Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

1. I'm making an assumption based on past performance. When colleges realized that more and more of the tuition tab was being picked up by entities other than the students and their families, costs started spiraling out of control. Yes, when you and I went to school, you could work a full or part time job and cover most, if not all, your tuition costs. Not so much any more, and there's been no major increase in the quality of the education offered, just cost increases.

Actually, you start out with a premise that college costs have gone up because the colleges are greedy. The reality is that college tuition has gone up because states no longer subsidize operations like they used to. But using your logic, if the Government because the entity paying for all tuition, then they can go in and control costs. Nope, you don't need that expensive new building named after the outgoing Dean.

2. Scholarships are basically loans that don't get paid back. You're never going to get scholarships that cover the vast majority of students like loans do.

Sure you can. You just tax the rich appropriately, like we did before Reagan, control costs, and change some of your spending priorities. Whoops. We really don't need 10 more Ford Class Aircraft Carriers at $13.3 Billion a pop. We can just build four and retire the Nimitz class carriers.

3. I have no problem with national service for 18-20 year olds, and in fact support students taking a year or two off from school to find out what the real work world is like and grow up a bit. It would probably cut down on a lot of the stupidity that goes on now, and we'd see fewer snowflakes that need safe spaces with crayons because they saw the name "TRUMP!" written on the sidewalk.

Yes, you do go on and on about that... Your side has more snowflakes than ours does. You guys freak out if anyone even mentions CRT. Oh my God, little Timmy saw a drag queen reading a story! HORROR!!!
Actually, you start out with a premise that college costs have gone up because the colleges are greedy. The reality is that college tuition has gone up because states no longer subsidize operations like they used to. But using your logic, if the Government because the entity paying for all tuition, then they can go in and control costs. Nope, you don't need that expensive new building named after the outgoing Dean.
I've stated elsewhere that this is the end goal, total government control of education. And yes, government CAN control the costs when it controls the entire operation. They can just go back to the blue collar union guy and take more of his paycheck.
Sure you can. You just tax the rich appropriately, like we did before Reagan, control costs, and change some of your spending priorities. Whoops. We really don't need 10 more Ford Class Aircraft Carriers at $13.3 Billion a pop. We can just build four and retire the Nimitz class carriers.
You guys are always on about taxing the rich more, as if that's going to solve every problem. Want socialized medicine for all? Tax the rich. Want government controlled education? Tax the rich. The reality is, there's not enough income among the wealthy to pay for everyone's pipe dreams. Any massive new program like this one will be inevitably raises taxes on the blue collar union guy.
Yes, you do go on and on about that... Your side has more snowflakes than ours does. You guys freak out if anyone even mentions CRT. Oh my God, little Timmy saw a drag queen reading a story! HORROR!!!
You're talking about adults, I'm talking about students. Two different groups of people. There are no greater adult snowflakes than the ones who freak out because they can't force everyone else to call them a certain pronoun.

And yes, schools have no business putting little Timmy in front of a drag queen.
Actually, you are the one whining about how the people who took you in were "mean" to you. Frankly, anyone who chose to live with you for six months probably deserves a medal.

Wow, you sound like your life was a Charles Dickens novel.

I am very sorry that your cult upbringing caused you to grow up to be a complete sociopath who wants to murder people.
Yeah getting slapped around by an abusive asshole is something every kid should be grateful for.

You wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes on the streets
An educated workforce is the backbone of a strong nation. Having nice cars is not.

Thread fail....
An education is something that should be given for free to next generation, it was something that was done for generations.

Asking kids of 17-18 to take on a Mortgage and saddle them with massive debt is just basically wrong. We are supposed to make things easier for the next generation not harder...

And we don't need , "But I paid it!!"... Two wrongs don't make a right..

So there will be be people here that will be small minded but at present US doesn't educate its brightest and best, it educates the ones that can afford to take the risk on the debt...
Strange, for a country that has so many restrictions on gambling, they ask kids to risk a lot more than is necessary..
President Biden is seeking to buy the votes of slackers living in mom's basement- not people driving nice cars which tend to be more conservative.

Conservatives wouldn't fall for this stunt anyhow, so the money would be wasted.
Economically giving relieving debt to young educated people is far more beneficial to the economy than a tax cut for the rich...

Far cheaper as well..
Economically giving relieving debt to young educated people is far more beneficial to the economy than a tax cut for the rich...

Far cheaper as well..
If there is going to be a bailout for student loans ( and there shouldn't be) then only those who graduated should get it and the bailout should come with strings attached

But this will end up in the courts because Biden has absolutely no authority to forgive any debt owed to the US
I've stated elsewhere that this is the end goal, total government control of education. And yes, government CAN control the costs when it controls the entire operation. They can just go back to the blue collar union guy and take more of his paycheck.
Or take money from rich people, which for some reason horrifies working class white Republicans.

in fact, the US rates rather low as a percentage of GDP on government spending. Yet oddly, many of those other countries are more prosperous.

You guys are always on about taxing the rich more, as if that's going to solve every problem. Want socialized medicine for all? Tax the rich. Want government controlled education? Tax the rich. The reality is, there's not enough income among the wealthy to pay for everyone's pipe dreams. Any massive new program like this one will be inevitably raises taxes on the blue collar union guy.

Sure there is. The problem is you think that money vanishes into thin air when it is spent. The problem is that the top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The top 10% control 70% of the wealth. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. The wealth is there, it's just not evenly distributed.

If you tax Daddy Warbucks and spend the money on nurses and teachers, those nurses and teachers spend money on consumer goods, which in turn creates more jobs.

You're talking about adults, I'm talking about students. Two different groups of people. There are no greater adult snowflakes than the ones who freak out because they can't force everyone else to call them a certain pronoun.

And yes, schools have no business putting little Timmy in front of a drag queen.

Or you can respect people and actually use the pronouns they prefer. If people went around calling you "Miss Hadit", you'd probably get really offended.
I've stated elsewhere that this is the end goal, total government control of education. And yes, government CAN control the costs when it controls the entire operation. They can just go back to the blue collar union guy and take more of his paycheck.
You know that the future US economy is going to have less and less blue collar jobs... Education is the life blood of 1st world economies...
The Blue Collar workers can't compete with third world labour in many cases. There is wishful thinking but the number of coal jobs under Trump fell by 24%, so get real the market dictates.
You guys are always on about taxing the rich more, as if that's going to solve every problem. Want socialized medicine for all? Tax the rich. Want government controlled education? Tax the rich. The reality is, there's not enough income among the wealthy to pay for everyone's pipe dreams. Any massive new program like this one will be inevitably raises taxes on the blue collar union guy.
You ask MAGA when America was last 'Great'... The predominate answer is the 1950s... The top rate of tax in the 1950s was 70%, the GI bill had a lot of people going to college...
Germany has ran a surplus for 9 of the last 12 years and has 100% medical cover and free third level education... And they also paid for the research of the vaccine that was most used to fight the pandemic.
You're talking about adults, I'm talking about students. Two different groups of people. There are no greater adult snowflakes than the ones who freak out because they can't force everyone else to call them a certain pronoun.
Snowflake is going ape shit over a pronouns...
And yes, schools have no business putting little Timmy in front of a drag queen.
British Pantomime has been doing it for centuries. Kids have been enjoying it and no one says it will destroy society, parents and kids rush to get tickets for the shows every Christmas...
Or take money from rich people, which for some reason horrifies working class white Republicans.

Perhaps it's because when you Socialist filth go about “taking money from rich people”, it's us honest, working class people who end up bearing the actual burden, in terms of reduced wages, reduced job opportunities, increased costs.”

But at least we get to feel good about having screwed over “the rich”, right?

And yes, I noticed the bit of abject racism in your post, as if somehow it is only white people who get to bear the burden that you really want to impose on every working-class person, regardless of race.

It is so funny how, in trying to imply at every opportunity that others are racist, that you cannot help showing everyone who the real racist is, here.
Or you can respect people and actually use the pronouns they prefer. If people went around calling you "Miss Hadit", you'd probably get really offended.

A sane person is under no obligation, to play along with the insane delusions of those who are fucked-up in their heads to the degree that they don't even know the difference between men and women. And no beneficial purpose is served by doing so. At best, encouraging such madness is harmful to all involved.
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Perhaps it's because when you Socialist filth go about “taking money from rich people”, it's us honest, working class people who end up bearing the actual burden, in terms of reduced wages, reduced job opportunities, increased costs.”

But at least we get to feel good about having screwed over “the rich”, right?

Uh, no, guy. The fact is, the country did just fine before Reagan screwed up the tax system. The rich paid their fair share, wages were high for the working class, we had plenty of government services and invested in infrastructure.

Please note that the Trump numbers do not take into account the crash of 2020.

In fact, economic performance was far better under Keynesian Democrats than supply side Republicans.


And yes, I noticed the bit of abject racism in your post, as if somehow it is only white people who get to bear the burden that you really want to impose on every working-class person, regardless of race.

No, guy, white people are just dumb enough to fall for the Republican scams. We spend four times as much on Middle Class Entitlements than we spend on poverty relief, but dumb shits like you will whine about "Socialism" while waiting for your Medicare and Social Security.

The problem is that we have seen a concentration of the wealth at the top because we don't make the rich pay their fair share.


A sane person is under no obligation, to play along with the insane delusions of those who are fucked-up in their heads to the degree that they don't even know the difference between men and women. And no beneficial purpose is served by doing so. At best, encouraging such madness is harmful to all involved.

People who think they are wearing magic underwear and they are going to rule a planet in the afterlife don't get to claim to be sane.
If there is going to be a bailout for student loans ( and there shouldn't be) then only those who graduated should get it and the bailout should come with strings attached

But this will end up in the courts because Biden has absolutely no authority to forgive any debt owed to the US
And I’d also like to see it for those who graduated with marketable majors. We shouldn’t be subsidizing students to get degrees in General Studies, Folklore Studies (yes, that’s a major at Harvard), Ethnic Studies, whatever.
You are right... I wouldn't have to live on the streets because I've worked hard my whole life.

I've been working since I was 16... and I'm 60 now.
What do you want a fucking medal? And you're right you wouldn't have lived on the streets you'd have died on them you can't seem to understand that sometimes people don't have a choice. By the time I was 16 I was supporting myself 100% while you were still living with mommy.

I pulled myself out and built a business. I retired at 51 but you have fun going to work now.
Or take money from rich people, which for some reason horrifies working class white Republicans.
There's a good reason for that, because it NEVER stops at the wealthy, it always hits the middle class. Heck, it was Algore not that long ago who excused their attack on the middle class by claiming someone was a millionaire if they earned 1/4 mil per year for 4 years.

Anything that requires a lot of money has to hit the middle class, because that's where it is.
in fact, the US rates rather low as a percentage of GDP on government spending. Yet oddly, many of those other countries are more prosperous.
How much of their defense budget does Uncle Sam pay for? You guys keep forgetting that those countries can afford to spend more on their nanny states because they have us guarding their borders. And several of those states are unable to afford that, even with our aid.
Sure there is. The problem is you think that money vanishes into thin air when it is spent. The problem is that the top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The top 10% control 70% of the wealth. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. The wealth is there, it's just not evenly distributed.

If you tax Daddy Warbucks and spend the money on nurses and teachers, those nurses and teachers spend money on consumer goods, which in turn creates more jobs.
Wealth vs income. Which did I say and which is taxed? We don't have a wealth tax and should not, although I do basically rent my house from the county because I get taxed on it every year.
Or you can respect people and actually use the pronouns they prefer. If people went around calling you "Miss Hadit", you'd probably get really offended.
I would likely chuckle at them for being absurd and ignore them, because I know what I am, and those around us would be telling whoever said it they were off their rocker. Absurd is calling a man a woman who is pretending to be a woman.
People who think they are wearing magic underwear and they are going to rule a planet in the afterlife don't get to claim to be sane.

Even if my beliefs did match exactly with your bizarre lies and distortions about them, it still wouldn't make me as mentally-fucked up as someone who is confused about the difference between men and women.

Not even close.
Adults, both college grads and non-college grads, have car loans. So why are leftists crying about student loan payments - “waaaa…..they’re being crushed” by having to repay their debt. - and nary a word about car loans, which is actually MORE, on average, than a student loan?

IOW, why are leftists crying that college-educated professionals need debt relief, to be paid for by other people, and yet shrug their shoulders over the car loans that high school grads struggle to pay? After all, they all knowingly borrowed money and agreed to pay it back.

How about people who are burdened by Drug and Gambling debts? If the government forgave those, it would also help reduce the number of shootings in America. Pushers and other gangsters can't take deadbeats to court, so are left with little alternative but to take it into their own hands.

My guess is that a large number of shooting victims- a group that Libs are constantly complaining about how large they are- are people refusing to pay interest and principle on the debts they voluntarily took on.

It would produce a lot more benefit for society to forgive these debts more than those of students.
How about people who are burdened by Drug and Gambling debts? If the government forgave those, it would also help reduce the number of shootings in America. Pushers and other gangsters can't take deadbeats to court, so are left with little alternative but to take it into their own hands.

My guess is that a large number of shooting victims- a group that Libs are constantly complaining about how large they are- are people refusing to pay interest and principle on the debts they voluntarily took on.

It would produce a lot more benefit for society to forgive these debts more than those of students.
Are you kidding? You want to forgive debts by criminals?

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