Why are Democrats always going after our Guns and 2nd amendment rights?

Why are Democrats always going after Americans right to keep and bear arms?, and Americans 2nd amendments rights?
Your answers.

You should have figured out by now that Democrats' disrespect for our Constitutional and Legal Rights are not limited to the 2nd Amemdment.

The US Constitution and Laws impede their ability - only slightly - from doing what they want to do: Do away with both, install a Authoritarian / Totalitarian form of Marxist govt where unarmed citizens are oppressed, have no voice, and can not fight back.

The US Government and irs criminal agencies run by Democrats and influenced by Democrats:

Violated both the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court more than a dozen times, violated the Patriot Act as many times, trampled US citizens Rights by illegally spying on Americans, knowingly put innocent Americans in prison, knowingly and intentionally participated in a coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by legally removing a sitting President AFTER they conducted their own internal investigation and learned the Russian Clusion accusations were false, part of Hillary Clinton's sxandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US History!

This coup attempt was initiated by Hillary Clinton, the US's 'Queen of corruption, crime, and treason'. It was run by Barak Obama, Joe Biden,Susan Rice, the NSA / Clapper, the CIA / Brennan, the FBI / Comey AND Mueller.

The FBI assissted in Hillary Clinton escape numerous charges which invluded espionage, they altered documents, obstructed Justice, hid exculpatory evidence, has hidden criminal evidence, has been proven guilty of fraud, perjury, putting innocent people in jail, sedition, and Treason.

They collaborated with the DOJ, the WH, and teachers unions to brand parents fighting the govt control and indoctrination of their childten 'Domestic Terrorists'.

The FBI and DOJ have collaborated to imtimidate, silence and punish anyone who opposes the Democrats' failed policies and agendas or who deeks to expose tbeir crimes / treadon WHILE prote ting actual domestic terrorist organizations that have forebombed over 75 churches, womens' clinics, and pro-life groups without making hardly any arrests.

For 7 years Democrats have been relentlessly, obsessively attempting to criminally take down Donald Trump who tgey see as a very real political threat they must destroy. They have conducted Un-Constitutional illegal coup Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses. They have beencaught repeatedly criminally, treasonously manufacturing false evidence and attempting to submit it as real evidence, have been caught manufacturing non-existent whistleblowers, and committing perjury over it.

The FBI has cinducted numerous operations against a President and his team, against American citizens trying to talk them into committing crimes the FBI came up with, inciting protestors into violence to set them up so Democrats cod try to declare all Conservatives and Trump supporters are terrorists and threats.

The US govt's emoyees funded and helped create COVID, lied to the world about it, and once tve Chicom-bought WHO declared a world Pandemic our govt initiated mandatory business / school lockdowns tvat desroyed our economy and hurt our kids. They issued mandatory mask mandates that did next to nothing because none of it was based on science.

They gave big pharma carte blanch WITH IMMUNITY to create an experimental drugs while by-passing safety protocols and procedures then mandated taking these experimental drugs, punishing people for not taking them although they were never proven safe, proven to prevent getting COVID, and not proven to stop transmission.

This is reminiscent of how the US govt experimented on military troops by go ing them LAD and injecting them with nuclear material without their knowledge. After all this was exposed, after you think this could never happen again, they make tbe entire country - even little chimdren - guinea pigs, test lab rats!

Birx even publicly admitted everything she and doctor Frankenstein Faucci advused / said was a LIE, shit they just made up!

The US govt did all this to control tge population without real justification and punished anyone who opposed it. Tvey gave themselves 'emergency powers' to fo it, and now,even tbough Biden de lared tbe Pandemic to be over, he STILL refuses to relinquish those powers.

Finakly, and I know I am forgetting more, the US govt, fake news media, and big tech have joined together to hide the truth, hide opposing information / facts, to punish and silence opposing voices, to spread propaganda, and to CENSOR / SILENCE all opposing voices / facts ... they even tried to create a 'Truth Commission' to target, silence and punish anyone saying / spreafing anything else but the Democrat narrative! Buh-bye1st Amendment.

'Get Woke'? If you haven't alreafy woken up to see what has been going on for decades, just getting faster and faster, you better wake the F* up now - even though it may be too late.

Tbe Drmocrats are facilitating an i vasion of tve US through failed, criminal, Un-Constitutional Oprn Border / Illegal Immigration. They are aiding and a etting, facilitating, illegally transporting illegals across state lines and dumping them, committing human rights violations, mis-appropriating snd using tax dollars to commit federal crimes.

Biden's administration had attacked the one thing our economy is based primarily on - fossil furls - with admittedly no alternate energy source to use, shutting down US enetgy production, destroying the economy, creating fuel / food shortages, supply chain crisis, higher food prices, heating prices, gas prices, etc....and he's doing it in purpose. He has admitted despite having hundreds of years of energy Democrats are forcing this pain and destruction they call a 'firced transition' WITH NOTHING TO TRANSITION TO.

They have created a dangerous, never-meen-seen-before lawless, violent, criminal environment that empties prisons of violent criminals and gave turned pokice station entrances into revolving doors with no bail required. Cities like Chicago have the equivalent of a mass shooting every week / weekend while their mayor sings karaoke and dances. WTF? Cities have become so violent, Drmocrat officials so hostile to the police and aiding and abetting criminals police officers are quitting by the hundreds as our communities deteriorate faster.

Our country is being destroyed begore our very eyes. You freedoms and Constitutional rights - ALL OF THEM - are being pissed one and revoved by the REAL enemies of this nation.

I am not sure if anything can be done at this point, if anelection system that has been compromised - over half the nation not trusting it anymore, if US citizens can stop it through elections or not at this point. I think this no ember will be a HUGE bell weather / determining event. If the Democrats can pull off another steal after all of the above, I feel there is no going back.

If that happens...

Wi the last American out please bring the flag?!
Why are Democrats always going after Americans right to keep and bear arms?, and Americans 2nd amendments rights?
Your answers.


here is your answer.

They're not. They're trying to keep dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers.
An excellent regurgitation of talking points. :clap:

The Democrats know every law they seek as a means to accomplish this will fail.
As such they have no interest in "keeping dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers" - they seek only to place more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the right of the abiding
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here is your answer.

View attachment 712745

Look at all of the nations in the world with gun control and look how our citizens have much lower crime rates and murders than the USA,.

Ensuring that ANYBODY can buy and carry a gun hasn't made your country safe. In fact, it's made your country the most dangerous country in the first world.

Having armed guards at schools didn't stopped Uvalde or Marjorie Stoneham shootings. What's your solution? More armed guards at schools.
Look at all of the nations in the world with gun control and look how our citizens have much lower crime rates and murders than the USA,.
Oh look. the same, old, tired post hoc fallacy the anti--gun left always offers. 🥱

What was the gun-related crime rates before these laws were enacted?
What was the gun-related crime rates after these laws were enacted?
Can you demonstrate the necessary relationship between the enacting of these laws andf the different in gun-related crime rates?
If so, please do no.

Let me know if you need help understanding the challenge put to you.
An excellent regurgitation of talking points. :clap:

The Democrats know every law they seek as a means to accomplish this will fail.
As such they have no interest in "keeping dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers" - they seek only to place more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the right of the abiding

I posted one suggestion that every other first world country - where we have no school shootings, has done, and you mock it. Nothing is as angry as a right wing American in a snit.

Why does banning AR weapons work in every other first world country but the USA??? It's not mental illness because we have lots of people who are mentally ill but they don't go to schools or malls and kill people.

We don't have armed guards in our schools. We don't have "active shooter drills" in our schools. Our kids aren't carrying bullet proof backpacks to schools.

And parents aren't worried about their kids going to school. Doing nothing to stop this carnage, while banning medical resources for women shows that the USA has indeed, lost its mind.
I posted one suggestion that every other first world country - where we have no school shootings, has done, and you mock it. Nothing is as angry as a right wing American in a snit.

Why does banning AR weapons work in every other first world country but the USA??? It's not mental illness because we have lots of people who are mentally ill but they don't go to schools or malls and kill people.

We don't have armed guards in our schools. We don't have "active shooter drills" in our schools. Our kids aren't carrying bullet proof backpacks to schools.

And parents aren't worried about their kids going to school. Doing nothing to stop this carnage, while banning medical resources for women shows that the USA has indeed, lost its mind.

If we had no places run by people like you, we'd have virtually no crime.
Oh look. the same, old, tired post hoc fallacy the anti--gun left always offers. 🥱

What was the gun-related crime rates before these laws were enacted?
What was the gun-related crime rates after these laws were enacted?
Can you demonstrate the necessary relationship between the enacting of these laws andf the different in gun-related crime rates?
If so, please do no.

Let me know if you need help understanding the challenge put to you.

Oh look. The same old NRA bullshit and lies. Talk about regurgitating talking points.

We have demonstrated to you over and over how it works, but you don't want to hear it.

Happiness is a warm, . . . . .yes it is, gunnnnnn!
I posted one suggestion that every other first world country - where we have no school shootings, has done, and you mock it.
You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the laws you cite and the lower rates of school shootings.
Thus, your offer -demands- ridicule.
Nothing is as angry as a right wing American in a snit.
Nothing is as funny as a left-wing lunatic arguing outside her depth.

And nothing in your post addresses, much less changes, the facts put to you:
The Democrats know every law they seek as a means to accomplish this will fail.
As such they have no interest in "keeping dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers" - they seek only to place more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the right of the abiding
Oh look. The same old NRA bullshit and lies. Talk about regurgitating talking points.
So... no.. you cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between enacting of these laws and the difference in gun-related crime rates.
Concession accepted.
Why are Democrats always going after Americans right to keep and bear arms?, and Americans 2nd amendments rights?
Your answers.
They really honestly believe that if you took everyone's guns away, including going door to door for the guns people already have, there would be no crime. In fact, we wouldn't even need jails or law enforcement anymore because we could just let all of the criminals round around loose and since nobody would have a gun, there would be no crime.
They really honestly believe that if you took everyone's guns away, including going door to door for the guns people already have, there would be no crime. In fact, we wouldn't even need jails or law enforcement anymore because we could just let all of the criminals round around loose and since nobody would have a gun, there would be no crime.
If you ever needed proof they live in a fantasy world...
You should have figured out by now that Democrats' disrespect for our Constitutional and Legal Rights are not limited to the 2nd Amemdment.

The US Constitution and Laws impede their ability - only slightly - from doing what they want to do: Do away with both, install a Authoritarian / Totalitarian form of Marxist govt where unarmed citizens are oppressed, have no voice, and can not fight back.

The US Government and irs criminal agencies run by Democrats and influenced by Democrats:

Violated both the US Constitution, the Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court more than a dozen times, violated the Patriot Act as many times, trampled US citizens Rights by illegally spying on Americans, knowingly put innocent Americans in prison, knowingly and intentionally participated in a coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by legally removing a sitting President AFTER they conducted their own internal investigation and learned the Russian Clusion accusations were false, part of Hillary Clinton's sxandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US History!

This coup attempt was initiated by Hillary Clinton, the US's 'Queen of corruption, crime, and treason'. It was run by Barak Obama, Joe Biden,Susan Rice, the NSA / Clapper, the CIA / Brennan, the FBI / Comey AND Mueller.

The FBI assissted in Hillary Clinton escape numerous charges which invluded espionage, they altered documents, obstructed Justice, hid exculpatory evidence, has hidden criminal evidence, has been proven guilty of fraud, perjury, putting innocent people in jail, sedition, and Treason.

They collaborated with the DOJ, the WH, and teachers unions to brand parents fighting the govt control and indoctrination of their childten 'Domestic Terrorists'.

The FBI and DOJ have collaborated to imtimidate, silence and punish anyone who opposes the Democrats' failed policies and agendas or who deeks to expose tbeir crimes / treadon WHILE prote ting actual domestic terrorist organizations that have forebombed over 75 churches, womens' clinics, and pro-life groups without making hardly any arrests.

For 7 years Democrats have been relentlessly, obsessively attempting to criminally take down Donald Trump who tgey see as a very real political threat they must destroy. They have conducted Un-Constitutional illegal coup Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses. They have beencaught repeatedly criminally, treasonously manufacturing false evidence and attempting to submit it as real evidence, have been caught manufacturing non-existent whistleblowers, and committing perjury over it.

The FBI has cinducted numerous operations against a President and his team, against American citizens trying to talk them into committing crimes the FBI came up with, inciting protestors into violence to set them up so Democrats cod try to declare all Conservatives and Trump supporters are terrorists and threats.

The US govt's emoyees funded and helped create COVID, lied to the world about it, and once tve Chicom-bought WHO declared a world Pandemic our govt initiated mandatory business / school lockdowns tvat desroyed our economy and hurt our kids. They issued mandatory mask mandates that did next to nothing because none of it was based on science.

They gave big pharma carte blanch WITH IMMUNITY to create an experimental drugs while by-passing safety protocols and procedures then mandated taking these experimental drugs, punishing people for not taking them although they were never proven safe, proven to prevent getting COVID, and not proven to stop transmission.

This is reminiscent of how the US govt experimented on military troops by go ing them LAD and injecting them with nuclear material without their knowledge. After all this was exposed, after you think this could never happen again, they make tbe entire country - even little chimdren - guinea pigs, test lab rats!

Birx even publicly admitted everything she and doctor Frankenstein Faucci advused / said was a LIE, shit they just made up!

The US govt did all this to control tge population without real justification and punished anyone who opposed it. Tvey gave themselves 'emergency powers' to fo it, and now,even tbough Biden de lared tbe Pandemic to be over, he STILL refuses to relinquish those powers.

Finakly, and I know I am forgetting more, the US govt, fake news media, and big tech have joined together to hide the truth, hide opposing information / facts, to punish and silence opposing voices, to spread propaganda, and to CENSOR / SILENCE all opposing voices / facts ... they even tried to create a 'Truth Commission' to target, silence and punish anyone saying / spreafing anything else but the Democrat narrative! Buh-bye1st Amendment.

'Get Woke'? If you haven't alreafy woken up to see what has been going on for decades, just getting faster and faster, you better wake the F* up now - even though it may be too late.

Tbe Drmocrats are facilitating an i vasion of tve US through failed, criminal, Un-Constitutional Oprn Border / Illegal Immigration. They are aiding and a etting, facilitating, illegally transporting illegals across state lines and dumping them, committing human rights violations, mis-appropriating snd using tax dollars to commit federal crimes.

Biden's administration had attacked the one thing our economy is based primarily on - fossil furls - with admittedly no alternate energy source to use, shutting down US enetgy production, destroying the economy, creating fuel / food shortages, supply chain crisis, higher food prices, heating prices, gas prices, etc....and he's doing it in purpose. He has admitted despite having hundreds of years of energy Democrats are forcing this pain and destruction they call a 'firced transition' WITH NOTHING TO TRANSITION TO.

They have created a dangerous, never-meen-seen-before lawless, violent, criminal environment that empties prisons of violent criminals and gave turned pokice station entrances into revolving doors with no bail required. Cities like Chicago have the equivalent of a mass shooting every week / weekend while their mayor sings karaoke and dances. WTF? Cities have become so violent, Drmocrat officials so hostile to the police and aiding and abetting criminals police officers are quitting by the hundreds as our communities deteriorate faster.

Our country is being destroyed begore our very eyes. You freedoms and Constitutional rights - ALL OF THEM - are being pissed one and revoved by the REAL enemies of this nation.

I am not sure if anything can be done at this point, if anelection system that has been compromised - over half the nation not trusting it anymore, if US citizens can stop it through elections or not at this point. I think this no ember will be a HUGE bell weather / determining event. If the Democrats can pull off another steal after all of the above, I feel there is no going back.

If that happens...

Wi the last American out please bring the flag?!
Why are Democrats always going after Americans right to keep and bear arms?
Dems are trying to reduce gun violence by enhancing gun control laws. The question is why conservatives feel unrestricted gun ownership is more important than the lives of fellow human beings? Especially considering the 2nd A is based on allowing a well regulated militia to possess muskets.

Why are Democrats always going after Americans right to keep and bear arms?, and Americans 2nd amendments rights?
Your answers.

I think it's because of all the school shootings... And shootings in churches, malls, synagogues etc... We have too much random drive-by killings and indiscriminate gunfire on the street.. even road rage shootings.
An excellent regurgitation of talking points. :clap:

The Democrats know every law they seek as a means to accomplish this will fail.
As such they have no interest in "keeping dangerous AR weapons out of the hands of killers" - they seek only to place more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the right of the abiding

That's idiotic.

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