Why are conservatives so obsessed with the border and immigration?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
I have noticed one thing lately.
Every time I talk to a conservative friend about ANY topic, it ALWAYS comes back to "sealing the border" and "dealing with those people Obama keeps giving amnesty to."

Is anyone in the US not giving a single crap about the border or immigration?

And why do these conservative friends always use the exact same wording for their indignation? I feel like I'm hearing the text of a speech I missed.
Illegals provide for services what Wal Mart provides for goods.

yeah, they also take away jobs that should be going to legal American citizens

but hey who cares right. how dare those conservative give a shit about that
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
I have noticed one thing lately.
Every time I talk to a conservative friend about ANY topic, it ALWAYS comes back to "sealing the border" and "dealing with those people Obama keeps giving amnesty to."

Is anyone in the US not giving a single crap about the border or immigration?

And why do these conservative friends always use the exact same wording for their indignation? I feel like I'm hearing the text of a speech I missed.

Most Americans conservative or otherwise are not advocating for sealing the border. There will always be legal ports on entry. So the few you claim to know do not represent the majority. We do however need to do more than we are doing to stop illegal immigration as much as we can and end the incentives for them to continue to come here. Funny, most Americans I know whether left or right are very concerned about this problem. Apparently, you're not unfortunately.
this op make up crap that is totally false. like it's ONLY conservatives who worries over this topic

just like how people might oppose homosexual rights. no one I know opposes their rights

all their crap should go in conspiracy forum
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

Of course Americans won't work for less than a fair wage and why should they? Are you for the rich getting richer off of cheap, illegal labor while they both break the law and screw American out of their jobs?

Only 3% of illegals are picking crops and the growers are just pocketing the profits they aren't passing any saving on to the consumer. Educate yourself on this issue as you are completely clueless with an anti-American attitude. It is against the law to hire illegal aliens what part of that aren't you getting? This isn't just a conservative problem or concern it is an American one.that affects us all.
No, they don't "take" jobs. THat has been proven repeatedly and is getting pretty lame.

But more to the point is, why don't they write their legislator and demand they match Obama's efforts?

Why do Rs want total and complete amnesty for all illegals? And if that's not what they want, why do they refuse to legislate?

Obama has deported more than any other prez and has increased border patrol on our southern border to more than 18,500.

What have the Rs done?


Just the same nothing they always do.

Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

Of course Americans won't work for less than a fair wage and why should they? Are you for the rich getting richer off of cheap, illegal labor while they both break the law and screw American out of their jobs?

Only 3% of illegals are picking crops and the growers are just pocketing the profits they aren't passing any saving on to the consumer. Educate yourself on this issue as you are completely clueless with an anti-American attitude. It is against the law to hire illegal aliens what part of that aren't you getting? This isn't just a conservative problem or concern it is an American one.that affects us all.

Ask the Repubs who gets rich off of cheap labor.

Why are Repubs forcing family farms out of business and buying them up at pennies on the dollar?

Why are foreign interests buying American companies and employing illegals?

BTW, people really need to stop thinking that the US has only one border (south) and that all illegals are Mexican.


I oppose all immigration as it has been run because I don't like the population increase in the USA . That's the main reason plus if you bring in large numbers of the same group they end up in their own communities and don't assimilate and become Americans . Then its almost like dealing with a foreign group or nation within the USA and then politicians start pandering to that group with special laws. Main objection though is the population increase .
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so bring in slaves to do the work that Americans won't do for little wages , ok with me . Make all pro immigration liberals and skate board riding youngsters poor so they have to live in their moms basements for the next 50 years . Like I said , ok with me !!
No, they don't "take" jobs. THat has been proven repeatedly and is getting pretty lame.

But more to the point is, why don't they write their legislator and demand they match Obama's efforts?

Why do Rs want total and complete amnesty for all illegals? And if that's not what they want, why do they refuse to legislate?

Obama has deported more than any other prez and has increased border patrol on our southern border to more than 18,500.

What have the Rs done?


Just the same nothing they always do.

Obama has deported more than any other prez

what good is it if deports 100 and in the next few weeks 100 more get in?...
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.
No they don't.

They take jobs Americans think they are too good to do.

The welfare state agrees, and pays them not to work.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.
No they don't.

They take jobs Americans think they are too good to do.

The welfare state agrees, and pays them not to work.

Your full of sheet! Who do you think did those jobs before millions of cheap, illegals crashed our borders? Stick your lies and anti-American nonsense up your arse you POS!
[Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

Not at all. Once we get rid of all Social Welfare people will be fighting over those jobs or starving to death. Either way the problems get resolved.
No, they don't "take" jobs. THat has been proven repeatedly and is getting pretty lame.

But more to the point is, why don't they write their legislator and demand they match Obama's efforts?

Why do Rs want total and complete amnesty for all illegals? And if that's not what they want, why do they refuse to legislate?

Obama has deported more than any other prez and has increased border patrol on our southern border to more than 18,500.

What have the Rs done?


Just the same nothing they always do.

Obama has deported more than any other prez

what good is it if deports 100 and in the next few weeks 100 more get in?...

Obama's deportation numbers were inflated. Even he admitted that. Add to that that he by EO implemented DACA for hundreds of thousands with a stay of deportation with work permits and his latest EO to allow 5 million more to remain here with work permits and his deportation record is dismal to say the least.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.
there you go Slyhunter , that's the excuse made as to why illegal labor is hired . If I want lettuce then I'm willing to pay for lettuce or I'll adjust my diet and eat something other than lettuce .
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

If you think they are just picking fruits and veggies, you are sadly misinformed. They are working many types of jobs Americans would be happy to do. Plus many of them send half their paycheck home, hurting our economy even more.

The real question should be: Why don't liberals care about something that affects all Americans?

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