Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Well, tobacco, obviously, since you have NEVER condemned the conduct of the Tobacco industry with the vile thing you say about poor black kids who steal a bag of chips.

As a rule, abortion, smoking, drug use, alcohol is a matter of personal choice. The government's place is not to regulate your personal behavior.

But the conduct of the tobacco industry doing things like spiking the nicotine content of cigarettes to make them more addictive, spending years denying the health dangers, and outright marketing them to children... that's a lot more evil than some black kid who swiped a bag of chips from the 7/11.

But you only call one of them "sub-human".

See above. Stealing a bag of chips doesn't make you sub-human. Selling an addictive substance to children does. The Tobacco industry has moved from marketing addictive cigarettes to kids to marketing addictive vapes to kids.

Yeah, buddy. 11 years in the military... Your Mormon Pussy ass wouldn't have lasted a week without you whining the Drill Sergeant was being mean to you.

Funny thing, my Dad was in the trades for years, and my brother was in the trades. But I'm the one who was always going to go to college. That was always the expectation.

Now, the funny thing was, when that was the case, before Republicans spent 40 years destroying the middle class, a college degree was actually considered the golden ticket. Today, not so much.

The biggest setback to my personal economic growth was that I stayed in the military a lot longer than I probably should have. If I had hopped into the corporate rat-race at 22 instead of 30, I'd have been better off. Not that I'm a materialistic person, because I'm really not. i wouldn't trade my years of service for anything, really.

Me personally, no. Most members of my family who went to college got scholarships of some sort or another.

Here's the thing, the Corporate Mother Fuckers are the ones benefiting from a college-educated work force. So I have no problem taxing the shit out of them to pay for the college educated workforce they are benefiting from.

Of course, you'll yank food out of the mouths of poor children when they stop being fetuses to give tax breaks to billionaires, and then wonder why you have crime.
Corporations laugh at you because the more pleasure you get “taxing the shit out of them”, the more that tax is passed on to economy and the more incentive they have to set up shop in other countries to avoid your taxes. Further, you are not just taxing corporations. You are taxing people who earn incomes (today’s middle class). People who don’t pay taxes are not impacted.
Of what poisons are you falsely accusing me of supporting the sale to children?
Well, tobacco, obviously, since you have NEVER condemned the conduct of the Tobacco industry with the vile thing you say about poor black kids who steal a bag of chips.

So, in other words, you're just lying again, as is usual for you. I guess you're feeling too lazy to make even the minimal effort that you normally do to try to make your lies seem at least a little bit plausible.

I challenge you to find anything that I have posted anywhere—on this forum or elsewhere—where I have ever said anything positive about or defensive of the tobacco industry. You cannot, and you know damn well that you cannot. You know damn well that you are lying when you accuse me of being at all supported of that filth. If you weren't such an ignoramus, you'd have known better than to even try that in the first place.

And of course, you just cannot resist throwing in a bit of projection of your own racism, to try to make it appear that I am the racist, when everyone can see that it is you that is racist.
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How much have you offered, out of what is rightfully yours to give, to help that person with his debt?
Me personally, no.

That's what I thought.

You're eager to steal food from the mouths of honest working families to support deadbeats, but not willing to give a damn thing that is rightfully yours to give.

That is completely consistent with everything that you have ever demonstrated about your [lack of] ethical character.
Corporations laugh at you because the more pleasure you get “taxing the shit out of them”, the more that tax is passed on to economy and the more incentive they have to set up shop in other countries to avoid your taxes. Further, you are not just taxing corporations. You are taxing people who earn incomes (today’s middle class). People who don’t pay taxes are not impacted.

Incel Joe surely knows that the taxes he wants to impose on “The Rich” end up falling on honest workers and consumers. He doesn't give a shit. He HATES people who make their livings honestly, and is happy to screw them over under the guise of attacking “The Rich”.

So why you hate Student C is because he takes subjects that disagree with your world view... not that a lot of people actually take these courses.

Nor are they really "unemployable". You have a degree from Harvard, you have a degree from Harvard, you are going to be employable.

To be employable, a person needs to have knowledge and skills that enable him to do things that are valuable to an employer. The ability to create wealth.

Some dumbass with a PhD in Gender Studies and a few hundred grand in student loan debt can flip burgers or bag groceries as well as a high school dropout, but that's about it.

Why should anyone else be liable for that asshole's debt? He borrowed it, and wasted it on a useless degree. Let him bear the debt or the resulting damage to his credit score.
I'll give you another example you'll ignore. The TOBACCO industry. The Tobacco industry. These investors and businessmen not only sold a product they KNEW to be dangerous, they actually spiked the nicotine to make it more addictive. They intentionally marketed said product to Children. They hired actors to play doctors on TV to say smoking was good for you.

How could you not hate these people and still call yourself a decent human being?

You are so fond of talking shit about my religion, and condemning me for it, but you don't know shit about it, or you'd know that Mormons, in general, have no love for the tobacco industry.

We get it... your cult is against all sorts of stuff that people might enjoy - tobacco, alcohol, coffee, critical thinking.

You falsely accuse me of supporting the tobacco industry, and when I respond that have no respect at all for that industry, you accuse me of being “against all sorts of stuff that people might enjoy”.

I guess what you think of poisons like tobacco and alcohol depends on how you can lie about it to form a false accusation against someone else.

I'm reminded of a faintly-remembered parable about a man, his wife, and a horse, and how every combination of none, one, or both of them riding that horse or walking was met with condemnation from the crowds through which they travelled—either they being stupid for both walking and not using the horse, one spouse being selfish to the other by riding the horse and making the other walk, or both of them being cruel by overloading the horse by both of them riding it at once.

I am consistent in my position on tobacco, and similar poisons such as alcohol. But no matter what opposition I express on such things, you'll take whatever position you can to condemn mine, even when it directly contradicts an opposition position that you took immediately before or after.

There is no truth in you. None. You take a position, not based on any truth, but on what lies you can use your position to form against others.
Adults, both college grads and non-college grads, have car loans. So why are leftists crying about student loan payments - “waaaa…..they’re being crushed” by having to repay their debt. - and nary a word about car loans, which is actually MORE, on average, than a student loan?

IOW, why are leftists crying that college-educated professionals need debt relief, to be paid for by other people, and yet shrug their shoulders over the car loans that high school grads struggle to pay? After all, they all knowingly borrowed money and agreed to pay it back.

Rich whites have student loans, not car loans. Pretty much everything the DemoKKKrats do is in service to rich whites.
Wow, I love it when I make Mormon Bob Crazier than he already is... Okay, let's have some fun.

So, in other words, you're just lying again, as is usual for you. I guess you're feeling too lazy to make even the minimal effort that you normally do to try to make your lies seem at least a little bit plausible.

I challenge you to find anything that I have posted anywhere—on this forum or elsewhere—where I have ever said anything positive about or defensive of the tobacco industry. You cannot, and you know damn well that you cannot. You know damn well that you are lying when you accuse me of being at all supported of that filth. If you weren't such an ignoramus, you'd have known better than to even try that in the first place.

Wow, Mormon Bob... it isn't that you support it... it's that you've NEVER bothered to condemn it. Not the way you want to murder women who get abortions or shoot black people who commit minor property crimes or any of the other shit you do in your blood atonement thinking. The Tobacco Industry kills hundreds of thousand of people over years. They've killed more people than fucking Hitler... So where are your posts denouncing their conduct?

That's what I thought.

You're eager to steal food from the mouths of honest working families to support deadbeats, but not willing to give a damn thing that is rightfully yours to give.

That is completely consistent with everything that you have ever demonstrated about your [lack of] ethical character.

Uh, guys, working people won't be paying for this... the rich will. Which I am just fine with.

surely knows that the taxes he wants to impose on “The Rich” end up falling on honest workers and consumers. He doesn't give a shit. He HATES people who make their livings honestly, and is happy to screw them over under the guise of attacking “The Rich”.

Hey, stupid, if the "rich" were just passing it on to the rest of us, then why do they fight so hard to keep taxes (on them) so low or fight to shift that burden to working people. This notion that they can actually do this is laughable at best.

To be employable, a person needs to have knowledge and skills that enable him to do things that are valuable to an employer. The ability to create wealth.

Some dumbass with a PhD in Gender Studies and a few hundred grand in student loan debt can flip burgers or bag groceries as well as a high school dropout, but that's about it.

Okay, guy, you realize that no one is actually getting Ph.D.s in Gender Studies except for people who are actually TEACHING gender studies, right?

Most people who get college degrees are getting them in useful fields... except that most of those fields are paying less and less because the One Percenters you love so much have slowly been undermining the working class.

Come on, none of us are as affluent as our parents were... even with more education and working harder.

40 years ago, I COULD earn a bachelor's degree by simply working a minimum wage job. People can't do that today.

You falsely accuse me of supporting the tobacco industry, and when I respond that have no respect at all for that industry, you accuse me of being “against all sorts of stuff that people might enjoy”.

I guess what you think of poisons like tobacco and alcohol depends on how you can lie about it to form a false accusation against someone else.

No, dude... the problem isn't that it's a poison. The problem is that an industry has made a FORTUNE addicting CHILDREN to that POISON, and you don't seem to have a particularly big problem with it.

Or you have more problem with a poor woman getting an abortion because she can't afford a baby on her minimum wage job, than you have with a corporate asshole making a nine figure salary.

But I think you'll miss the point no matter how many times I explain it to you.

I'm reminded of a faintly-remembered parable about a man, his wife, and a horse, and how every combination of none, one, or both of them riding that horse or walking was met with condemnation from the crowds through which they travelled—either they being stupid for both walking and not using the horse, one spouse being selfish to the other by riding the horse and making the other walk, or both of them being cruel by overloading the horse by both of them riding it at once.

I am consistent in my position on tobacco, and similar poisons such as alcohol. But no matter what opposition I express on such things, you'll take whatever position you can to condemn mine, even when it directly contradicts an opposition position that you took immediately before or after.

Yeah, again- the problem is, you think the kid who steals a bag of chips is more evil than the guy who spiked cigarettes with nicotine and used cute cartoon characters to market them to kids...

Now, It's kind of a waste to try to discuss philosophy with you, but WHY someone does something is just as important as what they did. It's that you accept the evils of corporate greed, poverty, racism, as being normal that's the problem.

But that Joe Biden forging student loan debt, what an awful person he is!!!!
Corporations laugh at you because the more pleasure you get “taxing the shit out of them”, the more that tax is passed on to economy and the more incentive they have to set up shop in other countries to avoid your taxes. Further, you are not just taxing corporations. You are taxing people who earn incomes (today’s middle class). People who don’t pay taxes are not impacted.

If Corporations were just "passing along the expense" to consumers, then they certainly wouldn't spend millions of dollars putting Republicans in office (or at least they did until you guys went batshit crazy and tried to turn America into the Republic of Gilead), to keep changing the tax code in their favor.
If Corporations were just "passing along the expense" to consumers, then they certainly wouldn't spend millions of dollars putting Republicans in office (or at least they did until you guys went batshit crazy and tried to turn America into the Republic of Gilead), to keep changing the tax code in their favor.
Corporations put Democrats in office and Democrats and Democrats play Corporate Cronyism while the fuck Small Business.
Adults, both college grads and non-college grads, have car loans. So why are leftists crying about student loan payments - “waaaa…..they’re being crushed” by having to repay their debt. - and nary a word about car loans, which is actually MORE, on average, than a student loan?

IOW, why are leftists crying that college-educated professionals need debt relief, to be paid for by other people, and yet shrug their shoulders over the car loans that high school grads struggle to pay? After all, they all knowingly borrowed money and agreed to pay it back.
Whatever it takes - and hang the expense - to keep their college -degreed base on-side for one more election-cycle as they begin to age and grow wiser...
Wow, I love it when I make Mormon Bob Crazier than he already is... Okay, let's have some fun.

Wow, Mormon Bob... it isn't that you support it... it's that you've NEVER bothered to condemn it. Not the way you want to murder women who get abortions or shoot black people who commit minor property crimes or any of the other shit you do in your blood atonement thinking. The Tobacco Industry kills hundreds of thousand of people over years. They've killed more people than fucking Hitler... So where are your posts denouncing their conduct?

Uh, guys, working people won't be paying for this... the rich will. Which I am just fine with.

Hey, stupid, if the "rich" were just passing it on to the rest of us, then why do they fight so hard to keep taxes (on them) so low or fight to shift that burden to working people. This notion that they can actually do this is laughable at best.

Okay, guy, you realize that no one is actually getting Ph.D.s in Gender Studies except for people who are actually TEACHING gender studies, right?

Most people who get college degrees are getting them in useful fields... except that most of those fields are paying less and less because the One Percenters you love so much have slowly been undermining the working class.

Come on, none of us are as affluent as our parents were... even with more education and working harder.

40 years ago, I COULD earn a bachelor's degree by simply working a minimum wage job. People can't do that today.

No, dude... the problem isn't that it's a poison. The problem is that an industry has made a FORTUNE addicting CHILDREN to that POISON, and you don't seem to have a particularly big problem with it.

Or you have more problem with a poor woman getting an abortion because she can't afford a baby on her minimum wage job, than you have with a corporate asshole making a nine figure salary.

But I think you'll miss the point no matter how many times I explain it to you.

Yeah, again- the problem is, you think the kid who steals a bag of chips is more evil than the guy who spiked cigarettes with nicotine and used cute cartoon characters to market them to kids...

Now, It's kind of a waste to try to discuss philosophy with you, but WHY someone does something is just as important as what they did. It's that you accept the evils of corporate greed, poverty, racism, as being normal that's the problem.

But that Joe Biden forging student loan debt, what an awful person he is!!!!

Lies on top of lies on top of lies.

So, anything that I haven't had occasion to explicitly condemn, you think is fair game to falsely accuse me of supporting?

That's bullshit, even for Incel Joe values of bullshit.

There are a great many evil things that happen in the world. Much of it outside of my own awareness, outside of any ability on my part to do anything about it, outside of any conversations I ever usually have.

So, it hasn't previously come up before, any occasion on this forum to express what I think of the tobacco industry, so you're taking that as license to imply, just short of explicitly stating, that I support and defend it.

I guess that should be no surprise, coming from you. After all ha has been very solidly established, lying is what you do, Incel Joe. Lying is what you are. Lying is probably what defines you, more than any other behavior that you've demonstrated ever on this forum.

Generally, the past, you've at least made some vestige of an effort to make your lies plausible enough that they might have some small chance of actually being believed, by anyone who does not already know well what a subhuman lying piece of shit you are.

Lately, you're not even trying. Perhaps that even makes some sense. By now, you surely know that everyone else on this forum knows what a lying piece of shit you are, and knows better than to believe anything you say on any subject. Perhaps it makes sense, then, for you to not waste any thought or effort in trying to make any of your lies even the least bit believable.
Actually, the only reason why Corporations are shifting their support to Democrats is because the Republicans have gone completely batshit insane..
Democrats gladly take money from Corporations, Hedge Funds, and Trump.
A rather simplistic view of things. Not surprising.
Why over complicate things?

Student A spends the same for a degree in Electrical Engineering as Student B spends his tuition for a political science degree

The EE kid gets hired even before he graduates while the other kid is a sofa jerk at Starbucks

And only one is unable to repay his student loan
Ever notice when Mormon Bob is caught like a stuck Mormon Pig, he squeals louder?

Lies on top of lies on top of lies.

So, anything that I haven't had occasion to explicitly condemn, you think is fair game to falsely accuse me of supporting?

Wait, dude, the fact that you haven't condemned is the problem.

You scream CONSTANTLY about women having abortions. None of your fucking business, really, but you want to execute women for having them.

But the tobacco industry has marketed an addictive product to children, and you can't bring yourself to condemn the executives. I guess you condemn tobacco itself as an evil because your cult says to. But tobacco itself isn't evil, otherwise why would your God have created it?

There are a great many evil things that happen in the world. Much of it outside of my own awareness, outside of any ability on my part to do anything about it, outside of any conversations I ever usually have.

So, it hasn't previously come up before, any occasion on this forum to express what I think of the tobacco industry, so you're taking that as license to imply, just short of explicitly stating, that I support and defend it.

Except it's how you respond to 'evils" that is telling.

Teachers telling kids that being homosexual doesn't make someone bad? KILL THEM!!!!!
Women having abortions because they aren't ready for a baby right now? KILL THEM!!!!
Some poor black kid steals a bag of chips from the 7-11? KILL HIM!!!! Or throw him in jail for the rest of his life for a property crime where no one was hurt.

Big tobacco hides the dangers of tobacco use, intentionally markets the product to children, chemically alters the product to make it more addictive and get people hooked, and kills 480,000 deaths a year, including 41,000 from second hand smoke? (According to the CDC.) Well, gosh, you can't condemn that, because it's a bunch of white guys in suits making a profit.

I think it demonstrates your morality system.

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