Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Dude, you know what your cult leaders have told you. So they tell you some sanitized story about Joseph Smith just marrying those teenagers in a spiritual sense, and you buy it.. You know, instead of what it obviously was, a cult leader who got his followers to perform sex acts with him. The Cognitive dissonance you need to belong to a cult is always amazing to watch.

You haven't refuted one claim I've made about the things I think are just plain silly.

Planet Kolob
Hebrews in Bronze Age America
Magic Underwear
Celestial heaven
Polygamy being a thing until it wasn't.
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young having sex with teenage girls.
Dark skin being a curse from God.

This is all in your religion.

Yet you can't refute a single point I make. You must not be very well versed in your faith.

It's not my responsibility to refute all the bizarre lies and distortions that you insist on spreading about my religion. Especially not in every thread that you insist on derailing with this hateful bullshit that has nothing to do with the topics of every thread that you insist on vandalizing in this manner.

Everyone on this forum knows that you are a lying piece of shit, and everyone knows better than to believe anything that you say on any subject.

If you're so desperate to wave your dishonesty and madness around as if it is some proud banner, then that's on you. You are not fooling anyone.
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If you think you are being oppressed for being a Jew, stop being a Jew. Join some other belief in a sky pixie, or better yet, start thinking for yourself.

I feel very confident in saying that I do not think that Lisa558 is any more interested than I am, nor any other sane person, in looking to you to tell us what religions we may or may not follow.
I feel very confident in saying that I do not think that Lisa558 is any more interested than I am, nor any other sane person, in looking to you to tell us what religions we may or may not follow.
Thank you, and of course you are correct. I have no interest in what an antisemite tells me about whether or not to remain a Jew. The irony of course is that while he rails against racism, he spews bigotry against Judaism, Mormonism, and any religion.

He is a leftist, who prefers we worship the government.
Considering the religious beliefs of liberals- like Abortion being a great virtue and Almighty God putting Adam and Steve into the Garden, I don't think that libs have any room to criticize anyone else.

Except no one said Abortion was a great virtue. We just realize that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.
And no one said God put anyone in the garden. People evolved from primates. This can actually be proven with fossils.
I feel very confident in saying that I do not think that @Lisa558 is any more interested than I am, nor any other sane person, in looking to you to tell us what religions we may or may not follow.

I'm sure you are very happy worshipping a sky pixie who hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do. The last thing you want to do is WHY you hate gays and Mexicans.

Thank you, and of course you are correct. I have no interest in what an antisemite tells me about whether or not to remain a Jew. The irony of course is that while he rails against racism, he spews bigotry against Judaism, Mormonism, and any religion.

He is a leftist, who prefers we worship the government.

Well, this funny thing. The government is real. If I ask the government to do something, I will get an answer. Either they can or they can't. I have actual realistic expectations about my relationship with the government. How much I want them to do vs. how much I am willing to pay in taxes to have them do it.

On the other hand, your magic sky friend isn't real. You can give all the money in the world to the hucksters who run various religions, from the Mormon Cult leader living in a mansion to the Catholic Church paying off all those altar boys they buggered back in the 1970's. But at the end of the day, there is no God. You can pray all day and nothing will happen.

You see, I guess the thing that confuses me about Jews is that when Hitler turned half of you into bars of soap and lampshades, that should have disabused you of any notion that your "God" cares about you all that much. Then again, the whole Bible is basically made up of the Old Testament showing God punishing the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews for not worshiping him sufficiently, and the New Testament, where God has moved on to his new friends, all the Greeks and Romans who converted.

Sadly, religion will always have a place because people are afraid of dying. And whether it be the Christians offering you Heaven or the Muslims offering 76 virgins or the Mormons letting you have your own planet to rule, the religious hucksters can always play on your fear by offering you good stuff they never have to prove is real.
It's not my responsibility to refute all the bizarre lies and distortions that you insist on spreading about my religion. Especially not in every thread that you insist on derailing with this hateful bullshit that has nothing to do with the topics of every thread that you insist on vandalizing in this manner.

We know you can't... you just aren't a deep thinker. You are the ideal Mormon, you go to Temple, tithe them your money and don't ask any questions.

My thing is that even at an early age, I asked questions.

"Hey, Sister, it says here that God says 'no graven images', but we have all these statues of the Saints in Church!"
"If God is Good, why did he drown all the babies in the world?"

Now, when my parents died when I was young, religion had no answers for me, so I rejected it as something that was truly useless... but I'll give the Catholics small credit on this score. Once you take out all the superstitious bullshit, their basic moral code is a good one.

I can't say the same for Mormons or Jews, who basically divide the world between the "Chosen people" (themselves, of course) and the "Gentiles" (all the rest of us.)
You'll have your chance, soon enough, to tell Him that to His face.

That could be amusing to see.

Why would "God" actually need a face?

What if the Shintoism is right and the Christians are wrong? Then I'll be in Ame (Shinto Heaven) trying to explain my Asian fetish to Amaterasu, the supreme being!


And frankly, she already looks a little pissed off!

All joking aside, if you are a Christian, 6 billion people think you are wrong.
If you are a Muslim, 6.5 billion people think you are wrong.
If you are a Hindu, 7 billion people think you are wrong.
If you are a Jew, 7.985 billion people think you are wrong.
If you are a Mormon, 7.984 billion people think this is silly.


Now you would think if there actually was a God He (or She, I'm still betting on Amaterasu!) they'd have been a lot clearer on what the right religion was.

Or maybe if there is a supreme being, he (or she) doesn't really care which church you believed in or what you called him (or her), just whether or not you were a decent person.

But I refuse to believe any supreme being has a narcissistic need to be "Worshipped".

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