Why are leftists crying about the student loan “burden” and not the car loan “burden”?

Or 1980ish. That’s how it was at my private university, with many affluent kids: we adapted to a TEMPORARY lower lifestyle while we spent a few years preparing for a career.

Seems like you think kids are ENTITLED to live in nice on-camous apartments with their choice of restaurants, and then have the working class subsidize it by paying off their loans.

Wow, what an elitist attitude!!!! You poor thing, having to slum it at school for 4 years. Ho hum. The kids who leave school owing the most money are the ones for whom this kind of housing is a big step UP from what they had at home.

How much was your tuition??? How much is the tuition at your old school today?
Your question is irrelevant. Getting a degree isn't about getting "qualifications" for particular jobs. It's about demonstrating the ability to do assigned work and complete the course work.

One of my best friends was a partner with KPMG Management Consultants. Her degree was in fashion design and marketing. Her degree had NOTHING to do with the job, but without a degree, she would never have been hired.

A college degree has been the ticket to the American middle class for decades. You fools keep mocking "useless degrees" but I have never met a single person taking "gender studies" or any of the other stuff you consider "pointless". When I was growing up, we mocked those with English literature degrees, a favourite among those who were simply going to college to get their Mrs.
Thanks for proving my point.

Whats sad is you dint even realize it.
6) Soldiers accessing into this MOS must have a minimum qualifying score on the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) OR a qualifying score of L2-R2 (listening-reading) on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) in a required and documented foreign language

I'm highlighting the part you aren't getting. You need to already have a proficiency in that language. They aren't going to teach you to learn Arabic if you don't know it already.

Of course, the flip side of that is that they then have to have a bunch of other qualifications to make sure you aren't a spy or enemy sympathizer.

yea it’s a “qualification” because we’ve said so, but the point being there’s nothing in the actual course work that makes the individual any better at the actual job.

I could make 100 push ups in under 2 minutes a qualification requirement to be a salesman at my company, does that mean people who can do that are more qualified to do the actual job?

Sure there is. To get a Liberal Arts degree in ANY major, you have to take a bunch of other courses to show that you are well rounded.

My major was history, but less than a third of the courses I took at UIC were history. The rest were hard sciences, math, English composition, and Ugh, a foreign language requirement that I really struggled with. (Ironically, it was the only one that proved kind of useful in a job where I had to call German Vendors... except not really, most of them had someone on staff who spoke English.)

So as upset as you are that someone got a Gender Studies major, she also had to take a bunch of other courses to go with that which demonstrated her ability to learn, adapt and gain skills.

(Incidentally, no one is actually getting Gender Studies majors.. most kids are graduating with very practical majors.)

I'm highlighting the part you aren't getting. You need to already have a proficiency in that language. They aren't going to teach you to learn Arabic if you don't know it already.

Of course, the flip side of that is that they then have to have a bunch of other qualifications to make sure you aren't a spy or enemy sympathizer.

Sure there is. To get a Liberal Arts degree in ANY major, you have to take a bunch of other courses to show that you are well rounded.

My major was history, but less than a third of the courses I took at UIC were history. The rest were hard sciences, math, English composition, and Ugh, a foreign language requirement that I really struggled with. (Ironically, it was the only one that proved kind of useful in a job where I had to call German Vendors... except not really, most of them had someone on staff who spoke English.)

So as upset as you are that someone got a Gender Studies major, she also had to take a bunch of other courses to go with that which demonstrated her ability to learn, adapt and gain skills.

(Incidentally, no one is actually getting Gender Studies majors.. most kids are graduating with very practical majors.)

View attachment 691524
OR. dumb ass. OR.

Did you miss that day in school when they explained what OR meant?
Thanks for proving my point.

Whats sad is you dint even realize it.

What's sad is that you don't realize your point is irrelevant. College isn't a trade school. And if you truly believe you've learned nothing there to help you in your work, then you're not very bright at all. Even writing an essay is teaching you to research, find information, and complete assignments in a timely way

I had a similar discussion with a friend years ago. He complained that he had never applied anything he had learned in school to his work in business management. The degree was a waste of time and money. He had just taken a really nice, high paying job with an excellent firm and he wasn't using anything he learned there either.

I asked him if they would have interviewed him for the job if he didn't have a degree. And he said "No, of course not". So then, just on that basis, the degree wasn't such a waste after all.
Or 1980ish. That’s how it was at my private university, with many affluent kids: we adapted to a TEMPORARY lower lifestyle while we spent a few years preparing for a career.

Seems like you think kids are ENTITLED to live in nice on-camous apartments with their choice of restaurants, and then have the working class subsidize it by paying off their loans.

Dragonlady already slapped you on this one.

I too, went to school in the 1980's.

My tuition at UIC was $1500 a year in 1980's dollars. That would be about $4000.00 in 2022 dollars. Most semesters, my tuition (but not fees) were covered by a program for members of the Illinois National Guard. For ones that weren't, I could make up the money to pay tuition by working 10 hours a week at a minimum wage job.

Flash forward to 2022. Tuition at UIC is $14,000 a year. Minimum wage in Illinois is $11.00 an hour. Which means if you worked a full time job at minimum wage, 70% of it would just go to tuition. Never mind living in the dorms. That would be an additional $8000 a year.

The problem with the "back in my day" stuff is back in our day was a lot easier.
I'm highlighting the part you aren't getting. You need to already have a proficiency in that language. They aren't going to teach you to learn Arabic if you don't know it already.

Of course, the flip side of that is that they then have to have a bunch of other qualifications to make sure you aren't a spy or enemy sympathizer.

Sure there is. To get a Liberal Arts degree in ANY major, you have to take a bunch of other courses to show that you are well rounded.

My major was history, but less than a third of the courses I took at UIC were history. The rest were hard sciences, math, English composition, and Ugh, a foreign language requirement that I really struggled with. (Ironically, it was the only one that proved kind of useful in a job where I had to call German Vendors... except not really, most of them had someone on staff who spoke English.)

So as upset as you are that someone got a Gender Studies major, she also had to take a bunch of other courses to go with that which demonstrated her ability to learn, adapt and gain skills.

(Incidentally, no one is actually getting Gender Studies majors.. most kids are graduating with very practical majors.)

View attachment 691524
I don’t give a shit if someone wants to get a degree in Gender Studies or underwater basket weaving. It’s just not my responsibility to pay for them.
Adults, both college grads and non-college grads, have car loans. So why are leftists crying about student loan payments - “waaaa…..they’re being crushed” by having to repay their debt. - and nary a word about car loans, which is actually MORE, on average, than a student loan?

IOW, why are leftists crying that college-educated professionals need debt relief, to be paid for by other people, and yet shrug their shoulders over the car loans that high school grads struggle to pay? After all, they all knowingly borrowed money and agreed to pay it back.
Why should I have to pay for your car?
Nope. The fact that the right wing is screaming as loud as it is tells me they KNOW it's a winner for Biden and the Dems.
Yup the Dems know how to buy those votes.

BUT Biden has absolutely no authority to unilaterally forgive any money owed to the US government.
What's sad is that you don't realize your point is irrelevant. College isn't a trade school. And if you truly believe you've learned nothing there to help you in your work, then you're not very bright at all. Even writing an essay is teaching you to research, find information, and complete assignments in a timely way

I had a similar discussion with a friend years ago. He complained that he had never applied anything he had learned in school to his work in business management. The degree was a waste of time and money. He had just taken a really nice, high paying job with an excellent firm and he wasn't using anything he learned there either.

I asked him if they would have interviewed him for the job if he didn't have a degree. And he said "No, of course not". So then, just on that basis, the degree wasn't such a waste after all.
Here I need you to go spend a ton of money going deeply in debt on 4 years of training that you won’t actually use in your job but I’m going to make that a requirement for you to actually get the job. If someone said that you would think it was moronic. And rightly so.
So the Army would rather have people who speak languages rather than having to teach them... nice to see you admit that.
Sure if you already know the language thats better but it’s not a requirement which is what you stated. You cant wiggle your way out of your stupid.
Dragonlady already slapped you on this one.

I too, went to school in the 1980's.

My tuition at UIC was $1500 a year in 1980's dollars. That would be about $4000.00 in 2022 dollars. Most semesters, my tuition (but not fees) were covered by a program for members of the Illinois National Guard. For ones that weren't, I could make up the money to pay tuition by working 10 hours a week at a minimum wage job.

Flash forward to 2022. Tuition at UIC is $14,000 a year. Minimum wage in Illinois is $11.00 an hour. Which means if you worked a full time job at minimum wage, 70% of it would just go to tuition. Never mind living in the dorms. That would be an additional $8000 a year.

The problem with the "back in my day" stuff is back in our day was a lot easier.
The reason tuition has skyrocketed is because of the everyone has to go to college bullshit AND the guaranteed student loan program.

It's a manufactured demand that has done nothing but increase prices

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