Why are democrats more Pro Immigration?

With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Democrats are pro ILLEGAL immigration dumb ass. This two year old idiocy gets really tired.

Thanks for your useful input. You've added almost nothing to the conversation.

Actually pointing out that a zero value conversation using the idiotic liberal talking point that to oppose illegal immigration is to oppose immigration is the only useful input there is to make on the subject. Take your hate and prejudices and stuff them where the sun don't shine. If you want to start a productive conversation on the topic, do that.
Democrats are pro ILLEGAL immigration dumb ass. This two year old idiocy gets really tired.

Thanks for your useful input. You've added almost nothing to the conversation.

Actually pointing out that a zero value conversation using the idiotic liberal talking point that to oppose illegal immigration is to oppose immigration is the only useful input there is to make on the subject. Take your hate and prejudices and stuff them where the sun don't shine. If you want to start a productive conversation on the topic, do that.

No hate here actually. Was looking for the different views on the subject. Instead I got your name calling. I should have mentioned only intelligent responses please.
Thanks for your useful input. You've added almost nothing to the conversation.

Actually pointing out that a zero value conversation using the idiotic liberal talking point that to oppose illegal immigration is to oppose immigration is the only useful input there is to make on the subject. Take your hate and prejudices and stuff them where the sun don't shine. If you want to start a productive conversation on the topic, do that.

No hate here actually. Was looking for the different views on the subject. Instead I got your name calling. I should have mentioned only intelligent responses please.

OK, let me give you one shot to show it's not hate.

1) So you are completely and utterly unaware that the left constantly accuse anyone who's against illegal immigration of being anti-immigration and that's totally not what you're doing. If you are aware of that, you would have acknowledged why I reacted the way I did and told me that's not what you're doing

2) You also would have given me a basis for your outrageous statement because I know lots of conservatives and zero of them are anti-immigration. They are pretty much all anti-illegal-immigration.

So clarify please.
Democrats are pro ILLEGAL immigration dumb ass. This two year old idiocy gets really tired.

Thanks for your useful input. You've added almost nothing to the conversation.

Actually pointing out that a zero value conversation using the idiotic liberal talking point that to oppose illegal immigration is to oppose immigration is the only useful input there is to make on the subject. Take your hate and prejudices and stuff them where the sun don't shine. If you want to start a productive conversation on the topic, do that.

It is opposition to immigration in that one is not ‘illegal’ until he’s determined such in a court of law.

That a given immigrant is undocumented doesn’t necessarily mean he’s ‘illegal.’

And the right’s opposition to immigration reform is clear evidence of its opposition to immigration in general.
Thanks for your useful input. You've added almost nothing to the conversation.

Actually pointing out that a zero value conversation using the idiotic liberal talking point that to oppose illegal immigration is to oppose immigration is the only useful input there is to make on the subject. Take your hate and prejudices and stuff them where the sun don't shine. If you want to start a productive conversation on the topic, do that.

It is opposition to immigration in that one is not ‘illegal’ until he’s determined such in a court of law.

That a given immigrant is undocumented doesn’t necessarily mean he’s ‘illegal.’

Irrelevant points to the discussion

And the right’s opposition to immigration reform is clear evidence of its opposition to immigration in general.

Immigration reform is overwhelmingly about illegal immigration. You're tripping.
Reagan wasn't pro immigration. He realized he made a mistake when he believed democrats really meant that if we just legalized those already here, they would secure the borders. Then Reagan realized that he was lied to.

From Reagan's own writing.

In 1986 I voted for the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill because we were told it would solve the problem of massive illegal immigration. In his diaries, President Ronald Reagan said he was going to sign the bill because we had to regain control of our borders. The Simpson-Mazzoli bill contained three promises:
The government would make a concerted effort to control the borders.
An effective employer verification program would ensure that only legal workers were hired.
One-time amnesty would be granted for people illegally in the United States.
All three promises were broken. The government has made no serious effort to control our borders. Employers continue knowingly to hire illegal immigrants without any real fear of punishment.

Who was president when Reagan signed amnesty?

Political promises are made to be broken. Name the cocksucker that signed the bill and you have the father of amnesty for illegals. Worse, the bobbleheaded scum was himself a fountain of excuses and now it appears halfwit America continues ReagaNUT lameness.
To answer the OP, I think the left wing are more comfortable with a multi-ethnic, cosmopoitan society than the right wing are. Ethnic diversity means diversity of religion, of language and culture - not everyone on the right welcomes that.

why should anyone welcome that? All the empirical evidence shows that it does nothing but cause massive ethic and racial strife. Mono-cultural societies are he most peaceful societies. It's rather hypocritical for someone from a Lilly white country like Finland to be waxing sanctimoniously about the virtues of "diversity."

Ironically, immigration also brings the cheap labour many on the right wish to exploit. It also brings new consumers.

When did any right-winger ever claim he wanted "cheap labor?"

Literacy issue - I did not say immigration was good or bad, I just outlined how I see the left and right wing positions.

As for cheap labour - have you never heard anyone on the right wing argue against a minimum wage?
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Liberals understand that America is a great country, and living in it is better than living in other countries. We know that living in a country that people want to come to live in too isn't really much of a "problem".
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Romney Attacks Obama for Not Enacting 'Any Policy He Pleased' on Immigration When Democrats Controlled Congress | CNS News

Romney indicated he wanted to bring in more immigrants with advanced degrees and also create an updated “temporary worker” program that would allow employers to bring in foreign workers to fill jobs here in the United States.

“Immigration reform is not just a moral imperative, but an economic necessity as well,” said Romney. “Immigrants with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at a high rate. Immigrants founded or cofounded nearly half of our 50 top venture-backed companies. They are nearly 30 percent more likely to start a business.


The obvious solution is to invest in education in this country. We have plenty of liberals who want to learn and can't afford the cost of education.

Republicans tried to put a man into office who wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees and help them start companies and find jobs. But he wanted fewer teachers here.

Don't understand why Republicans are always trying to blame Democrats for what their party does. Then when you point out "WITH LINKS" what their party stands for, they freak out and call you a liar.
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

America is a nation of immigrants.

Most of which came to America, worked within laws and assimilated into US culture; including, speaking English.
Take all of the recent immigrants out of LA, New York, London or Paris and the cities would cease to function within 24 hours.
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.
With all the immigration talk recently I come to wonder why the Democrats are more pro immigration than Republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak English. Something tells me these used to be well paying Union type jobs. It seems to me the Democrats are stabbing the Unions in the back. Curious what others think.

Romney Attacks Obama for Not Enacting 'Any Policy He Pleased' on Immigration When Democrats Controlled Congress | CNS News

Romney indicated he wanted to bring in more immigrants with advanced degrees and also create an updated “temporary worker” program that would allow employers to bring in foreign workers to fill jobs here in the United States.

“Immigration reform is not just a moral imperative, but an economic necessity as well,” said Romney. “Immigrants with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at a high rate. Immigrants founded or cofounded nearly half of our 50 top venture-backed companies. They are nearly 30 percent more likely to start a business.


The obvious solution is to invest in education in this country. We have plenty of liberals who want to learn and can't afford the cost of education.

Republicans tried to put a man into office who wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees and help them start companies and find jobs. But he wanted fewer teachers here.

Don't understand why Republicans are always trying to blame Democrats for what their party does. Then when you point out "WITH LINKS" what their party stands for, they freak out and call you a liar.

It's never been clear to me why Republicans supported Romney. And now they want to blame his policies on Democrats? Don't they stand for anything? Ever?
with all the immigration talk recently i come to wonder why the democrats are more pro immigration than republicans? Bringing in all the cheap labor seems to be more of a benefit for the very rich who make more money off the cheap labor. Meanwhile the wages of others is driven down by lots of cheap labor. In my neighborhood there are lots of houses being built and few of the workers speak english. Something tells me these used to be well paying union type jobs. It seems to me the democrats are stabbing the unions in the back. Curious what others think.

To answer the OP, I think the left wing are more comfortable with a multi-ethnic, cosmopoitan society than the right wing are. Ethnic diversity means diversity of religion, of language and culture - not everyone on the right welcomes that.

why should anyone welcome that? All the empirical evidence shows that it does nothing but cause massive ethic and racial strife. Mono-cultural societies are he most peaceful societies. It's rather hypocritical for someone from a Lilly white country like Finland to be waxing sanctimoniously about the virtues of "diversity."

Ironically, immigration also brings the cheap labour many on the right wish to exploit. It also brings new consumers.

When did any right-winger ever claim he wanted "cheap labor?"

Literacy issue - I did not say immigration was good or bad, I just outlined how I see the left and right wing positions.

Oh puhleeeze! You implied that the result of illegal immigration is " multi-ethnic, cosmopolitan society," and that "Ethnic diversity means diversity of religion, of language and culture," which you obviously believe is a good thing.

The actual result of "diversity" is ethnic strife, national bankruptcy, crime, legitimacy, riots and civil war. Apparently liberals believe civil war is a good thing.

As for cheap labour - have you never heard anyone on the right wing argue against a minimum wage?

Those of us on the right aren't stupid enough to believe that the minimum wage is the reason we earn what we earn.
Take all of the recent immigrants out of LA, New York, London or Paris and the cities would cease to function within 24 hours.
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.

Apparently you believe we didn't have any of those before 20 million illegals invaded our country. Does Finland have bus drivers, cleaners, taxis, waiters, gardeners, garbage men and bar tenders?
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.

Apparently you believe we didn't have any of those before 20 million illegals invaded our country. Does Finland have bus drivers, cleaners, taxis, waiters, gardeners, garbage men and bar tenders?

Of course we have all those jobs - and they are all done by immigrants.

No Finn is going to work as a cleaner - they'd rather be unemployed.
Take all of the recent immigrants out of LA, New York, London or Paris and the cities would cease to function within 24 hours.
Cease to function? Doubt it. Crime would drop dramatically, though.

I doubt it.

Imagine your city with no bus drivers, no cleaners, no taxis, no waiters, no bar tenders, no gardeners, no labourers and no garbage men.

I'd call that a city that had ceased to function.
It'd be hard to argue with that.

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