Why are Democrats always going after our Guns and 2nd amendment rights?

An excellent regurgitation of talking points. :clap:

The Democrats know every law they seek as a means to accomplish this will fail.
As such they have no interest in "keeping dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers" - they seek only to place more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the right of the abiding

ALL laws are a restriction on the rights of the law abiding citizens. Speeding laws are an infringement on the rights of good drivers to drive as fast as their ability to control the car, and driving conditions will allow. YOU seem to think that only gun owners should be exempt from ANY laws, which is simply not true.

Dems are trying to reduce gun violence by enhancing gun control laws.
Problem is, the gun control laws they want place unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Why would anyone agree to that?
The question is why conservatives feel unrestricted gun ownership is more important than the lives of fellow human beings?
Show that they do.
Especially considering the 2nd A is based on allowing a well regulated militia to possess muskets.
The USSC discarded your argument two decades ago. Catch up.

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