Why Are FBI and DC Police Not Clearing and Investigating Bricks, Propane Tanks Stashed in DC Right Now?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
are you too poor to pay attention? You are a fool.
Sorry, I don't get your meaning?

I think folks falling into the trap that the Deep State is laying are the fools.

They don't care who causes the riots. . . they just want them. :rolleyes:
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
are you too poor to pay attention? You are a fool.
Sorry, I don't get your meaning?

I think folks falling into the trap that the Deep State is laying are the fools.

They don't care who causes the riots. . . they just want them. :rolleyes:
It's a war. The communists want one to eliminate as many Americans as possible.
The left did this in of all places Provo, Utah.
They hope something bad happens then they destroy businesses and can blame it on the right.

When I posted this a few days ago one of the lefties put a funny on it.
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896

Probably b/c their superiors where told by agencies with higher authority & superior jurisdiction not to touch them.
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also
You were doing ok until you started saying they aren’t socialists. Global socialism is their goal. Yes Soros and all the others absolutely want socialism for the same reason every socialist leader up to Maduro wanted it. They get all the money and all the power. It’s not something you can just let happen because you don’t want to play into their hand. Not fighting it plays into their hand as well. Letting their foot soldiers run rampant is just fine with them. There’s no friendly way out of this at this point. The demise of every socialist movement to free the people has had to be done with guns. That doesn’t change just because we’re in the US.
This is the kind of exaggerated stupidity that appears to be the hallmark of today's right-wing. These are construction sites. Just because trump's vermin are in town doesn't mean that the city has to come to a complete halt and hide everything that this vermin might get their hands on. The cops and the National Guard are out patrolling and they will corral them in. Gateway pundit is such a joke.
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
Well, 81,000 of our military personnel died fighting Marxism and 7.3 million people fled Marxism to live under our Constitutional Republic with all its freedoms and Communism is all about murderous authoritarian control over a population. So, if an actual armed conflict breaks out, then yes, use the ammunition against the Communists.
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896
George Soros
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896
To busy taking a knee
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also
You were doing ok until you started saying they aren’t socialists. Global socialism is their goal. Yes Soros and all the others absolutely want socialism for the same reason every socialist leader up to Maduro wanted it. They get all the money and all the power. It’s not something you can just let happen because you don’t want to play into their hand. Not fighting it plays into their hand as well. Letting their foot soldiers run rampant is just fine with them. There’s no friendly way out of this at this point. The demise of every socialist movement to free the people has had to be done with guns. That doesn’t change just because we’re in the US.

Oh yeah?

Did the Russians use guns to get rid of it in the Soviet Union, or did the people, and the leaders, just say. . . NO. . . and walk away?

It's called passive resistance.

They only have the power that you give them.

When the folks in S. Africa didn't show up to vote, the government collapsed and the apartheid ended.

When the folks in Haiti refused to participate, the so-called elected leader, with less than 10% of the support of the people fled the nation.

They AREN'T socialists, they are supported for foundations and global corporations that run the world.

Look at the BIden campaign contributors.

Here is the page of supporters for the WEF.


If you have been getting your information from conservative media, or you do not know what the definition of socialism is, that is fine.

But I am telling you, with the involvement of these think-tanks, NGO's, and different corporations, the model is Dirigisme.

Even wiki defines Dirigisme as a type of capitalism, not socialism.

Just as the tech companies are taking away the freedom of speech, so too will private health care companies be deciding how you will be raising your children, and what you will be allowed to do with your body.

NOT SOCIALISM, Dirigisme, I.E., fascist corporate global technocracy. Because you won't be able to get away from it, it will follow you no matter where you go, AND, more importantly for us, no matter who you vote for, probably even into outer space. And it won't be dependent on who you vote for, it will have everything to do with the corporate structure. THINK Blade Runner.

Your credit score will mean more than your right to vote. :auiqs.jpg:

Other economies with dirigiste characteristics
Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[13] However, the Fascist systems created by Benito Mussolini (Italy), António Salazar (Portugal), Francisco Franco (Spain) Emperor Hirohito (Japan), and Adolf Hitler (Germany) are a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[14]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. To varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period, countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif.[15]

The economies of the East Asian tigers are sometimes characterised as being "dirigiste" due to the strong role played by the state in development planning and guiding investment.[citation needed]
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