Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Bob wants the Billionaires to have tax cuts because his cult leaders told him to.

You do not speak for me, you lying piece of shit, nor do you speak for the leadership nor any members of my religion.

The surest and most reliable thing that anyone can assume when you presume to do so is that whatever you are saying and attributing to me or to my religion is an outright lie, intended as such.

f course, that's a pretty reliable assumption about anything that you ever say on any subject.

Now go fuck yourself up the ass with a saguaro.
I worked very hard to live without debt. I am not responsible for those who can't live within their means.

Yes, the Republican Mantra... I've got mine, fuck you.

The reason tuition has skyrocketed is because of the everyone has to go to college bullshit AND the guaranteed student loan program.

It's a manufactured demand that has done nothing but increase prices

Nope, the reason why college has increased is because the states USED to subsidize State colleges, and today, they've shifted all that expense to the Students.

Everyone has to go to college because the business world demands it. And if they can't find an American with a college degree, they'll get an H1B visa dude from India.
Now go fuck yourself up the ass with a saguaro.

Dude, you really need to see a doctor about your sexual fantasies, they aren't healthy.

The Democrap Mantra — I'm entitled to what you worked to earn, even if I didn't do shit to earn anything for myself.

I'm still waiting to see how the 1% did 43% of the work to earn the 43% of the wealth they have.

The sad thing is, Bob, your cult has trained you to worship the wealthy and defer to them, instead of understanding they are the fucking enemy, not the government your neighors elect.
Yes, the Republican Mantra... I've got mine, fuck you.

Nope, the reason why college has increased is because the states USED to subsidize State colleges, and today, they've shifted all that expense to the Students.

Everyone has to go to college because the business world demands it. And if they can't find an American with a college degree, they'll get an H1B visa dude from India.
Not a republican and no one gave me shit I actually worked for everything I ever had.
See, I didn't even say white.
it is implied by the word privilege.

Tell me how was I privileged?

I was orphaned at 14 put in a shitty foster home with an abusive asshole

I lived on the streets for almost 2 years dropped out of HS at 16.

Got lucky and got a job in a diner

Became an emancipated minor at 17.

What part of that fits the definition of "privilege"?
You can tell Biden has hit a winner with how the right are screaming like stuck pigs.
You can also tell how damaging it is with how the left are screaming like stuck pigs that it doesn't go far enough.
Biden isnt excusing shit,,,this is nothing more than a POLITICAL TRICK to gain support this Election cycle. The Congress did not give the Education Secretary the power to waive student loans. He can POSTPONE loans though.

If Congress did pass this, it would set a PERMANENT PRECEDENT and FUTURE Students would never pay their loans back; they would borrow as much as possible for blo, cars, parties etc,,,

Colleges would raise their tuitions 10x since the gov is paying it anyways.

Biden also proposes to excuse the debt after 10 yrs of payments BUT THE PAYMENTS WOULD BE REDUCED TO 5% OF DISCRETIONARY INCOME !!!! ( That means your payment is based on 5% of your Beer Money and not INCOME).

Students earning under 225% of the federal poverty level would pay nothing until the 10 year cancellation.

Another reason Student loans will not be paid off is because of investment vehicles called "SLABS" ( Student Loan Asset Backed Securities). Back when T-bills were not paying anything,,,Insurance companies, hedge funds, Pension plans, Banks were going broke UNTIL THEY SECURITIZED STUDENT LOANS INTO SLABS THAT RETURN 6% .
Now they can buy SLABS and make 6%,,,,do you think they are going to interfere with this ?

You have an unfair “privilege” because you're an honest man who works for what you have, rather than a criminal and/or parasite that only takes what other people have worked for.

Yeah, his sob story is very sad, and not even a little bit believable.

A person who has faced actual hardships would have empathy.

Tell me how was I privileged?

I was orphaned at 14 put in a shitty foster home with an abusive asshole

I was orphaned at 19, and had to work my way through college by joining the military... not seeing your point here.

Point was someone took you in, didn't they.

Funny, you stop talking about your life after 19. Why is that?
Yeah, his sob story is very sad, and not even a little bit believable.

A person who has faced actual hardships would have empathy.

I was orphaned at 19, and had to work my way through college by joining the military... not seeing your point here.

Point was someone took you in, didn't they.

Funny, you stop talking about your life after 19. Why is that?
IDGAF if you believe me because you, your pathetic life and your incessant whining are utterly meaningless to me.

And I have talked about my life after 19 you just never bothered to read the posts.

If you call an abusive asshole foster parent as someone who took me in maybe it's you who need to check his privilege.

I left that hell hole not 6 months after I was put there and made my own way on the streets and no social workers or teachers have a shit as long as the foster assholes didn't complain.

Really an orphaned adult? Gee Times is hard.
IDGAF if you believe me because you, your pathetic life and your incessant whining are utterly meaningless to me.

Actually, you are the one whining about how the people who took you in were "mean" to you. Frankly, anyone who chose to live with you for six months probably deserves a medal.

I left that hell hole not 6 months after I was put there and made my own way on the streets and no social workers or teachers have a shit as long as the foster assholes didn't complain.

Wow, you sound like your life was a Charles Dickens novel.

I was orphaned at 58, about a year and a half ago.

Anyone want to shed some tears for me?

I am very sorry that your cult upbringing caused you to grow up to be a complete sociopath who wants to murder people.
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It would be nice if it went further... but this is a good start.
A good start on the next massive federal money program is what it is, because of two things:

1. Next year's students are going to demand their piece of the pie, and we know how obnoxious students can get when they start demanding something.
2. Tuition will rise by, guess how much?
A good start on the next massive federal money program is what it is, because of two things:

1. Next year's students are going to demand their piece of the pie, and we know how obnoxious students can get when they start demanding something.
2. Tuition will rise by, guess how much.

Making a lot of assumptions that aren't there.

I have no problem replacing Student Loans with scholarships.

Actually, what I would REALLY like to see is national service for all 18-20 year olds, and at the end of that, you get a free ride to college if you want it. Admittedly, I'm biased, as this is kind of how I paid for college.
Making a lot of assumptions that aren't there.

I have no problem replacing Student Loans with scholarships.

Actually, what I would REALLY like to see is national service for all 18-20 year olds, and at the end of that, you get a free ride to college if you want it. Admittedly, I'm biased, as this is kind of how I paid for college.
1. I'm making an assumption based on past performance. When colleges realized that more and more of the tuition tab was being picked up by entities other than the students and their families, costs started spiraling out of control. Yes, when you and I went to school, you could work a full or part time job and cover most, if not all, your tuition costs. Not so much any more, and there's been no major increase in the quality of the education offered, just cost increases.
2. Scholarships are basically loans that don't get paid back. You're never going to get scholarships that cover the vast majority of students like loans do.
3. I have no problem with national service for 18-20 year olds, and in fact support students taking a year or two off from school to find out what the real work world is like and grow up a bit. It would probably cut down on a lot of the stupidity that goes on now, and we'd see fewer snowflakes that need safe spaces with crayons because they saw the name "TRUMP!" written on the sidewalk.

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