Why are Democrats stuck on the $20B number? The Wall would cost less than $100 per citizen.

Why doesn't he just go ask the "religious right" to go get the money, since the Mexican government has nixed the idea that it is going to pay for the wall? I understand that the Almighty has the option of going "poof, here's a wall," or provide the extensive amount of cash needed to build it. After all, it is the "religious right" that maintains that the money is available to support unwanted children, people with disabilities, provide healthcare, and more, so it apparently has access to the Supreme Being's deep pockets.
Yeah yeah, they also had a term they used for black people. Damn snowflakes keep taking away all your fun, huh? Sorry about that

Operation Wetback - Wikipedia
I don’t recall an Operation Ni@@er...do you?
Why does there need to be an operation?

Because we are a sovereign nation founded and built on principles, law and order....Why shouldn’t there be?
You’re asking why there shouldn’t be an operation Ni@@er to know that it’s a derogatory term? Do I really need to answer that?

Oh trust me, there’s always an Operation Ni@@er going on...it’s just not dubbed such a thing.
We don’t extend any respect to criminal invaders...we call them whatever the fuck we want to as shown by the US Government in Operation Wetback.
Not “we” some of you still do. Many others have evolved past the petty name calling, although Trump is making a vallient effort to bring that back.
So you explain to that family of five making $30K that they have to fork over $500 for a wall...and then imagine how pissed they'll be when it has ZERO effect.


Yea...go for it

And that's just for ONE year of construction...which will go on for ten fucking years.

A permanent wall tax?

Have at it.

I'll even kick in my $200 for my wife and myself just to watch the GOP implode over this

I got better things to do with $100.

Haha...all the ignorant fools in this thread are unbelievable.
Imagine a group offering to build a wall around your home and all it was going to cost you is $100 and you declined.
Gee, I wonder why you broke bastards are always begging for free shit.
Why doesn't he just go ask the "religious right" to go get the money, since the Mexican government has nixed the idea that it is going to pay for the wall? I understand that the Almighty has the option of going "poof, here's a wall," or provide the extensive amount of cash needed to build it. After all, it is the "religious right" that maintains that the money is available to support unwanted children, people with disabilities, provide healthcare, and more, so it apparently has access to the Supreme Being's deep pockets.
scratch that, mexico will pay
So let me get this straight.

You want me to pay $100 for something that won't work because a bunch of uneducated racists were swindled into believing the obvious bullshit that Trump told them in order to get their votes. After it finally became obvious that Trump was going to be unable to get Mexico to pay for this, you tried to gather your fellow uneducated conservatives to pay for this. After being unable to accomplish that, you now want ME to help you fund this racist pipedream of yours because of how much you dislike brown people.

Yea...I think I'll pass.

You idiots believed in his bullshit. You idiots can pay for it.
My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why wouldn’t any legitimate, REAL American be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
Anyone with a basic understanding of facts wouldn’t.

1) Your figure is completely made up, but whatever, let’s pretend it’s true. Who would pay for the never ending cost maintaining the wall?

2) The wall could never be built because much of the land is privately owned. Long stretches of the border make it impossible to even build a wall given the terrain.

3) Migration - legal or not - from Mexico has been declining rapidly since 2008. People who pretend there is a border crisis are really just trying to justify their childish racism toward brown people.

4) 25% of undocumented Mexican immigrants in this country came here legally initially but have since overstayed their visas.

5) A physical barrier isn’t somehow a cure-all to illegal immigration. That’s just retarded. What is to prevent tunneling or simply climbing over the wall with a ladder?

You see, the left doesn’t think Trump’s wall is a bad idea becaus they want open borders - we simply realize how stupid the idea is. A 4th grader could have come up with this idea. No republican president before Trump has suggested this idea because they were smart enough to know what border securities actually worked.
I think it should be noted again for historical permanence that the OP should stop begging people to pitch in $100 for a wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for. Just because the OP was an idiot and believed him doesnt mean others should pay for him being hoodwinked by the orange carnival barker.
My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why would any legitimate, REAL American not be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
I read on another message board about the reason the left hates the wall, and it was a brilliant take.

They hate the wall, not because it is a waste of money. Those motherfuckers are the epitome of spend-thrifts.

A wall is a permanent policy. It cannot be changed later, like increasing border patrol agents or other reversible measures. So, when the democrats/leftists/communists get back in control of everything, they can just quietly shut down any security efforts and FUCK US ALL RIGHT UP THE ASS!!! The wall is a lasting impediment to their attempted communist takeover.

I was not really a fan of the wall before, but after considering this take, I am 100% in favor of it.

You can be sure that the left is only against something that prevents the communist revolution. Every fucking time. Pick a topic.

I've been saying that literally for years.
My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why would any legitimate, REAL American not be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
I read on another message board about the reason the left hates the wall, and it was a brilliant take.

They hate the wall, not because it is a waste of money. Those motherfuckers are the epitome of spend-thrifts.

A wall is a permanent policy. It cannot be changed later, like increasing border patrol agents or other reversible measures. So, when the democrats/leftists/communists get back in control of everything, they can just quietly shut down any security efforts and FUCK US ALL RIGHT UP THE ASS!!! The wall is a lasting impediment to their attempted communist takeover.

I was not really a fan of the wall before, but after considering this take, I am 100% in favor of it.

You can be sure that the left is only against something that prevents the communist revolution. Every fucking time. Pick a topic.

Nothing man made is permanent. Especially a wall.

Are the Dims going to vandalize the wall?
So let me get this straight.

You want me to pay $100 for something that won't work because a bunch of uneducated racists were swindled into believing the obvious bullshit that Trump told them in order to get their votes. After it finally became obvious that Trump was going to be unable to get Mexico to pay for this, you tried to gather your fellow uneducated conservatives to pay for this. After being unable to accomplish that, you now want ME to help you fund this racist pipedream of yours because of how much you dislike brown people.

Yea...I think I'll pass.

You idiots believed in his bullshit. You idiots can pay for it.

My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why wouldn’t any legitimate, REAL American be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
Anyone with a basic understanding of facts wouldn’t.

1) Your figure is completely made up, but whatever, let’s pretend it’s true. Who would pay for the never ending cost maintaining the wall?

2) The wall could never be built because much of the land is privately owned. Long stretches of the border make it impossible to even build a wall given the terrain.

3) Migration - legal or not - from Mexico has been declining rapidly since 2008. People who pretend there is a border crisis are really just trying to justify their childish racism toward brown people.

4) 25% of undocumented Mexican immigrants in this country came here legally initially but have since overstayed their visas.

5) A physical barrier isn’t somehow a cure-all to illegal immigration. That’s just retarded. What is to prevent tunneling or simply climbing over the wall with a ladder?

You see, the left doesn’t think Trump’s wall is a bad idea becaus they want open borders - we simply realize how stupid the idea is. A 4th grader could have come up with this idea. No republican president before Trump has suggested this idea because they were smart enough to know what border securities actually worked.

I think it should be noted again for historical permanence that the OP should stop begging people to pitch in $100 for a wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for. Just because the OP was an idiot and believed him doesnt mean others should pay for him being hoodwinked by the orange carnival barker.

Hahaha....consider how pathetically ignorant one has to be to decline to throw in a measly one hundred dollars to secure the place they live and reduce their out of pocket expenses long term. You filthy lowlife bastards just can’t get out of your own way, you insist on making complete fucking asses of yourselves....I love it....hahaha
“Hi, we want to build you a wall around your home to define your property lines and keep the riff raff from squatting in your backyard and robbing you...all it will cost you is $100.”
LefTarded Fools:
“No thanks, it would be racist of me to erect a barrier to keep my family safe and the riff raff from squatting in my backyard and stealing from me...further, I really enjoy the six hour wait times at the emergency room, healthcare I can’t afford, I love poor k-12 education, community degradation and entry level jobs filled by 35 year old thirdworlders to prevent my kid from getting job experience.”

Gee, I wonder why you broke bastards are always begging for free shit.
My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why would any legitimate, REAL American not be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
I read on another message board about the reason the left hates the wall, and it was a brilliant take.

They hate the wall, not because it is a waste of money. Those motherfuckers are the epitome of spend-thrifts.

A wall is a permanent policy. It cannot be changed later, like increasing border patrol agents or other reversible measures. So, when the democrats/leftists/communists get back in control of everything, they can just quietly shut down any security efforts and FUCK US ALL RIGHT UP THE ASS!!! The wall is a lasting impediment to their attempted communist takeover.

I was not really a fan of the wall before, but after considering this take, I am 100% in favor of it.

You can be sure that the left is only against something that prevents the communist revolution. Every fucking time. Pick a topic.

Nothing man made is permanent. Especially a wall.

Are the Dims going to vandalize the wall?
What are the Dims?
So let me get this straight.

You want me to pay $100 for something that won't work because a bunch of uneducated racists were swindled into believing the obvious bullshit that Trump told them in order to get their votes. After it finally became obvious that Trump was going to be unable to get Mexico to pay for this, you tried to gather your fellow uneducated conservatives to pay for this. After being unable to accomplish that, you now want ME to help you fund this racist pipedream of yours because of how much you dislike brown people.

Yea...I think I'll pass.

You idiots believed in his bullshit. You idiots can pay for it.

My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why wouldn’t any legitimate, REAL American be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
Anyone with a basic understanding of facts wouldn’t.

1) Your figure is completely made up, but whatever, let’s pretend it’s true. Who would pay for the never ending cost maintaining the wall?

2) The wall could never be built because much of the land is privately owned. Long stretches of the border make it impossible to even build a wall given the terrain.

3) Migration - legal or not - from Mexico has been declining rapidly since 2008. People who pretend there is a border crisis are really just trying to justify their childish racism toward brown people.

4) 25% of undocumented Mexican immigrants in this country came here legally initially but have since overstayed their visas.

5) A physical barrier isn’t somehow a cure-all to illegal immigration. That’s just retarded. What is to prevent tunneling or simply climbing over the wall with a ladder?

You see, the left doesn’t think Trump’s wall is a bad idea becaus they want open borders - we simply realize how stupid the idea is. A 4th grader could have come up with this idea. No republican president before Trump has suggested this idea because they were smart enough to know what border securities actually worked.

I think it should be noted again for historical permanence that the OP should stop begging people to pitch in $100 for a wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for. Just because the OP was an idiot and believed him doesnt mean others should pay for him being hoodwinked by the orange carnival barker.

Hahaha....consider how pathetically ignorant one has to be to decline to throw in a measly one hundred dollars to secure the place they live and reduce their out of pocket expenses long term. You filthy lowlife bastards just can’t get out of your own way, you insist on making complete fucking asses of yourselves....I love it....hahaha
“Hi, we want to build you a wall around your home to define your property lines and keep the riff raff from squatting in your backyard and robbing you...all it will cost you is $100.”
LefTarded Fools:
“No thanks, it would be racist of me to erect a barrier to keep my family safe and the riff raff from squatting in my backyard and stealing from me...further, I really enjoy the six hour wait times at the emergency room, healthcare I can’t afford, I love poor k-12 education, community degradation and entry level jobs filled by 35 year old thirdworlders to prevent my kid from getting job experience.”

Gee, I wonder why you broke bastards are always begging for free shit.
Says the broke loser begging for free money. Get off your lazy ass and get a job. You can finance the wall yourself you bum. :rolleyes:
So let me get this straight.

You want me to pay $100 for something that won't work because a bunch of uneducated racists were swindled into believing the obvious bullshit that Trump told them in order to get their votes. After it finally became obvious that Trump was going to be unable to get Mexico to pay for this, you tried to gather your fellow uneducated conservatives to pay for this. After being unable to accomplish that, you now want ME to help you fund this racist pipedream of yours because of how much you dislike brown people.

Yea...I think I'll pass.

You idiots believed in his bullshit. You idiots can pay for it.

My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why wouldn’t any legitimate, REAL American be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.
Anyone with a basic understanding of facts wouldn’t.

1) Your figure is completely made up, but whatever, let’s pretend it’s true. Who would pay for the never ending cost maintaining the wall?

2) The wall could never be built because much of the land is privately owned. Long stretches of the border make it impossible to even build a wall given the terrain.

3) Migration - legal or not - from Mexico has been declining rapidly since 2008. People who pretend there is a border crisis are really just trying to justify their childish racism toward brown people.

4) 25% of undocumented Mexican immigrants in this country came here legally initially but have since overstayed their visas.

5) A physical barrier isn’t somehow a cure-all to illegal immigration. That’s just retarded. What is to prevent tunneling or simply climbing over the wall with a ladder?

You see, the left doesn’t think Trump’s wall is a bad idea becaus they want open borders - we simply realize how stupid the idea is. A 4th grader could have come up with this idea. No republican president before Trump has suggested this idea because they were smart enough to know what border securities actually worked.

I think it should be noted again for historical permanence that the OP should stop begging people to pitch in $100 for a wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for. Just because the OP was an idiot and believed him doesnt mean others should pay for him being hoodwinked by the orange carnival barker.

Hahaha....consider how pathetically ignorant one has to be to decline to throw in a measly one hundred dollars to secure the place they live and reduce their out of pocket expenses long term. You filthy lowlife bastards just can’t get out of your own way, you insist on making complete fucking asses of yourselves....I love it....hahaha
“Hi, we want to build you a wall around your home to define your property lines and keep the riff raff from squatting in your backyard and robbing you...all it will cost you is $100.”
LefTarded Fools:
“No thanks, it would be racist of me to erect a barrier to keep my family safe and the riff raff from squatting in my backyard and stealing from me...further, I really enjoy the six hour wait times at the emergency room, healthcare I can’t afford, I love poor k-12 education, community degradation and entry level jobs filled by 35 year old thirdworlders to prevent my kid from getting job experience.”

Gee, I wonder why you broke bastards are always begging for free shit.

Once again, I wouldn't pay 1 cent to help support your racist pipedream.
My 19-22 year old warehouse kids, one who is Hispanic say they’d happily pony up $100 for a Wall that would MITIGATE illegal border crossings?
Why wouldn’t any legitimate, REAL American be willing to throw $100 at the potential alone?
I bet I know the answer.

We do not have to Mexico is paying for the wall, Cheato told us!

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