Why Are "Hispanics" Entitled To Special Treatment In The US?


Jun 10, 2010
If I read the term "Hispanic" correctly, it is someone who has decended from a member of the Spanish Empire. Am I right?

Now is Spain more important than Poland or Ireland or Italy or Switzerland or any other European country?

Are the decendants of Poland or Ireland or Italy or Switzerland or any other European country less deserving of that treatment?

What gives "Hispanic" the quality that puts them on the list of "unfortunates" that must be protected and given special treatment above other human beings on this earth?

Why are they placed in a report from the US to the United Nations Department for Human Rights as deserving special treatment?


Can anyone answer this?
If I read the term "Hispanic" correctly, it is someone who has decended from a member of the Spanish Empire. Am I right?

Now is Spain more important than Poland or Ireland or Italy or Switzerland or any other European country?

Are the decendants of Poland or Ireland or Italy or Switzerland or any other European country less deserving of that treatment?

What gives "Hispanic" the quality that puts them on the list of "unfortunates" that must be protected and given special treatment above other human beings on this earth?

Why are they placed in a report from the US to the United Nations Department for Human Rights as deserving special treatment?


Can anyone answer this?
The text only presents what are the fundamental values this nation was founded on. If you find something in the text that conflicts with America, please point it out. Getting to a place where there is hope for all is a large part of the American experiment and dream.

from text:

"The United States aspires to foster a society in which, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, the success of our children is determined by the “content of their character.” We are not satisfied with a situation where the unemployment rate for African Americans is 15.8%, for Hispanics 12.4%, and for whites 8.8%, as it was in February 2010. We are not satisfied that a person with disabilities is only one fourth as likely to be employed as a person without disabilities. We are not satisfied when fewer than half of African-American and Hispanic families own homes while three quarters of white families do. We are not satisfied that whites are twice as likely as Native Americans to have a college degree. The United States continues to address such disparities by working to ensure that equal opportunity is not only guaranteed in law but experienced in fact by all Americans."
The basis of Hispanics being treated as a "protected class" in US civil rights law is that there is a documented history of racila-ethnic discrimination against "non-whites. The "special treatment" you refer to are efforts to assure that this group is protected from bias and compensated, to some degree, for past prejudices that have disadvantged it as an identifiable group. The expectation is that these protections will be temporary as attitudes and practices towards Hispanics change.
If I read the term "Hispanic" correctly, it is someone who has decended from a member of the Spanish Empire. Am I right?


They are descendents of members of the Spanish Empire AND a member of the original inhabitants of this continent.

Generally, there is rape and slavery in their family tree.

Just saying....
The basis of Hispanics being treated as a "protected class" in US civil rights law is that there is a documented history of racila-ethnic discrimination against "non-whites. The "special treatment" you refer to are efforts to assure that this group is protected from bias and compensated, to some degree, for past prejudices that have disadvantged it as an identifiable group. The expectation is that these protections will be temporary as attitudes and practices towards Hispanics change.
You didn't have to write all that, just say you feel sorry for them.
The text only presents what are the fundamental values this nation was founded on. If you find something in the text that conflicts with America, please point it out. Getting to a place where there is hope for all is a large part of the American experiment and dream.

from text:

"The United States aspires to foster a society in which, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, the success of our children is determined by the “content of their character.” We are not satisfied with a situation where the unemployment rate for African Americans is 15.8%, for Hispanics 12.4%, and for whites 8.8%, as it was in February 2010. We are not satisfied that a person with disabilities is only one fourth as likely to be employed as a person without disabilities. We are not satisfied when fewer than half of African-American and Hispanic families own homes while three quarters of white families do. We are not satisfied that whites are twice as likely as Native Americans to have a college degree. The United States continues to address such disparities by working to ensure that equal opportunity is not only guaranteed in law but experienced in fact by all Americans."

Poverty by Race

The number and the rate of Hispanics of any race living in poverty increased significantly in 2008, from 21.5 percent to 23.2 percent. The number of Hispanics in poverty went up to 9.9 million, from 11.0 million in 2008.

The poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites increased to 8.6 percent.

African Americans’ poverty rate rose slightly, to 24.7 percent.

The number of Asian Americans living in poverty increased to 11.8 percent in 2008.

Poverty by Race Poverty Rate Millions in Poverty
9.9 million

African Americans
9.2 million

White (non-Hispanic)
16.0 million

Asian Americans
1.3 million

Poverty USA -- Catholic Campaign for Human Development -- A hand up, not a hand out.

The poverty by race for Hispanics in America is a scammed figure because they keep increasing it with every illegal that sneaks into the US. Those people should not be included but they always are.

Since Latinos have proven that they don't care about the conditions in the rest of the world but only how to fill their own stomachs, what type of world will it be when they control the United States?
The basis of Hispanics being treated as a "protected class" in US civil rights law is that there is a documented history of racila-ethnic discrimination against "non-whites. The "special treatment" you refer to are efforts to assure that this group is protected from bias and compensated, to some degree, for past prejudices that have disadvantged it as an identifiable group. The expectation is that these protections will be temporary as attitudes and practices towards Hispanics change.

Do Mexicans care about the 125+ countries that are poorer than theirs?
The poverty by race for Hispanics in America is a scammed figure because they keep increasing it with every illegal that sneaks into the US. Those people should not be included but they always are.

Since Latinos have proven that they don't care about the conditions in the rest of the world but only how to fill their own stomachs, what type of world will it be when they control the United States?

You didn't answer my question, you posted the stupidity that twirls around in your head. Ever been to Spain? Nice place, visit sometime.
[You didn't answer my question, you posted the stupidity that twirls around in your head. Ever been to Spain? Nice place, visit sometime.

At what point did you answer the original question of "Why Are Hispanics Entitled to Special Treatment in the US?"

I pointed out that they don't contribute to society outside of their race.

I also pointed out that there are other races in the US with a greater need than Hispanics.

Why would I care to visit Spain except to hear Spaniards completely disown Latin Americans as a race of backward banana pickers.
The basis of Hispanics being treated as a "protected class" in US civil rights law is that there is a documented history of racila-ethnic discrimination against "non-whites. The "special treatment" you refer to are efforts to assure that this group is protected from bias and compensated, to some degree, for past prejudices that have disadvantged it as an identifiable group. The expectation is that these protections will be temporary as attitudes and practices towards Hispanics change.


Once a protection is written into law it has been proven over time impossible to get rid of. For practical purposes these protections are permanent and will remain in force indefinately. Look at the civil rights legislation enacted over 50 years ago! The only people not covered by special treatment is healthy working class white people! I know that sounds racist but can you prove otherwise???
ILLEGAL AIENS AT HOME HERE They act is if they have a right to be here and they get that from advocates of illegal immigration. And we are racist if we want them to enter legally and want enforcement of our immigration laws. They feel their civil rights are violated is businesses where they work illegally are raided and they are arrested and deported. They are the criminals but they make us feel we are the criminals.
Obama tell them they are not illegal, but undocumented immigrants.

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