Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

Hey dummy. Yea you. Unlike the bill from this year which had a majority of Senate Republicans support it the piece of shit you referenced was never drawn up to be passed. It was written for stupid people like you. Congrats. You proved they were right and you are stupid.
A majority of Senate Republicans voted for the bill?

So there are two bills out there.

One is bipartisan and the other is completely partisan

One has funding in it for judges, border agents , more courts and detention facilities. The other does not.

One would shut down the border when asylum seekers reach a level that could overwhelm the system. The other just shuts down the border (a completely unsustainable idea).

Both have passed their respective Houses.
One would pass the other House
The other would not

The first is the Senate bipartisan bill

The second is the House bill that was never anything gesture
That last liine should read

Never anything but a gesture

Like trying to legislatively kill Obamacare 60 something times
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What everyone who mentions HR2 always fails to mention is that Republicans want nearly a 1000 mile fence to be built and many billions each year to maintain it 😆 🤣

I thought Mexico was paying for a wall. Where's the check? Where is the "indirect" payments you dummies are saying they've paid out? Why hasn't a Wall been built yet from that alleged money? :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats want to replace millions of American voters with dirt poor broke ass illegals they can bribe to vote Dem. Dems don't care how many Americans get KILLED or RAPED by illegals to achieve their goals.
With the cooperation of the media which is never curious about democrat party antics, the Biden administration is able to cobble a gigantic secret spending bill that they pretend is for Ukraine or the border and never is. They have the system rigged so that republicans will be labeled "Putin lovers" or racists or whatever if they oppose the bill. Did the media ever ask old Brandon where the hell he was in the last three years?
Democrats want to replace millions of American voters with dirt poor broke ass illegals they can bribe to vote Dem. Dems don't care how many Americans get KILLED or RAPED by illegals to achieve their goals.
Typical rubbish from fuckups.
Democrats want to replace millions of American voters with dirt poor broke ass illegals they can bribe to vote Dem. Dems don't care how many Americans get KILLED or RAPED by illegals, collateral damage.
Ahh the racist Great Replacement Theory

Found most often on Stormfront
With the cooperation of the media which is never curious about democrat party antics, the Biden administration is able to cobble a gigantic secret spending bill that they pretend is for Ukraine or the border and never is. They have the system rigged so that republicans will be labeled "Putin lovers" or racists or whatever if they oppose the bill. Did the media ever ask old Brandon where the hell he was in the last three years?
The founders never expected that the free press would become corrupt and throw in with the very government they were given protection to hold accountable.
Negative, only on the authorization of the POTUS.....read the fuckin' Bill!

It was a bad Bill and rightfully rejected on it's lack of merits and the add-on Uke/IDF funding.

HR-2 is a excellent Bill....Sure it might be hard for the dems and RINOs to swallow but it would have worked. If passed I suspect we would be seeing very good results by now.
Anything that is “hard for the Dems and RINOS to swallow “ is NOT good legislation

It’s red meat for the base to chew on never intended to go anywhere
The republican bill went after employers, adjusted asylum claims etc. Things that would actually help. It certainly didnt include funding other peoples wars, or not doing shit until over 5k+ people cross the border over a 7 day period.

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