Why are former military officials calling on a military coup ?

^^^ The big question may be how can we kind out if he really is the winner/loser, which ever one it is that he is declared? In other words, will each vote be counted the way that it is supposed to be counted and will any vote that is not valid for whatever reason be discarded the way that it is supposed to be?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!

If President Trump "refuses to leave office by January 20th, 2021...". they're saying he should be removed by force.

In this extremely important video from the Schiller Institute conference which concluded September 6th, former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General Richard Black finds that those retired generals, now active against Donald Trump are in violation of Section 88 of the Military Code of Justice. He names the names and says what the President should order Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to do if Esper doesn't do it himself. The Defense One publication being used by the insurrectionists is owned now by the Atlantic Media, principally Laurene Powell Jobs, who has been a key financial angel supporting Kamala Harris. Atlantic Media also publishes the Atlantic which is pushing the current fake narrative about the president disparaging the military.

Hmmm. Where was it we first started hearing about .......oh yeah. Now I remember.

Many generals are left wing Hacks that Odemon appointed
They want wars !! It pays them

......and yet the right tells us they are pro military until it comes to their beloved leader, who was a draft dodger.

So was the last several presidents

What draft did Pres Obama dodge?
If President Trump "refuses to leave office by January 20th, 2021...". they're saying he should be removed by force.

In this extremely important video from the Schiller Institute conference which concluded September 6th, former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General Richard Black finds that those retired generals, now active against Donald Trump are in violation of Section 88 of the Military Code of Justice. He names the names and says what the President should order Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to do if Esper doesn't do it himself. The Defense One publication being used by the insurrectionists is owned now by the Atlantic Media, principally Laurene Powell Jobs, who has been a key financial angel supporting Kamala Harris. Atlantic Media also publishes the Atlantic which is pushing the current fake narrative about the president disparaging the military.

Hmmm. Where was it we first started hearing about .......oh yeah. Now I remember.

You left off the part where they say "if he loses the election" shit brains.
^^^ The big question may be how can we kind out if he really is the winner/loser, which ever one it is that he is declared? In other words, will each vote be counted the way that it is supposed to be counted and will any vote that is not valid for whatever reason be discarded the way that it is supposed to be?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


The elections in all 50 states and the 7 territories will be signed off on as they have in virtually every election. Once the results are certified, that means the votes have been entered.

That is how you'll know.
Did I miss something? Why are these people so sure that if Trump loses he'll refuse to leave the White House?

They aren't sure. They are saying "if he refuses to leave"

Okay, so why are they even speculating? Did Trump say or imply anything along these lines? If so, what did he say? If not, why are they making an issue of something that was never an issue?
Because they're Communists who are part of the Deep State and hate that President Trump has reduced their power and doesn't kiss their asses like previous Presidents. :smoke:
What nonsense...
We haven’t had the election yet.
Trump hasn’t lost yet.
Trump hasn’t refused to step down yet.
The USSC and Armed Forces haven’t done anything yet.
The “Schiller Institute” ... is an open LaRouche cult group.
If President Trump "refuses to leave office by January 20th, 2021...". they're saying he should be removed by force.

In this extremely important video from the Schiller Institute conference which concluded September 6th, former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General Richard Black finds that those retired generals, now active against Donald Trump are in violation of Section 88 of the Military Code of Justice. He names the names and says what the President should order Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to do if Esper doesn't do it himself. The Defense One publication being used by the insurrectionists is owned now by the Atlantic Media, principally Laurene Powell Jobs, who has been a key financial angel supporting Kamala Harris. Atlantic Media also publishes the Atlantic which is pushing the current fake narrative about the president disparaging the military.

Hmmm. Where was it we first started hearing about .......oh yeah. Now I remember.


if trump loses the election

and refuses to leave

then TRUMP will be the piece of shit attempting a coup.

you stinking right wing piece of shit

if trump loses the election

and refuses to leave

then TRUMP will be the piece of shit attempting a coup.

you stinking right wing piece of shit
Excuse me ?
You scum wads already attempted a soft coup and failed.
And all indications say you'll try again.

The op is a laugh. If Trump loses he will leave when he's supposed to leave.
And if the election is undecided by January 20th, then what genius ?
You think we're gonna let Pelosi step in ?? You want to see a real protest, go ahead and try it.
If this board ever has a convention, I want to be on record right now as applying for the Tin Foil concession and assure all I will supply only the best American made foil to protect some of our most ardent posters from further or future damage. :auiqs.jpg:
^^Translation......."I didn't read the OP article
because ignorance is bliss. I need my bliss."

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