Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Abortion is pretty far down the list of people’s concern. They’re much more worried about the 40-year high inflation and the millions of lowlife illegals swarming in.

I know you need to believe that... yet oddly you guys are now behind in PA and WI... and are losing special elections where you put up a neaderthal.

Most people realize that you can't do much about illegals or inflation, but making them cross three state lines to get an abortion is going to piss them off.
Someone getting something takes nothing away from me.

That something has to come from somewhere. Nothing is free.

Someone getting something that he didn't pay for means that someone else is paying for it.

What these deadbeats are getting for “free” is being taken away from all of us who are not deadbeats.

I didn't think that even you were ignorant enough to not understand that. But then it's always a mistake to assume that one has seen the nadir of your possible ignorance.
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That something has to come from somewhere. Nothing is free.

Someone getting something that he didn't pay for means that someone else is paying for it.

What these deadbeats are getting for “free” is being taken away from all of us who are not deadbeats.

I didn't think that even you were ignorant enough to not understand that. But then it's always a mistake to assume that one has seen the nadir of your possible ignorance.
Do you mind subsidizing low taxes for the rich and corporate tax loopholes that at the end of the day amount to welfare?
Do you mind subsidizing low taxes for the rich and corporate tax loopholes that at the end of the day amount to welfare?

I do very much mind your blatantly dishonest characterization of these policies, as well as your dishonest attempt to suggest that they have anything to do with the theft and fraud of “cancelling” student loans.
That something has to come from somewhere. Nothing is free.

Someone getting something that he didn't pay for means that someone else is paying for it.

What these deadbeats are getting for “free” is being taken away from all of us who are not deadbeats.

I didn't think that even you were ignorant enough to not understand that. But then it's always a mistake to assume that one has seen the nadir of your possible ignorance.

Just because you weren't smart enough to get into college (I guess that's why we have the trades), doesn't mean you should diss those who were.

The cost and availability of college NEVER should have been allowed to get this out of control to start with.

These loans SHOULD have been scholarships... Instead, we let the banks and colleges get rich off these kids. Time to right an injustice.

I do very much mind your blatantly dishonest characterization of these policies, as well as your dishonest attempt to suggest that they have anything to do with the theft and fraud of “cancelling” student loans.

How is it dishonest?

So let's review.

We have all agreed (well, you didn't, but never mind) that the government subsidizing higher education is a good thing.

So the question is, do you penalize the hard working kid trying to improve himself, or do you penalize the investor class that benefits from the educated work force.

This isn't really complicated, Mormon Bob... Even for a dumb-ass Mormon cultist.
The Dems should give everyone $1 million.

The right’s war on education continues.
It started with G.W. Bush. "Sure our current President is dumb as hell but hey....education is overrated anyway.
Also they resent the fact that most of the truly educated people in the world tend to be liberals.
Just because you weren't smart enough to get into college (I guess that's why we have the trades), doesn't mean you should diss those who were.

I paid my own way through college. Twice.

So the question is, do you penalize the hard working kid trying to improve himself, or do you penalize the investor class that benefits from the educated work force.

Your solution, it seems, is to penalize the honest worker, who made wise education and career choices, to support the deadbeats.
I paid my own way through college. Twice.

And yet you are still butt-ignorant! Then again, after the cult brainwashing you've gotten, it's unlikely things like Science of History stick.

Your solution, it seems, is to penalize the honest worker, who made wise education and career choices, to support the deadbeats.

Uh, let's get this straight. My solution would be to make the rich pay their fair share and make sure working people get paid a living wage.

It really has nothing to do with being a "deadbeat", as most of these people ARE paying their loans... they just can't get ahead of the debt because of the way the banks soak people.

And that's not even talking about the Diploma Mill scams like the ones Betsy DeVos owned.
Uh, let's get this straight. My solution would be to make the rich pay their fair share and make sure working people get paid a living wage.

What is one person's “fair share” of what someone else worked to produce?

No matter what fancy terms you use to whitewash it, what you advocate is theft and fraud. You advocate stealing from those who worked to produce and create wealth, to support those who did nothing whatsoever to earn it.

It's funny that your kind always talk about someone taking or being compelled to give a “fair share” of the wealth, but never about anyone doing his fair share of the work to create that wealth.
And yet you are still butt-ignorant! Then again, after the cult brainwashing you've gotten, it's unlikely things like Science of History stick.

Uh, let's get this straight. My solution would be to make the rich pay their fair share and make sure working people get paid a living wage.

It really has nothing to do with being a "deadbeat", as most of these people ARE paying their loans... they just can't get ahead of the debt because of the way the banks soak people.

And that's not even talking about the Diploma Mill scams like the ones Betsy DeVos owned.
You mean like Trump University?
What is one person's “fair share” of what someone else worked to produce?

No matter what fancy terms you use to whitewash it, what you advocate is theft and fraud. You advocate stealing from those who worked to produce and create wealth, to support those who did nothing whatsoever to earn it.

It's funny that your kind always talk about someone taking or being compelled to give a “fair share” of the wealth, but never about anyone doing his fair share of the work to create that wealth.

When the poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".

Let's not delude ourselves into thinking that the rich are rich because they deserve it. When Jeff Bezos flies off into space in his Dick Rocket at 1 Billion dollars a crack, it isn't because he earned his billions, it's because the thousands of people who work for Amazon aren't getting their fair share of the wealth being produced.

It amazes me you are so happy to be a victim of the rich. You'll shoot a poor black kid over a bag of corn chips, but you'll slave your whole life to make someone else richer.
When the poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".

Let's not delude ourselves into thinking that the rich are rich because they deserve it. When Jeff Bezos flies off into space in his Dick Rocket at 1 Billion dollars a crack, it isn't because he earned his billions, it's because the thousands of people who work for Amazon aren't getting their fair share of the wealth being produced.

It amazes me you are so happy to be a victim of the rich. You'll shoot a poor black kid over a bag of corn chips, but you'll slave your whole life to make someone else richer.

Stealing is stealing, no matter who does it to whom.

And making an honest profit, by providing goods or services that are valuable to others, is not stealing.

The hard truth is that you HATE people who make their livings by honestly contributing to society. You've made this abundantly clear the entire time you've been on this forum. You claim to make an honest living yourself but I call bullshit. I call bullshit on every thing you've ever claimed about anything that you've done for a living. One cannot have the experience of making an honest living, and remain as hateful as you clearly are toward everyone who does so.

You're a criminal, Incel Joe. A thief. A parasite. That is the only way it is possible for you to defend thieves and parasites and criminals as staunchly as you do, always, without fail, taking their side against the side of actual human beings. That is the only way that it is possible for you to so deeply and passionately hate those who do make their livings honestly, by contributing to society rather than taking from society.

No honest, productive human beings hate honest productive human beings the way that you do. Only thieves and parasites do.
Stealing is stealing, no matter who does it to whom.

And making an honest profit, by providing goods or services that are valuable to others, is not stealing.

Except are they making an honest profit. Right now, through my Resume Business, I am working with a slew of customers working for Bed Bath and Beyond, which is on its last legs as a company. The reason why they are in such dire straights is that they've been the victim of Wall Street manipulation

RC Ventures boss Ryan Cohen confirmed the sale of his entire stake in the company, with the retailer's second-largest shareholder cashing out 9.45 million shares and call options for a profit of $68 million.

Bed Bath & Beyond extended its losses from Thursday after markets opened Friday, tumbling 38% to trade at around $11 a share.

The stock had soared over 300% earlier this month thanks to renewed enthusiasm from the Wall Street Bets trading set, who have piled into meme stocks like Bed Bath and AMC Entertainment to bet against hedge funds, short sellers, and Wall Street more broadly.

The hard truth is that you HATE people who make their livings by honestly contributing to society. You've made this abundantly clear the entire time you've been on this forum. You claim to make an honest living yourself but I call bullshit. I call bullshit on every thing you've ever claimed about anything that you've done for a living. One cannot have the experience of making an honest living, and remain as hateful as you clearly are toward everyone who does so.

I'm sorry, how is an "investor" making an honest living by contributing to society? They are betting on the hard work of others, and taking the rewards for hard work.

Things never said in a working class bar, "My boss is a genius". Usually, most companies do well because the WORKERS bust their asses to make it work, and the managers and investors claim most of the rewards.

(Intellectual discussion that will go right over Mormon Bob's Head)
Now, I'm not advocating Communism or Socialism. There actually IS a benefit to a profit motive. What I have a problem with is the 50 year effort by the Goons of Plutocracy (GOP) to dismantle the Middle Class to make the Investor class richer.

But as long as they are Right with Jesus and you have a little more than the darkies, you are content with this.

You're a criminal, @Incel Joe. A thief. A parasite. That is the only way it is possible for you to defend thieves and parasites and criminals as staunchly as you do, always, without fail, taking their side against the side of actual human beings. That is the only way that it is possible for you to so deeply and passionately hate those who do make their livings honestly, by contributing to society rather than taking from society.

I can list a whole litany of things that companies have done to their workers and the public that they profited on, but not a fucking one of them have spent a day in prison.

Let's take Ford Motors and the Pinto. Ford KNEW the Pinto was dangerous, but decided that it would be cheaper to paid the families of those killed in accidents than do a complete recall for a repair of $11.00. That's 100 times worse than anything most "Criminal" you whine about has ever done.
I'm sorry, how is an "investor" making an honest living by contributing to society? They are betting on the hard work of others, and taking the rewards for hard work.

Most of us wouldn't have jobs at all, and most of the goods and services that we provide would not be created, without investors.

I have deep respect for those who have the resources, and are willing to take the risks, to create a company, to organize it and set it up so that people like myself can be employed producing and selling valuable goods and services, that all of us may profit from doing so.

It takes a special class of people to do that, and I have to admit that I am not anywhere close to being in that class. I'm a tool turner. Put tools in my hands, and put me on a task that suits my tools and my skills, and I do very well at it. But I need others to organize the big picture around me, to create the task at which to set me.

I suppose investors and businessmen are the one sort of person that you hate even more than you hate honest workers.

Things never said in a working class bar, "My boss is a genius". Usually, most companies do well because the WORKERS bust their asses to make it work, and the managers and investors claim most of the rewards.

That does not reflect my experiences with any company that I have ever worked for. Yes, we workers bust our assess, and we get well paid for doing so. Our bosses are the ones who know where we need to bust our asses, and in what manner, and without their direction, our own efforts would be futile. That's how it has been in almost every job that I have ever held.

I've worked under some really great bosses. I can only think of one boss that I have ever worked under, for whom I didn't have great respect. I never understood what his motives were, but clearly, they were something other than the best interests of the company. A colleague of mine thought that his behavior was consistent with steroid abuse. I wouldn't know enough about steroid abuse of the symptoms thereof to know if my colleague was correct, but some form of mental illness or drug abuse seems likely.

But as long as they are Right with Jesus and you have a little more than the darkies, you are content with this.

No surprise, you snuck in an opportunity to express your racism, and to try to project it on me; even though, up to this point, no one had mentioned race in connection with this specific matter.
Most of us wouldn't have jobs at all, and most of the goods and services that we provide would not be created, without investors.

I have deep respect for those who have the resources, and are willing to take the risks, to create a company, to organize it and set it up so that people like myself can be employed producing and selling valuable goods and services, that all of us may profit from doing so.

Again, you've mistaken a parasite for a vital organ. The investor makes nothing, produces nothing, creates nothing.

Our economy works well as a symbious between those who provide goods and services and those who consume them. All that could happen perfectly well without investors.

It takes a special class of people to do that, and I have to admit that I am not anywhere close to being in that class. I'm a tool turner. Put tools in my hands, and put me on a task that suits my tools and my skills, and I do very well at it. But I need others to organize the big picture around me, to create the task at which to set me.

Well, funny thing, I am an organizer. I work on huge, million dollar, international trade projects. If you need someone to organize things for you, it's because you are weak.

Then again, you belong to a cult, so you let people do your thinking for you, anyway.

I suppose investors and businessmen are the one sort of person that you hate even more than you hate honest workers.

I recognize them for what they are.... Do they have some use in our system until we become a more enlightened society? Um. Yes. But they need to be watched, and controlled, and punished when they abuse the system.

I'll give you another example you'll ignore. The TOBACCO industry. The Tobacco industry. These investors and businessmen not only sold a product they KNEW to be dangerous, they actually spiked the nicotine to make it more addictive. They intentionally marketed said product to Children. They hired actors to play doctors on TV to say smoking was good for you.

How could you not hate these people and still call yourself a decent human being?

That does not reflect my experiences with any company that I have ever worked for. Yes, we workers bust our assess, and we get well paid for doing so. Our bosses are the ones who know where we need to bust our asses, and in what manner, and without their direction, our own efforts would be futile. That's how it has been in almost every job that I have ever held.

Uh, here's the thing, buddy. You probably don't enjoy anywhere near the affluence people in your trades enjoyed during the 50's and 60's, when they were mostly unionized. This is the shift from the working class to the investor class I was talking about. But you'll dutifully hate on China because Trump tells you to, while he makes money having his products made in China.


I've worked under some really great bosses. I can only think of one boss that I have ever worked under, for whom I didn't have great respect. I never understood what his motives were, but clearly, they were something other than the best interests of the company. A colleague of mine thought that his behavior was consistent with steroid abuse. I wouldn't know enough about steroid abuse of the symptoms thereof to know if my colleague was correct, but some form of mental illness or drug abuse seems likely.

Um, yeah, let me give you a litany of osme of the bosses I worked for.

First job out of the Army, they shut down the branch I worked in to move all our jobs to Wisconsin. But they lied to us for a year about their plans, knowing we'd all bail if we knew.
I worked for another guy who fired female employees when they got pregnant. This same POS is the guy who screwed me over when I busted up my knee.
Another company I worked for, weeks after 9/11 when we were all kind of in shock, decided to take the opportunity to cut all the people they hired at higher wages in the 1990's and then reoffer those same jobs a few months later at lower salaries.

We have seen this war on the working class for years, and when workers embrace Fascism in the form or Trump or SOcialism in the form of Bernie, you all wonder why.

No surprise, you snuck in an opportunity to express your racism, and to try to project it on me; even though, up to this point, no one had mentioned race in connection with this specific matter.

When you direct that same level of hatred to a Tobacco company executive that you do to a poor black kid who stole a bag of chips, then I'll give you credit for not being racist.
Again, you've mistaken a parasite for a vital organ. The investor makes nothing, produces nothing, creates nothing.

Our economy works well as a symbious [sic] between those who provide goods and services and those who consume them. All that could happen perfectly well without investors.

I'll believe that when I see a company of any scale, that manages to produce goods and services on the scale even of, say, an automobile manufacturer or a construction contractor, without investors and organizers who do their thing separate from the actual workers.

Well, funny thing, I am an organizer. I work on huge, million dollar, international trade projects. If you need someone to organize things for you, it's because you are weak.

It someone were to put tools in your hands, and put you to work next to me, doing my thing, would you be able to do my job?

Almost certainly not. Perhaps it is because it is you who is weak.

I'll give you another example you'll ignore. The TOBACCO industry. The Tobacco industry. These investors and businessmen not only sold a product they KNEW to be dangerous, they actually spiked the nicotine to make it more addictive. They intentionally marketed said product to Children. They hired actors to play doctors on TV to say smoking was good for you.

How could you not hate these people and still call yourself a decent human being?

You are so fond of talking shit about my religion, and condemning me for it, but you don't know shit about it, or you'd know that Mormons, in general, have no love for the tobacco industry.

I was going to say that you probably cannot come up with anything nasty to say about the tobacco industry that I wouldn't enthusiastically agree with, but to say that would be to underestimate your demonstrated capacity for lies and bullshit; and the reality is that you probably could come up with some truly bizarre lies against that industry that even I would have to recognize as such, and disagree with.

Um, yeah, let me give you a litany of osme [sic] of the bosses I worked for.

I've heard it all before.

I've heard it from some of the scum that I have occasionally had the misfortune of working with. Those are the ones who almost always end up fucking things up, so that not only do I have to do my own share of the work, but I also have to do their share of the work as well, on top of fixing whatever it is that they fucked up. They always blame the bosses for their own laziness, incompetence, and malfeasance. I've seen every indication that you'd be exactly the same.

Fortunately, in my profession, your kind do not last very long, on those rare occasions when you manage to get into this profession in the first place.

When you direct that same level of hatred to a Tobacco company executive that you do to a poor black kid who stole a bag of chips, then I'll give you credit for not being racist.

And you're the one who thinks that the color of the thief's skin has anything to do with it. But somehow, I'm the racist.
I'll believe that when I see a company of any scale, that manages to produce goods and services on the scale even of, say, an automobile manufacturer or a construction contractor, without investors and organizers who do their thing separate from the actual workers.

Reality- we could run those businesses as collectives, appoint smart administrators, and get pretty much the same results. 1/4 of our economy is government services.

Organizers are fine.. investors are parasites.

It someone were to put tools in your hands, and put you to work next to me, doing my thing, would you be able to do my job?

Almost certainly not. Perhaps it is because it is you who is weak.

Actually, I come from a long line of tradesman, even though I didn't go into that myself. I rehabbed two properties over the years.

On the other hand, you probably couldn't do my job. People with anger issues like yours don't last long.

You are so fond of talking shit about my religion, and condemning me for it, but you don't know shit about it, or you'd know that Mormons, in general, have no love for the tobacco industry.

We get it... your cult is against all sorts of stuff that people might enjoy - tobacco, alcohol, coffee, critical thinking.

Yet you don't express any hatred for people who sell poison to children...

I was going to say that you probably cannot come up with anything nasty to say about the tobacco industry that I wouldn't enthusiastically agree with, but to say that would be to underestimate your demonstrated capacity for lies and bullshit; and the reality is that you probably could come up with some truly bizarre lies against that industry that even I would have to recognize as such, and disagree with.

I can't overcome your ignorance. If you want a primer on how evil the Tobacco industry truly is, here's an educational video. Joe Camel was only the tip of if.

Now they've moved on to vaping.

And you're the one who thinks that the color of the thief's skin has anything to do with it. But somehow, I'm the racist.

yet I've heard you come on here time after time calling people of color "sub-human" for petty property crime, but I've YET to see you condemn corporate greed.
I'll believe that when I see a company of any scale, that manages to produce goods and services on the scale even of, say, an automobile manufacturer or a construction contractor, without investors and organizers who do their thing separate from the actual workers.

Okay, let's look at this one.

Besides the fact that Automobile Manufacturers have had to been bailed out SEVERAL times by the Federal Government for being too big to fail (mostly because they've been outclassed by Japanese companies who have even MORE government involvement and less capitalism than ours).

Could the auto industry exist without government?

Uh. No.

The only reason why selling privately owned automobiles is practical at all is because the government has spent trillions on roads, highways, freeways, etc. over the years. Our highway system exists because Eisenhower saw the efficiency of the German Autobahns during WWII, and how quickly the Germans could move men and material around between the eastern and western fronts.

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