Why are democrats more Pro Immigration?

Take all of the recent immigrants out of LA, New York, London or Paris and the cities would cease to function within 24 hours.
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.

Let me ask a Republican if that's the plan.
I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.

Apparently you believe we didn't have any of those before 20 million illegals invaded our country. Does Finland have bus drivers, cleaners, taxis, waiters, gardeners, garbage men and bar tenders?

Of course we have all those jobs - and they are all done by immigrants.

No Finn is going to work as a cleaner - they'd rather be unemployed.

The percentage of immigrants in Finland is trivial, and they don't come from 3rd workd countries like Mexico.

Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The share of foreign citizens in Finland is 3.4%, among the lowest in the European Union.[101] Most of them are from Russia, Estonia and Sweden.[101]

Your claims are obvious bullshit.
Take all of the recent immigrants out of LA, New York, London or Paris and the cities would cease to function within 24 hours.
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.

You think all immigrants are in those occupations? I don't think so.
The percentage of immigrants in Finland is trivial, and they don't come from 3rd workd countries like Mexico.

So you don't consider Somalia or Ethiopia to be Third World countries - because they are two of our largest minorities.

Of course the % of immigrants here is far smaller than it is in the US, but even so - virtually every bus driver, cleaner and garbage man here hails from Russia or Africa.

btw, Try and post with a little honesty & common sense. Claiming my comments about Finland are 'bullshit' when I live here and you could not place the country on a map is simply childish.
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

I think Republicans have always supported immigration.

To be specific, Democrats support illegal immigration. They refuse to even call it what it is. This whole business of 'undocumented' is bullshit.

We don't need immigration reform. We need to simply enforce the laws in place and continue to allow people to migrate here legally by going through the process. I do think the process could be streamlined, but am sick of people crawling under a fence and getting rewarded while others wait years. You'd think crime does pay.
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Exactly. Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in this nation's history. He did it partly to break union control of labor in Southern California.

Both parties are out of whack on this issue.

The New Right plays both sides of the immigration debate. To their corporate donors, the Right promises the cheap labor and raw materials made available by the global market system, which system favors open borders so capital can flow more efficiently. Investors make higher returns when their products are made by cheap Mexican or Asian labor markets. This is why Nike investors have their sneaks made in sweatshops by workers who make pennies a day and live in hovels beneath dictators. The capitalist thrives off labor he gets from freedom-hating, dictator lead nations. Walmart - one the GOPs largest contributors - gets over 60% of its products made in Communist China. Capitalism has no use for the USA qua USA; rather, it wants unimpeded access to all the world's labor markets. This is why globalization is slowly replacing the nation-state with transnational corporate alliances which play labor markets against one another in order to secure the lowest cost of production. This isn't evil. It's the logic of capital. [Rightwing politicians benefit by having an electorate that doesn't understand this stuff - and better: they don't question why they never hear this kind of stuff on FOX News or Limbaugh. Their brains have been captured]

We know the corporate right benefits from the open borders of globalization, but they also need to win elections. That is, they need average work-a-day Americans to vote for them. This requires a populism, which comes in the form of Religion and Patriotism. The religious part is obvious, and it explains why Reagan partnered with the Moral Majority. The Patriotism part includes the belief that the nation is under assault from foreigners, who are threatening the primacy of the english language as well as our great traditions. This is where the anti-immigrant part comes in.

Therefore, the corporations on the Right benefit from the open borders of globalization . . . while the politicians benefit electorally by having their pundits agitate the electorate over illegals. It's a perfect system.

They create the problem, and then they claim to be the solution. Reagan - through his deep support of Iran and then Hussein - made petrol-dictatorships much stronger, but then his party claimed to be the solution to terrorism. Or, look at their war on government. They do everything to gum up the gears of government so that it doesn't work, then they claim to be the solution.

Good work if you can get it.

Just need a very naive coalition of voters who get all their information from a small handull of very charismatic pundits.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3BVIYv4qc]Donald Trump: Forget Illegals. Lets Bring In More Europeans. CPAC 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
More uneducated immigrants=higher poverty and inequality=bigger government to fix it up

The Republican Party, in its current form, will be absolutely demolished by new immigrant voters. It does not matter how socially conservative they are: unskilled immigrants from much poorer countries will always vote for left-wing parties and policies.

93% of french muslims voted for socialist Hollande in 2012 (and believe me, they knew he wanted to pass a gay marriage bill); 80% of german turks vote for left-wing parties; 70-75% of muslims in Sweden and Denmark vote for the left too; etc, etc. Even if, in those countries, conservatives are not particularly anti-Welfare or anti-goverment.

I say "muslims" because they are the largest immigrant group in Europe.
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With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Dimwitcraps are more pro illegal immigration.
EuroC -

I do agree with your thoughts on this, but it is not always true that immigrants are uneducated. Recent research here revealed that Russian immigrants are more highly educated than us Finns - a fact that stunned many people. But that is, of course, how they earn visas in the first place.

How many of our taxis drivers and cleaners have actually trained as doctors, lawyers etc only to find they can not pratice in their new home?
EuroC -

I do agree with your thoughts on this, but it is not always true that immigrants are uneducated. Recent research here revealed that Russian immigrants are more highly educated than us Finns - a fact that stunned many people. But that is, of course, how they earn visas in the first place.

How many of our taxis drivers and cleaners have actually trained as doctors, lawyers etc only to find they can not pratice in their new home?

I didn't say most immigrants are uneducated. Not at all. I say millions of them are.

People who don't care about this issue is pretty much the same people who despise a nation's cultural strength and safety.

A Welfare State is not compatible with open borders. Period.

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