Zone1 Why are Jews hated so much?

Why are Jews hated so much?

  • Jews are hated because they are an inferior race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they possess so much wealth and power

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they are the cause of all the world's problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jews are hated because they crucified Jesus

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
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Probably 99.99 % of Christians don't hate Jews. Muslims on the other hand..........
Well, I think you exaggerate about the Christians, but I would agree that the antisemitism among Muslims is much more concerning. Also, Christians lean more Republican and Muslims are almost all Democrats.
the crucifixion had nothing to do with it---christianity is a child of ROME---the Romans hated jews because jews resisted
the GIFT OF ROMAN CULTURE. Christians inherited Roman culture. The greeks considered their culture a gift too----but somehow did not feel the need to kill the resisters. Alexander even seemed to go for SYNTHESIS
They sure hated Antiochus Epiphanes for defiling the temple and trying to hellenize them.
They sure hated Antiochus Epiphanes for defiling the temple and trying to hellenize them.
Antiochus was not a follower of Alexander. His approach to his GREEK GIFT TO THE WORLD was more Roman than Greek. Maybe It was ARISTOTLE who was more of a cynic regarding Greek culture that influenced Alexander
Jews are hated because rightwingers who are white despises everyone outside of their race.

They think they're Aryans and want to destroy everything Jewish, brown and other than lily white.

One: “Jews are hated because they’re an inferior race.”

Two: “Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.”

Three: “Jews are hated because they’re different from everyone else.”

Four: “Jews are hated because they’re the cause for all the world’s problems.”

Five: “The Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.”

Six: Other. Tell us, GO!!

What say you?

They were always a convenient scapegoat for the powers that be. If the Muslims had a problem they could blame the Jews and not worry about blaming Christians in their borders setting off the Christian nations. Same the other way around for the Christians, although by the late middle ages there weren't many Muslims in Christian lands.

The jews had not armies, no protectors, and since they were outside the laws of the Church, occupied trades most Christians found vulgar, but trades that were needed.
They were always a convenient scapegoat for the powers that be. If the Muslims had a problem they could blame the Jews and not worry about blaming Christians in their borders setting off the Christian nations. Same the other way around for the Christians, although by the late middle ages there weren't many Muslims in Christian lands.

The jews had not armies, no protectors, and since they were outside the laws of the Church, occupied trades most Christians found vulgar, but trades that were needed.
The Jews were forced into occupations that required skills rather than capital assets. They were not allowed to own land in certain regions, thus were limited to crafts and later professional skills, skills that couldn't be taken from them and could be utilized wherever they went.

"If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." -Jewish proverb.
Jews are hated because God made a Covenant with them and the devil knows the result. The people who hate the Jews and want them destroyed can't give you an intelligent reason for their hate. They're deceived.
The Jews were forced into occupations that required skills rather than capital assets. They were not allowed to own land in certain regions, thus were limited to crafts and later professional skills, skills that couldn't be taken from them and could be reestablished wherever they went.

"If you can't carry it in your head, you must carry it on your back." -Jewish proverb.

that also funneled them into portable wealth, gold, jewelry, debt. things that had not connection to land ownership.

Add in the old usury laws and you get the "Jews = ill gotten Money" slander that continues to this day.
Jews are hated because God made a Covenant with them and the devil knows the result. The people who hate the Jews and want them destroyed can't give you an intelligent reason for their hate. They're deceived.

It may not be an intelligent reason, but there is always a reason. Mass persecution like you used to see against them wasn't just done for ha ha's.

Even if the reason was bad then, and detestable now.
It may not be an intelligent reason, but there is always a reason. Mass persecution like you used to see against them wasn't just done for ha ha's.

Even if the reason was bad then, and detestable now.
The devil had all the newborns murdered when Jesus was born. Things haven't changed.

One: “Jews are hated because they’re an inferior race.”

Two: “Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.”

Three: “Jews are hated because they’re different from everyone else.”

Four: “Jews are hated because they’re the cause for all the world’s problems.”

Five: “The Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.”

Six: Other. Tell us, GO!!

What say you?
Zionists use Judaism like a cheap whore uses a tampon. To be discarded after it no longer serves a purpose. There are two sides to this coin. There are the absolute stupid people of this country, that hate anything that is not them. Then there are the Zionists who just use antisemitism as a shield for Israeli atrocities.
Zionists use Judaism like a cheap whore uses a tampon. To be discarded after it no longer serves a purpose. There are two sides to this coin. There are the absolute stupid people of this country, that hate anything that is not them. Then there are the Zionists who just use antisemitism as a shield for Israeli atrocities.

"I don't hate all Jews, just most Jews"

The deflection trope of the garden variety antisemite.
that also funneled them into portable wealth, gold, jewelry, debt. things that had not connection to land ownership.

Add in the old usury laws and you get the "Jews = ill gotten Money" slander that continues to this day.
True, and money is most portable of assets.
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