-acre property with her hipster musician husband, raising chickens and ducks, growing their own food and creating delicious organic recipes for her blog. Yes she has tattoos, piercings and pink hair. Her husband also has tattoos. Her middle son has waist length hair and plays classical piano, and three of her boys have their own rock band.
Dumb faggots, thinking people oppose the sodomite lifestyle of out of hate. The homosexual lifestyle is impractical and homosexual-rights people are tyrants.
Dumb faggots, thinking people oppose the sodomite lifestyle of out of hate. The homosexual lifestyle is impractical and homosexual-rights people are tyrants.

Your post sure reads like hate to me. Calling people "tyrants" is a very hateful comment to make.

I have never had an issue with gay rights people because giving rights to gays has had absolutely no negative impact on my life. I've lost nothing because gays can now get married or can't be discriminated against, but then I have no interest in firing someone or denying them housing, or public accommodations on the basis of who they sleep with.

The homosexual lifestyle isn't really much different than the heterosexual lifestyle. The only difference is you date the same sex and not the opposite sex.

It's amazing that every time you scratch a so-called "freedom loving conservative", you find someone with a very narrow definition of freedom, one that only includes people who are just like them, and specifically excludes those who don't conform.

Refusal to be just like everyone else is even covered in your Constitution under freedom of expression, freedom from religious persecution, freedom of speech, and freedom of association.

I enjoy meeting people who aren't like me. I enjoy differing points of view. Everyone has something of value to offer if only you're willing to look at them as fellow human beings with the same rights to their beliefs as you have.
Your post sure reads like hate to me. Calling people "tyrants" is a very hateful comment to make.

People who support tyranny are tyrants. That's an academic fact, not a hateful statement. People who want to compel others to do things against their conscience are tyrants.

I have never had an issue with gay rights people because giving rights to gays has had absolutely no negative impact on my life.

Lucky for you that you have low moral standards.

I've lost nothing because gays can now get married or can't be discriminated against, but then I have no interest in firing someone or denying them housing, or public accommodations on the basis of who they sleep with.

Coerced non-discrimination is rape.

The homosexual lifestyle isn't really much different than the heterosexual lifestyle. The only difference is you date the same sex and not the opposite sex.

Faggots spread disease very efficiently and are relatively prone to other destructive behaviors. Heterosexuals perpetuate the species.

It's amazing that every time you scratch a so-called "freedom loving conservative", you find someone with a very narrow definition of freedom, one that only includes people who are just like them, and specifically excludes those who don't conform.

It'a amazing that there are some people who think themselves "freedom loving conservatives" when they support legislated rape and government advocacy of immoral behavior.
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Your post sure reads like hate to me. Calling people "tyrants" is a very hateful comment to make.

People who support tyranny are tyrants. That's an academic fact, not a hateful statement. People who want to compel others to do things against their conscience are tyrants.

I have never had an issue with gay rights people because giving rights to gays has had absolutely no negative impact on my life.

Lucky for you that you have low moral standards.

I've lost nothing because gays can now get married or can't be discriminated against, but then I have no interest in firing someone or denying them housing, or public accommodations on the basis of who they sleep with.

Coerced non-discrimination is rape.

The homosexual lifestyle isn't really much different than the heterosexual lifestyle. The only difference is you date the same sex and not the opposite sex.

Faggots spread disease very efficiently and are relatively prone to other destructive behaviors. Heterosexuals perpetuate the species.

It's amazing that every time you scratch a so-called "freedom loving conservative", you find someone with a very narrow definition of freedom, one that only includes people who are just like them, and specifically excludes those who don't conform.

It'a amazing that there are some people who think themselves "freedom loving conservatives" when they support legislated rape and government advocacy of immoral behavior.

You're a pretty horrible person. You do realize that, right? Even by my standards; you see, I'm not such a great guy myself.
You're a pretty horrible person. You do realize that, right? Even by my standards; you see, I'm not such a great guy myself.

I'm a bad guy because I'm practical and I'm against rape? You're really f1cked-up, but that's fitting for an increasingly f1cked-up society.
Your post sure reads like hate to me. Calling people "tyrants" is a very hateful comment to make.

People who support tyranny are tyrants. That's an academic fact, not a hateful statement. People who want to compel others to do things against their conscience are tyrants.

I have never had an issue with gay rights people because giving rights to gays has had absolutely no negative impact on my life.

Lucky for you that you have low moral standards.

I've lost nothing because gays can now get married or can't be discriminated against, but then I have no interest in firing someone or denying them housing, or public accommodations on the basis of who they sleep with.

Coerced non-discrimination is rape.

The homosexual lifestyle isn't really much different than the heterosexual lifestyle. The only difference is you date the same sex and not the opposite sex.

Faggots spread disease very efficiently and are relatively prone to other destructive behaviors. Heterosexuals perpetuate the species.

It's amazing that every time you scratch a so-called "freedom loving conservative", you find someone with a very narrow definition of freedom, one that only includes people who are just like them, and specifically excludes those who don't conform.

It'a amazing that there are some people who think themselves "freedom loving conservatives" when they support coerced rape laws and government advocacy of immoral behavior.

"Coerced non-discrimination is rape".

Don't you just love it when bigots try to sell you on the idea that having to treat other people as equals, with the dignity and respect you would show your peers, is somehow a violation of the rights of bigots.

No asshole, you have it backward. Discrimibation is rape. It strips those you dislike of their humanity, their dignity and their rights as human being. It allows feeble minded creeps such as yourself, to feel powerful, but it's a false sense of power.

When you discriminate against others, you show yourself to be less than them. Much much less.

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