Why Are FBI and DC Police Not Clearing and Investigating Bricks, Propane Tanks Stashed in DC Right Now?

Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
Well, 81,000 of our military personnel died fighting Marxism and 7.3 million people fled Marxism to live under our Constitutional Republic with all its freedoms and Communism is all about murderous authoritarian control over a population. So, if an actual armed conflict breaks out, then yes, use the ammunition against the Communists.
They only think they are communists. . . they don't have a chance.

Just like they think you are a fascist.

The whole thing is a make believe fantasy. It doesn't exist.

You don't know who the real enemy is. It is the folks that put out the "ammunition."

There is no way a Marx or Stalin would ever rise to power here, they would have no support among the oligarchy, to speak nothing of the armed forces.
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Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also

@ MB; I have not given one of these out in quite some time but for your reply of WISDOM you just received a HOME RUN WITH THE FREAKIN' BASES LOADED!!! I have not seen in ages anyone even mentioning the oligarchy but you just now in this reply of yours which really stunned me for a moment! I would dare say that the vast majority of our fellow American constituency don't even have a clue of what they are fighting for/about & are totally clueless about the oligarchy & it's global connection with the international banking cartel. Keep posting MB, keep posting about this with everything you've got!
This is the kind of exaggerated stupidity that appears to be the hallmark of today's right-wing. These are construction sites. Just because trump's vermin are in town doesn't mean that the city has to come to a complete halt and hide everything that this vermin might get their hands on. The cops and the National Guard are out patrolling and they will corral them in. Gateway pundit is such a joke.

You think this is exaggerated stupidity?

You should see the sheer lunacy that Sanders and the squad have inspired in the left.

I look at some of these "antifa" pages, and it is littered with ten of thousands of people that believe in this anachronistic socialist garbage.

There aren't any serious contemporary politicians or economists that take any of it seriously. The zoomers and their more idealistic pierced and hair dyed millennial cohorts are being taken for a ride.

These losers actually hold Cuba, China, and Venezuela up as some model. . .

. . . and you have the unmitigated gall to call the hard right, "stupid," for reacting hostilely when the puppet masters allow these stupid left wing useful idiots the "space," to burn and loot? Just so they can manipulate everyone into the desired social conflagration they are aiming at?

The optimal outcome would be, if the right just ignored everything, just got sick of it all, and stayed home and quit. Then it wouldn't surprise me if the oligarchs of the Deep State decided to make a hail marry and over turn the election at the last minute to see if THAT would trigger the unrest they are looking for. . .

. . . b/c, let's face it, Americans, over all, even the most radical ones, don't like to burn down our own citizens or just kill each other willy nilly. Not over politics.

We are not as dumb as Europeans are Asians.

And we learned our lesson back with the civil war. I just don't think it will come to that.

I observe those Antifa/Proud Boys brawls. . . and I am always struck by how angry, both sides are, and yet, our nation has more guns than any other, but both sides, implicitly ALWAYS leave them at home and only bring brawling gear.

Why do you suppose that is?

. . . but I do know, the STATE is just itching to have both sides bring their guns. But I doubt they ever will. Not again. Not after Kenosha.
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Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also

@ MB; I have not given one of these out in quite some time but for your reply of WISDOM you just received a HOME RUN WITH THE FREAKIN' BASES LOADED!!! I have not seen in ages anyone even mentioning the oligarchy but you just now in this reply of yours which really stunned me for a moment! I would dare say that the vast majority of our fellow American constituency don't even have a clue of what they are fighting for/about & are totally clueless about the oligarchy & it's global connection with the international banking cartel. Keep posting MB, keep posting about this with everything you've got!
Been doing it since I became a member here. . .

. . . back then, I was summarily laughed at for telling folks that elections were, and could be rigged. Or, at the very least, the press could make the population believe so.

Either one or the other is going on. . . so we must ask the question, why? Even the left can't deny that. Some dirty shit is going on.

Ever since this pandemic started, and, wow, for the first time ever since this election, some folks are starting to think I may not be totally insane.

That's scary.

I wonder if the whole world is going to be as depressed as I once was when I first, truly, understand and realized the implications for the reality of the world we live in? :eusa_think:

I've heard that the young, like those in their twenties and thirties are committing suicide at unheard of rates. . . I am sure they are aware. They haven't had a life time of conditioning with out the internet to do their own reality fact-checking. Older folks, still cling to the quaint Mocking-Bird paradigms of yesteryear. . . .

IMO, that is why we had our first black president, and why they choose for us a reality TEE VEE/social media president for American's Next Top President.

. . . I doubt Biden will serve his full term. They will keep it interesting. It's just a hunch though.
These trump "patriots" certainly had a fine time attacking the police last night in DC. I thought that "Blue Lives Matter."
Now that Patriots know where these stashes are, protect them and use the ammunition against the communists.
You are as awful as the piece of shit agitators.

" use the ammunition against the communists?"

. . . what the fuck is wrong with you?
We’ve killed communists around the world to stop their bullshit. Why wouldn’t we do it here?

. . . because, if you haven't figured it out, for the Deep State, they don't care who won or lost the election.

I have been tracking the state of the global economy since before the COVID, and although outwardly, to most, b/c the markets were doing fine, everything looked fine, the fundamentals, the currencies of the world, and the toxic debt that was being accumulated is, and was unsustainable.

Hell, why do you think they shot down Ron Paul's audit the FED bill?

There is even more danger in the road ahead, things that a lot of folks still aren't grasping, stuff that the government needs, much, much more control to do.

They have been needing an excuse for martial law. That BLM thing was an attempt to turn up the heat, as has been this electoral theft, and this over-reaction to this disease. As have been the lockdowns.

Protest peacefully, sure.


Now is the time for the left and right to unite, not to give the oligarchs what they want.

I am telling you now. . . Trump, Biden? It doesn't matter, they are all controlled by the same folks, and they are looking for an excuse to pull the martial law trigger.

The radicals on the left, are as clueless and being played as much as you folks. They live in an echo-chamber was well.

There are no communists anymore. Do you think Soros, a guy that invests in the market is a "socialist?" Do you think any of these other interest groups funding the foundations that fund the left are actually, "socialists?" Seriously? :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there is anyone that is laying out these bricks because they believe in "socialism?"

bah. . . it's all about a one world merging of government and corporate power, with out giving any of the people a say in how the rules are made, or who is put into those positions of power. . . a fascist corporate global technocracy.

But they can only trigger undemocratic emergency powers IF folks get violent. . . . IF civil unrest breaks out and disorder is the rule of the day.

I am telling you, for both the left, AND the right. . . just as the Great Reset has long been planned, and Agenda 2030 has long been planned. . . .

Be wise. . . . .


See also

@ MB; I have not given one of these out in quite some time but for your reply of WISDOM you just received a HOME RUN WITH THE FREAKIN' BASES LOADED!!! I have not seen in ages anyone even mentioning the oligarchy but you just now in this reply of yours which really stunned me for a moment! I would dare say that the vast majority of our fellow American constituency don't even have a clue of what they are fighting for/about & are totally clueless about the oligarchy & it's global connection with the international banking cartel. Keep posting MB, keep posting about this with everything you've got!
Been doing it since I became a member here. . .

. . . back then, I was summarily laughed at for telling folks that elections were, and could be rigged. Or, at the very least, the press could make the population believe so.

Either one or the other is going on. . . so we must ask the question, why? Even the left can't deny that. Some dirty shit is going on.

Ever since this pandemic started, and, wow, for the first time ever since this election, some folks are starting to think I may not be totally insane.

That's scary.

I wonder if the whole world is going to be as depressed as I once was when I first, truly, understand and realized the implications for the reality of the world we live in? :eusa_think:

I've heard that the young, like those in their twenties and thirties are committing suicide at unheard of rates. . . I am sure they are aware. They haven't had a life time of conditioning with out the internet to do their own reality fact-checking. Older folks, still cling to the quaint Mocking-Bird paradigms of yesteryear. . . .

IMO, that is why we had our first black president, and why they choose for us a reality TEE VEE/social media president for American's Next Top President.

. . . I doubt Biden will serve his full term. They will keep it interesting. It's just a hunch though.

I am certainly appreciative that you have the GUTS to admit about your former deep depression. I can absolutely assure you that you were NOT alone in that area. Insane? I'd say you are one of the FEW that has both the range/windage & trajectory zeroed like you're landing the rounds dead center on target. To tell you the truth I think many folks instinctively know that current events are not right globally, they just are not fully up to speed(info) so are frightened of the future unknown, & equally frightened to learn more. People strongly resent change out of fear. Suicide in America see below(tragic). The older folks have the experience for sure but the younger ones lack confidence in their elders leadership capability. There may well come a day that the American constituency(or @ least a part of it) will have no choice but to stand shoulder to shoulder to fight back. The way I look @ it is that it's better to go down swinging than crawling out on ones hands & knees with a whimper. Till next time MB!

Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896
The leftists banished my thread to the RUBBER ROOM for posting about propane tanks being left out in the streets of DC
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896
I think the protesters need to be shot.

Let's start this war right.
Takes planning and trucks for these kinds of loads, far away from construction areas. Who could be behind this?

View attachment 437896

I have never been to D.C. and have no desire to do so, but I have a suspicion that a lot of cops in D.C. "dislike" President Trump, so if there are objects that could harm Trump supporters, those cops will manage not to see them.
I'm watching and listening to all the glossy speeches. All these people talk about is Trump. Shouldnt they be talking about their plans? Do they have any plans they are actually comfortable sharing? They are STiLL desperate to simply oust Trump before they get on with the Final Solution.

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