Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Three 18- Year Olds taking steps towards education and training and need financial assistance:

Student A: enrolls in technical/trade school in a field that is in high demand and gets employed immediately. Total loan:$10k

Student B: gets into a mix of elite private colleges, out of state public universities, and the in-state university. Wants to major in a field for which there is high demand, Engineering. Realizing they don’t want to take on a big chunk of debt, chooses to go to Community College for two years then on to the State University. Gets a job upon graduation. Total loan: $60k.

Student C: bound and determined to go to one of many Elite Private Colleges. State Universities are “not as good”. This student has wealthy friends and sees them going to these private schools. Student chooses a 4 year private school three time zones away. Decides to major in a field for which there is little to no job market. Graduates with no job in the field. Can only get a job making $40k per year. Total loan: $250k.

If American taxpayers are going to be on the hook for college debt, can we at least agree to limit to Students A and B? Student C is entitled, no plan, the biggest drain on the system.

There needs to be controls moving forward to eliminate the Student C Scenarios.
Student C: bound and determined to go to one of many Elite Private Colleges. State Universities are “not as good”. This student has wealthy friends and sees them going to these private schools. Student chooses a 4 year private school three time zones away. Decides to major in a field for which there is little to no job market. Graduates with no job in the field. Can only get a job making $40k per year. Total loan: $250k.

If American taxpayers are going to be on the hook for college debt, can we at least agree to limit to Students A and B? Student C is entitled, no plan, the biggest drain on the system.

There needs to be controls moving forward to eliminate the Student C Scenarios.

So why you hate Student C is because he takes subjects that disagree with your world view... not that a lot of people actually take these courses.

Nor are they really "unemployable". You have a degree from Harvard, you have a degree from Harvard, you are going to be employable.
So why you hate Student C is because he takes subjects that disagree with your world view... not that a lot of people actually take these courses.

Nor are they really "unemployable". You have a degree from Harvard, you have a degree from Harvard, you are going to be employable.
I don’t hate Student C. I am just showing that too many Student C’s Will definitely crash the system.

You are leaving out a core point. Student C can take those same courses at a State University at a fraction of the cost; especially if Harvard is three time zones away. Most Americans can’t get into an Ivy League School; let alone afford one. According to your plan, you are demanding that the US taxpayer foot the bill for someone to go to an elite, expensive private college and concentrate in a major for which there is no job market. Your justification is: “They got into Harvard. They deserve it”.

See if the Democrats run on that in the next Election . Better yet, try running some numbers on the tax impact that will be on the construction worker who did not go to college.
I don’t hate Student C. I am just showing that too many Student C’s Will definitely crash the system.

You are leaving out a core point. Student C can take those same courses at a State University at a fraction of the cost; especially if Harvard is three time zones away. Most Americans can’t get into an Ivy League School; let alone afford one. According to your plan, you are demanding that the US taxpayer foot the bill for someone to go to an elite, expensive private college and concentrate in a major for which there is no job market. Your justification is: “They got into Harvard. They deserve it”.

See if the Democrats run on that in the next Election . Better yet, try running some numbers on the tax impact that will be on the construction worker who did not go to college.

But you see, here's the problem. We have a hierarchy of how college degrees rate in the job market.

I know that a guy with a bachelor's degree in History from Harvard is going to have more job opportunities than I will with my degree in history from UIC. I know that someone who went to U of I in Urbana is going to be better considered than U of I in Chicago. I know that my UIC degree is going to have more credibility than someone who got one from the University of Phoenix on line.

Point is, this policy IS popular, because so many Americans are carrying student debt or know someone who is. That's why the right wing are screaming like stuck pigs.
But you see, here's the problem. We have a hierarchy of how college degrees rate in the job market.

I know that a guy with a bachelor's degree in History from Harvard is going to have more job opportunities than I will with my degree in history from UIC. I know that someone who went to U of I in Urbana is going to be better considered than U of I in Chicago. I know that my UIC degree is going to have more credibility than someone who got one from the University of Phoenix on line.

Point is, this policy IS popular, because so many Americans are carrying student debt or know someone who is. That's why the right wing are screaming like stuck pigs.
Then there is the recent grad from NYU who majored in social work can’t get a job in her field and is making $40k trying to pay off $250k in loans. The plumber she hired to fix her plumbing is the same age making $100k and did not go to college; has no loans. I know them both.
Then there is the recent grad from NYU who majored in social work can’t get a job in her field and is making $40k trying to pay off $250k in loans. The plumber she hired to fix her plumbing is the same age making $100k and did not go to college; has no loans. I know them both.

Not sure what your point is.

Of course, Plumbers can afford to change you ridiculous amounts of money, if you aren't adept at plumbing. Because usually it's an emergency. I mean, it's nice to have you over a barrel.

Social workers in the Chicago Market make from 36K to 76K a year... We really need social workers, we don't have enough of them, and it's draining work. It's why a lot of them move on to other things after a few years.

So you've kind of made the point of why the government SHOULD be subsidizing the social worker. Good work.
Not sure what your point is.

Of course, Plumbers can afford to change you ridiculous amounts of money, if you aren't adept at plumbing. Because usually it's an emergency. I mean, it's nice to have you over a barrel.

Social workers in the Chicago Market make from 36K to 76K a year... We really need social workers, we don't have enough of them, and it's draining work. It's why a lot of them move on to other things after a few years.

So you've kind of made the point of why the government SHOULD be subsidizing the social worker. Good work.
And you made my point. You said there is a demand for social workers. If that’s the case, why go into debt for $240k when you can go into debt $60k and get the same job, same salary? Your point earlier about the college hierarchy only goes so far if there is healthy demand in the job market for the major.
We get it... your cult is against all sorts of stuff that people might enjoy - tobacco, alcohol, coffee, critical thinking.

Yet you don't express any hatred for people who sell poison to children...


After condemning me because I do not approve of a certain list of harmful poisons that you apparently like, you're accusing me of supporting anyone who sells poison to children's?

Even for Incel Joe values of just plain stupid, that's just plain stupid.

Of what poisons are you falsely accusing me of supporting the sale to children?
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yet I've heard you come on here time after time calling people of color "sub-human" for petty property crime, but I've YET to see you condemn corporate greed.

And you're the one who keeps trying to make it about race.

Subhuman creatures (they don't qualify as people) become so, not because of the color of their skin, but by their choice to behave as subhuman criminals pieces of shit, rather than behaving as human beings,.

You persistently refuse to acknowledge the distinction between human beings and subhuman pieces of criminal shit, because you are very obviously one of the latter, and you take the side of the latter against the side of the former.
So why you hate Student C is because he takes subjects that disagree with your world view... not that a lot of people actually take these courses.

Nor are they really "unemployable". You have a degree from Harvard, you have a degree from Harvard, you are going to be employable.
You are confused about this aren't you Moon Bat? You are confused about most things.

I'll make it real simple for your feeble Moon Bat brain to comprehend.

I am not responsible to pay off your debts.

Any questions?
I bought this car but after 4 years I did not get the use out of it that I wanted so now I need my money back paid to me by others.
EXACTLY the same concept as student loan baloney.
You are confused about this aren't you Moon Bat? You are confused about most things.

I'll make it real simple for your feeble Moon Bat brain to comprehend.

I am not responsible to pay off your debts.

Any questions?
It shows how much you care about others health and well being if you relieve them of their consternations.
I know that a guy with a bachelor's degree in History from Harvard is going to have more job opportunities than I will with my degree in history from UIC. I know that someone who went to U of I in Urbana is going to be better considered than U of I in Chicago. I know that my UIC degree is going to have more credibility than someone who got one from the University of Phoenix on line.

And none of you will have anywhere close to the same job opportunities as someone who has completed less than a year at a trade school learning a skilled trade.

Of course, in a skilled trade, you need to be willing, once you get into a job, to actually do real work. You might have to get dirt on your hands.

That leaves you out. The best job opportunities in the world are nothing to someone who isn't willing or able to do the work that the job requires.
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It shows how much you care about others health and well being if you relieve them of their consternations.

If you think that I should be forced to pay your fucking bills then you sure as hell are a pathetic sorry asshole.

After condemning me because I do not approve of a certain list of harmful poisons that you apparently like, you're accusing me of supporting anyone who sells poison to children's?

Of what poisons are you falsely accusing me of supporting the sale to children?

Well, tobacco, obviously, since you have NEVER condemned the conduct of the Tobacco industry with the vile thing you say about poor black kids who steal a bag of chips.

As a rule, abortion, smoking, drug use, alcohol is a matter of personal choice. The government's place is not to regulate your personal behavior.

But the conduct of the tobacco industry doing things like spiking the nicotine content of cigarettes to make them more addictive, spending years denying the health dangers, and outright marketing them to children... that's a lot more evil than some black kid who swiped a bag of chips from the 7/11.

But you only call one of them "sub-human".

And you're the one who keeps trying to make it about race.

Subhuman creatures (they don't qualify as people) become so, not because of the color of their skin, but by their choice to behave as subhuman criminals pieces of shit, rather than behaving as human beings,.

You persistently refuse to acknowledge the distinction between human beings and subhuman pieces of criminal shit, because you are very obviously one of the latter, and you take the side of the latter against the side of the former.

See above. Stealing a bag of chips doesn't make you sub-human. Selling an addictive substance to children does. The Tobacco industry has moved from marketing addictive cigarettes to kids to marketing addictive vapes to kids.

And none of you will have anywhere close to the same job opportunities as someone who has completed less than a year at a trade school learning a skilled trade.

Of course, in a skilled trade, you need to be willing, once you get into a job, to actually do real work. You might have to get dirt on your hands.

That leaves you out. The best job opportunities in the world are nothing to someone who isn't willing or able to do the work that the job requires.

Yeah, buddy. 11 years in the military... Your Mormon Pussy ass wouldn't have lasted a week without you whining the Drill Sergeant was being mean to you.

Funny thing, my Dad was in the trades for years, and my brother was in the trades. But I'm the one who was always going to go to college. That was always the expectation.

Now, the funny thing was, when that was the case, before Republicans spent 40 years destroying the middle class, a college degree was actually considered the golden ticket. Today, not so much.

The biggest setback to my personal economic growth was that I stayed in the military a lot longer than I probably should have. If I had hopped into the corporate rat-race at 22 instead of 30, I'd have been better off. Not that I'm a materialistic person, because I'm really not. i wouldn't trade my years of service for anything, really.

Do you know someone who is carrying a lot of student debt?

How much have you offered, out of what is rightfully yours to give, to help that person with his debt?

Me personally, no. Most members of my family who went to college got scholarships of some sort or another.

Here's the thing, the Corporate Mother Fuckers are the ones benefiting from a college-educated work force. So I have no problem taxing the shit out of them to pay for the college educated workforce they are benefiting from.

Of course, you'll yank food out of the mouths of poor children when they stop being fetuses to give tax breaks to billionaires, and then wonder why you have crime.

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