Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Of course you did.
yeah in fact I did. But don’t believe me, it means nothing i still retired and under 50 years old and you’re still not.
Wow, an uncontrollable carom into the truth.

I’ve told the truth through out. I noticed you’ve just ignored that you were wrong about the actual topic we were discussing and want to focus on the ad hominem attacks.

yeah in fact I did. But don’t believe me, it means nothing i still retired and under 50 years old and you’re still not.

I’ve told the truth through out. I noticed you’ve just ignored that you were wrong about the actual topic we were discussing and want to focus on the ad hominem attacks.

No sir.

You ignored the actual topic. Unless you want to continue pretending that a 36 week course in German by itself trains one to be a licensed translator to work at an embassy, consulate, etc... That was the criteria when you first brought it up.
No sir.

You ignored the actual topic. Unless you want to continue pretending that a 36 week course in German by itself trains one to be a licensed translator to work at an embassy, consulate, etc... That was the criteria when you first brought it up.
LOL you think because someone got a degree in German they are qualified to do that work?

I’m willing to bet that a graduate of the 36 week course at DLI speaks German as well as someone with a degree in it. It’s all they do 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week for 36 weeks. That’s 1500 hours of professional language training. And that doesn’t include the cultural time the time they spend studing their language etc. A college student would have to spend 12 hours a week every week of their entire college career in German class to get that many hours. Im willing to bet that doesn’t happen. They certainly don’t spend more time than that.

A degree is nothing more than a hurdle we make people jump over. Most people don’t need a degree to do whatever job they are doing Even if it’s required.
LOL you think because someone got a degree in German they are qualified to do that work?
I’m willing to bet that a graduate of the 36 week course at DLI speaks German as well as someone with a degree in it.
Its your money. Fools and their money are soon parted.
It’s all they do 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week for 36 weeks. That’s 1500 hours of professional language training. And that doesn’t include the cultural time the time they spend studing their language etc. A college student would have to spend 12 hours a week every week of their entire college career in German class to get that many hours. Im willing to bet that doesn’t happen. They certainly don’t spend more time than that.
And then what?
A degree is nothing more than a hurdle we make people jump over. Most people don’t need a degree to do whatever job they are doing Even if it’s required.
Ahh, the old class warfare argument. So tired..so played...

You're dumber than I thought then.

Its your money. Fools and their money are soon parted.

Maybe. Though the fact that you think someone who spent more hours learning a language and just learning a language wouldnt speak said language than someone who spent less time learning it and had to split their focus seems, well, stupid.
And then what?
And then what what? What do military linguists do then? They go to a secondary school in Texas to focus on military terms and reporting procedures for about 6 months. Then to their duty station.
Ahh, the old class warfare argument. So tired..so played...

Who said anything about class. This is about whether college degrees for the most part are just a hurdle you have to jump over or are actually relevant to the specific job most people are performing, and thus whether the public should be funding them.
Maybe. Though the fact that you think someone who spent more hours learning a language and just learning a language wouldnt speak said language than someone who spent less time learning it and had to split their focus seems, well, stupid.

I guess. But to really understand a language, you have to really understand the culture associated with it. And you don't get that through some Berlitz classes.

And then what what? What do military linguists do then? They go to a secondary school in Texas to focus on military terms and reporting procedures for about 6 months. Then to their duty station.

You realize the military only puts people in those MOS's if they already have some proficiency in the language, right?

An Army Cryptologic Linguist (MOS 35P) identifies spoken foreign language and other communications in support of Military Intelligence. Knowledge of a second language is mandatory.

Who said anything about class. This is about whether college degrees for the most part are just a hurdle you have to jump over or are actually relevant to the specific job most people are performing, and thus whether the public should be funding them.

Quite the contrary... A college degree is critical in most office jobs today despite the major taken.

In 2008, I and two other buyers were let go from a company we had worked at for many years.

Even though the other two buyers had more experience than I had (as buyers), I was able to land a new gig within a month by virtue of having a college degree. The guy with only some community college took 7 months to find a new job. The lady with no college took nearly two years to find a job, if she ever did, because I lost contact with her after a certain point.
I guess. But to really understand a language, you have to really understand the culture associated with it. And you don't get that through some Berlitz classes.

And you believe they don’t get cultural training there? Tell me did you attend DLI? Cause my wife and I did.
You realize the military only puts people in those MOS's if they already have some proficiency in the language, right?
Yeah you take the DLAB (defense language aptitude battery) and score well enough. Depending on you’re score you are assigned cat 2 3 or 4 language.

An Army Cryptologic Linguist (MOS 35P) identifies spoken foreign language and other communications in support of Military Intelligence. Knowledge of a second language is mandatory.
Funny that most of the linguists I know didn’t know a second language before going to DLI, beyond taking a language in HS. I would hardly classify that as knowing a second language.
Quite the contrary... A college degree is critical in most office jobs today despite the major taken.

In 2008, I and two other buyers were let go from a company we had worked at for many years.

Even though the other two buyers had more experience than I had (as buyers), I was able to land a new gig within a month by virtue of having a college degree. The guy with only some community college took 7 months to find a new job. The lady with no college took nearly two years to find a job, if she ever did, because I lost contact with her after a certain point.
I said it’s a hurdle we make people jump over. The point is that the degree has no relevance to the actual job itself. If 2 people apply for a job working in an office as a sales person. One has a degree in age red Studies the other doesn’t have a degree. How is the person with a degree more qualified? What about their knowledge of gender studies Makes them better able to do the actual job?
I guess. But to really understand a language, you have to really understand the culture associated with it. And you don't get that through some Berlitz classes.

You realize the military only puts people in those MOS's if they already have some proficiency in the language, right?

An Army Cryptologic Linguist (MOS 35P) identifies spoken foreign language and other communications in support of Military Intelligence. Knowledge of a second language is mandatory.

Quite the contrary... A college degree is critical in most office jobs today despite the major taken.

In 2008, I and two other buyers were let go from a company we had worked at for many years.

Even though the other two buyers had more experience than I had (as buyers), I was able to land a new gig within a month by virtue of having a college degree. The guy with only some community college took 7 months to find a new job. The lady with no college took nearly two years to find a job, if she ever did, because I lost contact with her after a certain point.

it would also seem that the Army is unaware that they require 35p‘s to know a secondary language to qualify…. Maybe the military kids website can inform them….
Funny that most of the linguists I know didn’t know a second language before going to DLI, beyond taking a language in HS. I would hardly classify that as knowing a second language.

I pointed out what the requirement was. But that's okay, you go with what your delusion is. Just like you pretend that racist appraisers are just doing their jobs.

I said it’s a hurdle we make people jump over. The point is that the degree has no relevance to the actual job itself. If 2 people apply for a job working in an office as a sales person. One has a degree in age red Studies the other doesn’t have a degree. How is the person with a degree more qualified? What about their knowledge of gender studies Makes them better able to do the actual job?

Not sure what "age red Studies" are, exactly. I guess you meant "gender studies", since you whine about it in the next sentence. .

So what does getting a degree in anything prove? It proves that you can complete a battery of coursework and stick to it for four years. It shows drive and determination.

The reason why that degree in Gender Studies is better than just a HS Diploma is because 20% of HS graduates can't read their diploma. So, yes, the person with a degree in Business Administration is going to have a better shot at that sales job than a person who got that degree in Gender Studies. But the person who got a degree in Gender Studies is going to have a better shot than someone who didn't get a degree.

Now, for those playing along at home, I have a pretty successful business writing resumes for people. And the one thing I tell my clients is that listing high school is useless, but if you went to college but didn't get a degree, list the coursework you did take.
it would also seem that the Army is unaware that they require 35p‘s to know a secondary language to qualify…. Maybe the military kids website can inform them….

From your own source.

(6) Soldiers accessing into this MOS must have a minimum qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) or a qualifying score of L2-R2 (listening-reading) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) in a required and documented foreign language.

Did you even bother to read it?
From your own source.

(6) Soldiers accessing into this MOS must have a minimum qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) or a qualifying score of L2-R2 (listening-reading) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) in a required and documented foreign language.

Did you even bother to read it?
Getting a qualifilying score on the DLAB doesn’t equate to knowing a second language dummy
You guys are off track.
Who cares what the military does?
It may be the military uses the fastest and most efficient means of specializing, but that is not what a college degree is for.
A college degree is to get basic skills in how to think and learn any subject, and proves their ability to success in any actual careers that then come later, after graduation.

And that is important for 2 reasons.
One is that now all careers are way too specialized for people to pick up on without this college prep, and two is that college tuition is now about 10 times higher than it should be.
So kids are being defrauded of their future.
And not only should we be upset for them, but eventually this will lead to civil war as the haves and have-nots get more divided than ever.
This also is leading to China eating our lunch, since they do not defraud children like we are.
From your own source.

(6) Soldiers accessing into this MOS must have a minimum qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) or a qualifying score of L2-R2 (listening-reading) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) in a required and documented foreign language.

Did you even bother to read it?
Did you read it? Maybe you should go back to whichever college you graduated from and ask for a refund.
I pointed out what the requirement was. But that's okay, you go with what your delusion is. Just like you pretend that racist appraisers are just doing their jobs.

Not sure what "age red Studies" are, exactly. I guess you meant "gender studies", since you whine about it in the next sentence. .

So what does getting a degree in anything prove? It proves that you can complete a battery of coursework and stick to it for four years. It shows drive and determination.

The reason why that degree in Gender Studies is better than just a HS Diploma is because 20% of HS graduates can't read their diploma. So, yes, the person with a degree in Business Administration is going to have a better shot at that sales job than a person who got that degree in Gender Studies. But the person who got a degree in Gender Studies is going to have a better shot than someone who didn't get a degree.

Now, for those playing along at home, I have a pretty successful business writing resumes for people. And the one thing I tell my clients is that listing high school is useless, but if you went to college but didn't get a degree, list the coursework you did take.
So, nothing then. The question wasn’t do businesses value degrees, it was what actual qualification does the Gender Studies, or English Lit major have over the HS grad that actually pertains to the job of salesperson? Having a degree isn’t an actual qualification it’s just a hurdle.
Did you read it? Maybe you should go back to whichever college you graduated from and ask for a refund.

Look, guy, you got caught lying, again... just man up and take your lumps.

So, nothing then. The question wasn’t do businesses value degrees, it was what actual qualification does the Gender Studies, or English Lit major have over the HS grad that actually pertains to the job of salesperson? Having a degree isn’t an actual qualification it’s just a hurdle.

Well, no, it's a qualification, as they state that it's a minimum requirement on the job description. God, are you this dumb?
That something has to come from somewhere. Nothing is free.

Someone getting something that he didn't pay for means that someone else is paying for it.

What these deadbeats are getting for “free” is being taken away from all of us who are not deadbeats.

I didn't think that even you were ignorant enough to not understand that. But then it's always a mistake to assume that one has seen the nadir of your possible ignorance.

Why didn't you complain about all of the tax cuts to billionaires? Did you think those were "free". YOU paid for those tax cuts and you got NOTHING for them.
So, nothing then. The question wasn’t do businesses value degrees, it was what actual qualification does the Gender Studies, or English Lit major have over the HS grad that actually pertains to the job of salesperson? Having a degree isn’t an actual qualification it’s just a hurdle.

Your question is irrelevant. Getting a degree isn't about getting "qualifications" for particular jobs. It's about demonstrating the ability to do assigned work and complete the course work.

One of my best friends was a partner with KPMG Management Consultants. Her degree was in fashion design and marketing. Her degree had NOTHING to do with the job, but without a degree, she would never have been hired.

A college degree has been the ticket to the American middle class for decades. You fools keep mocking "useless degrees" but I have never met a single person taking "gender studies" or any of the other stuff you consider "pointless". When I was growing up, we mocked those with English literature degrees, a favourite among those who were simply going to college to get their Mrs.
And? Wages haven’t kept up, so let’s give a break to a small segment of the population, even if it makes things worse for everyone else.

Plus, subsidizing tuition costs will just drive them higher. (Dems think the answer to everything is to spend OPM on it.) Get government assistance out of college costs entirely, and watch prices come down.

And finally, do students really need to live in in-campus apartments, have water parks, and a slew of restaurants on campus? It’s like a four-year resort vacation! What’s wrong with a cinderblock dorm room, with a communal bathroom down the hall, and a large cafeteria-style dining hall?
That is so 1930'ish.
That is so 1930'ish.
Or 1980ish. That’s how it was at my private university, with many affluent kids: we adapted to a TEMPORARY lower lifestyle while we spent a few years preparing for a career.

Seems like you think kids are ENTITLED to live in nice on-camous apartments with their choice of restaurants, and then have the working class subsidize it by paying off their loans.
Look, guy, you got caught lying, again... just man up and take your lumps.
(6) Soldiers accessing into this MOS must have a minimum qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) OR a qualifying score of L2-R2 (listening-reading) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) in a required and documented foreign language

Where in there does it say knowing a secondary language is a requirement? I capitalized the OR for you to help out.

“The Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) is a test used by the United States Department of Defense to test an individual's potential for learning a foreign language and thus determining who may pursue training as a military linguist.”

Look guy, you got caught being stupid, AGAIN. Just take you lumps.

Well, no, it's a qualification, as they state that it's a minimum requirement on the job description. God, are you this dumb?

yea it’s a “qualification” because we’ve said so, but the point being there’s nothing in the actual course work that makes the individual any better at the actual job.

I could make 100 push ups in under 2 minutes a qualification requirement to be a salesman at my company, does that mean people who can do that are more qualified to do the actual job?

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