Why are Lesbians so fat? $1.5M tax money is finding out!!!

If the research was valuable, would it need to be funded by the government?

Can we tax fat lesbians to pay for it? Perhaps limit them to 16 oz beverages...

You are assuming a monetary value, not all research has a monetary value - it is valuable to inform policy making.

Man, I really should not have to explain this basic shit to people.
I really do think my theory has some truth to it. Maybe I should write Austin and get some credit.

Women love your insides, men love your outsides. That is why lesbians let themselves go, and gay men are buff.

Austin wants to blame lesbians being fat on bullying.

I'm going to apply for a counter-study. Whadya think, $1.9 million? 2.5?
If the research was valuable, would it need to be funded by the government?

Can we tax fat lesbians to pay for it? Perhaps limit them to 16 oz beverages...

You are assuming a monetary value, not all research has a monetary value - it is valuable to inform policy making.

Man, I really should not have to explain this basic shit to people.

Yes, that is how government growth works.

If the government is going to invade and devour every aspect of our lives like The Blob, then it naturally becomes necessary for it to sustain itself by doing studies constantly seeking out what more it can absorb into its ever enlarging self.

Too bad they don't do a study to find out how to trim the government's obesity problem.
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Like I always say, liberals see a problem and their immediate reflex is to ask, "What is the government going to do about this?"

Problem: Lesbians are fat. Reflex: "What is the government going to do about this?"

More government growth. More power. More dollars.
Like I always say, liberals see a problem and their immediate reflex is to ask, "What is the government going to do about this?"

Problem: Lesbians are fat. Reflex: "What is the government going to do about this?"

More government growth. More power. More dollars.

More government and less individual responsibility!

What could possibly go wrong with that combination?
Too many lesbians are fat, too many Irishmen drink too much, too many black people talk during movies, too many country music fans get pregnant before they are 18.

We must study this and get the government to do something!

Immanentize the eschaton!
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Homosexuality is strongly believed to be caused by hormonal imbalance. SEX HORMONE STUDIES IN MALE HOMOSEXUALITY

So it's likely that excessive secretion of testosterone, combined with reactive elements in the biochemistry of some females will influence fat production.

I've noticed that a significant number of "butch" lesbians I've met have exceptionally large thighs and buttocks. This was particularly obvious to me when I was in the Marine Corps. A rather large number of our Women Marines were "butches" and when in formation in utility uniform those large backsides were prominent. In fact, the colloquial reference to our WMs back then (mid-50s) was "BAMs," for "Broad Ass Marines." (But one didn't use that term in their presence!)
Homosexuality is strongly believed to be caused by hormonal imbalance. SEX HORMONE STUDIES IN MALE HOMOSEXUALITY

So it's likely that excessive secretion of testosterone, combined with reactive elements in the biochemistry of some females will influence fat production.

I've noticed that a significant number of "butch" lesbians I've met have exceptionally large thighs and buttocks. This was particularly obvious to me when I was in the Marine Corps. A rather large number of our Women Marines were "butches" and when in formation in utility uniform those large backsides were prominent. In fact, the colloquial reference to our WMs back then (mid-50s) was "BAMs," for "Broad Ass Marines." (But one didn't use that term in their presence!)

But how do you explain the bad haircuts and Jeeps?

Going to need another study so the government can make the right Jeep policy.
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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance."

Feds Spend $1.5 Million to Study Why Lesbians Are Fat | CNS News

And we close the WH to tours???

Some of the toughest sequester spending decisions involve taxpayer-financed research, where funding today can produce huge benefits tomorrow —
but can the government really afford to spend $227,437 to study pictures of animals in National Geographic magazines?
That is one of the 164 grants the National Science Foundation approved last week as it sought to balance its research mission with less funding that means the independent agency will award about 1,000 fewer projects with taxpayer money this year.

Sequester spending: Feds pay $227,000 to study magazine photographs - Washington Times

Well, clearly they are hooked on large sodas.
Men admire slim and taut body shapes. If a lesbian is rejecting the male ideal of womanhood, of course she will be overweight. Likewise, the gay male will want to be as slim and muscular as possible.

Yeah, she's really fat!

I figured you guys would be happy about this.

Perhaps through studies like this, they'll figure out what genes make people gay, and then you all can find a way to get rid of those pesky queers after all.

Oh, no, wait, then you'd have no-one to blame for world disasters.
I figured you guys would be happy about this.

Perhaps through studies like this, they'll figure out what genes make people gay, and then you all can find a way to get rid of those pesky queers after all.

Oh, no, wait, then you'd have no-one to blame for world disasters.

"Researchers believe that male homosexuality may be due to a gene carried by mothers.
Evolution suggests that homosexuality as a trait would not last long, as it discourages sex, with women and therefore procreation.

As such, while the 'gay gene' may not get passed down directly, it will survive through the generations via the family.
The gene or genes which causes this behaviour is not yet known, but the report by Ciani suggests that it resides on the X chromosone, of which men inherit one.
Read more: 'Gay gene' survives through generations as female relatives of homosexual men 'have more babies' | Mail Online

So there is some evidence of genetic passthrough the vast majority of homosexuals comes from a learning or behavior modification.
The premise is men are promiscuous and need sexual release regardless of it's source!
The majority therefore of gay men can not violently attack a woman.. "RAPE" but can be very promiscuous with men who already accept the attention!
As a result most homosexuals are that way NOT because they gotta be me , but they gotta get some!!!
Lesbians only appear to be fat because most of the hot skinny ones stay in the closet.
I figured you guys would be happy about this.

Perhaps through studies like this, they'll figure out what genes make people gay, and then you all can find a way to get rid of those pesky queers after all.

Oh, no, wait, then you'd have no-one to blame for world disasters.

"Researchers believe that male homosexuality may be due to a gene carried by mothers.
Evolution suggests that homosexuality as a trait would not last long, as it discourages sex, with women and therefore procreation.

As such, while the 'gay gene' may not get passed down directly, it will survive through the generations via the family.
The gene or genes which causes this behaviour is not yet known, but the report by Ciani suggests that it resides on the X chromosone, of which men inherit one.
Read more: 'Gay gene' survives through generations as female relatives of homosexual men 'have more babies' | Mail Online

So there is some evidence of genetic passthrough the vast majority of homosexuals comes from a learning or behavior modification.
The premise is men are promiscuous and need sexual release regardless of it's source!
The majority therefore of gay men can not violently attack a woman.. "RAPE" but can be very promiscuous with men who already accept the attention!
As a result most homosexuals are that way NOT because they gotta be me , but they gotta get some!!!
While that is indeed an interesting theory I tend to agree with the more scholarly explanation which points to hormones as being the factor which influences sexual preference.

Here is one very convincing PDF. There are many more available via Google. Sex hormones and male homosexuality in comparative perspective - Springer

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