Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Why over complicate things?
As a rule one shouldn't. But one should be able to understand complicated things.
Student A spends the same for a degree in Electrical Engineering as Student B spends his tuition for a political science degree

The EE kid gets hired even before he graduates while the other kid is a sofa jerk at Starbucks

And only one is unable to repay his student loan
And, of course, what you fail to realize is that unlike the tire-retreading academy from which you graduated, about 1/2 of all professionals are working in a different career than from the field in which they earned their college degree. Its been that way since about 1980.
As a rule one shouldn't. But one should be able to understand complicated things.

And, of course, what you fail to realize is that unlike the tire-retreading academy from which you graduated, about 1/2 of all professionals are working in a different career than from the field in which they earned their college degree. Its been that way since about 1980.
Serving coffee at Starbucks is a career?

No wonder that libs need joe biden to give them handouts
For some maybe.

Meanwhile back in reality, The red states are the most impoverished
You may not realize it but the red states are infested with liberals

And more so all the time as lib economic failures flee states like california
You may not realize it but the red states are infested with liberals

And more so all the time as lib economic failures flee states like california
You obviously don’t realize it but Republicans are making laws that are keeping people in poverty in every red state
Ever notice when Mormon Bob is caught like a stuck Mormon Pig, he squeals louder?

It's funny that you start a post with this sentence, given the insane ranting that you go on to do in the very same post. :cuckoo:

Sounds like I've somehow hit a nerve, that has you screaming…

Teachers telling kids that being homosexual doesn't make someone bad? KILL THEM!!!!!
Women having abortions because they aren't ready for a baby right now? KILL THEM!!!!
Some poor black kid steals a bag of chips from the 7-11? KILL HIM!!!! Or throw him in jail for the rest of his life for a property crime where no one was hurt.

But the tobacco industry has marketed an addictive product to children, and you can't bring yourself to condemn the executives. I guess you condemn tobacco itself as an evil because your cult says to. But tobacco itself isn't evil, otherwise why would your God have created it?

Big tobacco hides the dangers of tobacco use, intentionally markets the product to children, chemically alters the product to make it more addictive and get people hooked, and kills 480,000 deaths a year, including 41,000 from second hand smoke? (According to the CDC.) Well, gosh, you can't condemn that, because it's a bunch of white guys in suits making a profit.

I probably hate the tobacco industry more than you claim to hate them, when you're playin it in that direction. I doubt there is anything that you'd like to see done to it, or to the filth that are involved in pushing this poison, that I wouldn't happily support.

You're full of shit, even trying to imply any support on my part of this filth. You're full of shit to a degree that is extreme even by usual Incel Joe values of full of shit..

But to be blunt, I seriously doubt your sincerity about the tobacco industry. I don't think you give a shit one way or the other about tobacco, except as something that you somehow delusionally thought would give you a basis to condemn me. And you're trying to play both sides of that, directly contradicting yourself in the hope that one way or another, you can get something against me to stick. In one of the same bullshit posts where you tried to imply that I support this destructive filth, you also cited tobacco among “things people might enjoy” that you were trying to condemn me for disapproving of.

You cannot even keep your own lies straight. You used to be able to do that much, at least.

I think it demonstrates your morality system.

Says a piece of shit who defends the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, who defends the abusive sexual grooming, brainwashing, and exploitation of young children, and who defends theft and other criminal behavior.

A piece of shit like you in in no position to cast any judgement on my morality system.
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An educated workforce is the backbone of a strong nation. Having nice cars is not.

Thread fail....
Fine if you got a degree in STEM you can apply for loan relief which will be approved based on need. If you got a liberal arts degree that NOONE actually needs to do whatever job they are doing then you can pay for that yourself.
Fine if you got a degree in STEM you can apply for loan relief which will be approved based on need. If you got a liberal arts degree that NOONE actually needs to do whatever job they are doing then you can pay for that yourself.
Oh, wow, so you mean like a degree in economics is one of those jobs "no-one actually needs"?
Oh, wow, so you mean like a degree in economics is one of those jobs "no-one actually needs"?
Not if this is what you get from people with econ degrees running shit. And I never said people couldnt get those degress only that we shouldnt be on the hook to pay for them. But you are welcome to start a charity and fund whatever degrees you'd like.
You may remember the tax break that you got last year from Trump's administration. Oh wait...you didn't get a tax break. The billionaires got theirs...and kept it.

Of the 92 available majors at Harvard maybe 29 you can honestly say we need people to have these degrees (and yes I included econ), The other 64 are not even in the realm of majors we need people to have. So why should we pay to subsidize a person getting them?
It's funny that you start a post with this sentence, given the insane ranting that you go on to do in the very same post. :cuckoo:

Sounds like I've somehow hit a nerve, that has you screaming…

Unfortunately, that's the kind of shit you say... there's a whole list of people you want to murder... women who have abortions, gays, trans, government bureaucrats... you really are a crazy person... Hell, I'll be even other Mormons think you're nuts.

I probably hate the tobacco industry more than you claim to hate them, when you're playin it in that direction. I doubt there is anything that you'd like to see done to it, or to the filth that are involved in pushing this poison, that I wouldn't happily support.

Okay, here's what I propose. Instead of just taxing the crap out of people who use it, you regulate it as a drug. You can ONLY get tobacco with a prescription, and your doctor has to show that he has made good faith efforts to ween you off smoking.

But to be blunt, I seriously doubt your sincerity about the tobacco industry. I don't think you give a shit one way or the other about tobacco, except as something that you somehow delusionally thought would give you a basis to condemn me. And you're trying to play both sides of that, directly contradicting yourself in the hope that one way or another, you can get something against me to stick. In one of the same bullshit posts where you tried to imply that I support this destructive filth, you also cited tobacco among “things people might enjoy” that you were trying to condemn me for disapproving of.

My father died of lung cancer, I'm very sincere about what I'd like to do to the Tobacco industry. The point is, and this keeps going over your head.. is that the plant tobacco isn't evil, the industry that markets it is... and yet you won't condemn them with the venom you reserve for gays, women who have abortions, kids who commit minor property crime.
Adults, both college grads and non-college grads, have car loans. So why are leftists crying about student loan payments - “waaaa…..they’re being crushed” by having to repay their debt. - and nary a word about car loans, which is actually MORE, on average, than a student loan?

IOW, why are leftists crying that college-educated professionals need debt relief, to be paid for by other people, and yet shrug their shoulders over the car loans that high school grads struggle to pay? After all, they all knowingly borrowed money and agreed to pay it back.


A car loan is likely less than $3k, for less the 3 years, and often 0% interest.

In contrast, a school loan can be over $100k, take decades to pay off, and up to 13% interest.

If you get into trouble with a car loan, you can always just sell the car and pay it off.
There is no way out of a student loan, even if you declare bankruptcy.
You also have no way of knowing if you are ever going to get the income you hope for.
You can easily flunk out.
I am not aware of any republican laws that keep people in poverty

So lay it on us

Huge tax breaks to landlords, but none at all to renters.

I know because I am a landlord, and it is extremely profitable.
Rents go up, mortgage payments do not.
You write everything off on your taxes, including simple depreciation of 1/25 of the cost, every year.
Owner occupied or renters get nothing.
Huge tax breaks to landlords, but none at all to renters.

I know because I am a landlord, and it is extremely profitable.
Rents go up, mortgage payments do not.
You write everything off on your taxes, including simple depreciation of 1/25 of the cost, every year.
Owner occupied or renters get nothing.

Yeah, but to be fair, you get hit with a HUGE capital gains tax penalty when you finally decide to sell.

I told my family if I ever talk about owning a rental property again, to hit me with a blunt object.

Unfortunately, due to the entire mess with my Condo sale this year, I ended up having to do it again for a short time.
You may remember the tax break that you got last year from Trump's administration. Oh wait...you didn't get a tax break. The billionaires got theirs...and kept it.
Your claim was republican laws that keep people in poverty

But now you are whiffing
Huge tax breaks to landlords, but none at all to renters.

I know because I am a landlord, and it is extremely profitable.
Rents go up, mortgage payments do not.
You write everything off on your taxes, including simple depreciation of 1/25 of the cost, every year.
Owner occupied or renters get nothing.
I think you were expecting tax breaks to people who dont pay taxes

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