Why are Lesbians so fat? $1.5M tax money is finding out!!!

I'll agree that studies like this do not need to be funded by the government and Congress could have addressed things like this...if the sequester hadn't gone into effect which targets specific programs and gives zero latitude to addressing actual waste.

Congress did address it. Who do you think gave the NIH money? In fact, if I could find the spending bill which authorized it, the likelihood is that this study was mandated by Congress.
I'll agree that studies like this do not need to be funded by the government and Congress could have addressed things like this...if the sequester hadn't gone into effect which targets specific programs and gives zero latitude to addressing actual waste.

The "SEQUESTER" was in place in 2011!
under this:
The Budget Control Act of 2011 (Pub.L. 112–25, S. 365, 125 Stat. 240, enacted August 2, 2011) is a federal statute in the United States that was signed into law by President Barack Obama on August 2, 2011. The Act brought conclusion to the 2011 United States debt-ceiling crisis, which had threatened to lead the United States into sovereign default on or around August 3, 2011.
The law involves the introduction of several complex mechanisms, such as creation of the Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (sometimes called the "super committee"),[1] options for a balanced budget amendment and automatic budget sequestration.
Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under the sequester rules for example this tax money will be cut:
Under sequestration, NIH’s budget would decrease by $2.5 billion. NIH Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., has said the reduction in funding could translate to about 2,300 fewer grants in fiscal 2013.

Maybe idiotic nonsense grants like the above will be cut!

No. According to that Bill, sequester did not begin until 15 days AFTER Congress adjourned and, as we all know from the recess appointment debate, the Senate never adjourned until just before the new Congress was seated. They just went into recess.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance."

Feds Spend $1.5 Million to Study Why Lesbians Are Fat | CNS News

And we close the WH to tours???

Some of the toughest sequester spending decisions involve taxpayer-financed research, where funding today can produce huge benefits tomorrow —
but can the government really afford to spend $227,437 to study pictures of animals in National Geographic magazines?
That is one of the 164 grants the National Science Foundation approved last week as it sought to balance its research mission with less funding that means the independent agency will award about 1,000 fewer projects with taxpayer money this year.

Sequester spending: Feds pay $227,000 to study magazine photographs - Washington Times
Besides Bono I never saw a fat lesbian in my livfe. I don't believe it any way.
By and Large, the women of Berkeley are Bi and Large.

Just sayin'.

I must disagree most vehemently.:cool:

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I didn't say ALL of them are, bub.
I can't find any source for this besides right-wing propaganda rags.

Is there a credible source for this out there?

All I see is the same story from "CNS News" repeated over and over on various right-wing sites, with no links to the source material.

It should be everybody's talking point. It's a gross waste of tax dollars, particularly after we were just warned about the "dire" affects of Sequester.

The fact that you're mocking people for being concerned about government waste puts you in more negative light than the "nutters."

Yeah, well....read the article and you'll see that funding began in 2011 and was re-authorized last year, before sequester ever happened. You'll also see that future funding can't be assured because of sequester.

In other words, y'all are taking everything totally out of context and trying to make it another OMG! OBAMA thread.

Of course, that's not a surprise because EVERYTHING is about Obama to you loons.

My original thread does NOT mention Obama! Zero!
I pointed out this study's stupidity though is another example of totally wasteful spending.

The Inspector GENERALS identify $67 billion in WASTE some like the above!

a Committee report released today revealed waste-cleanup recommendations from non-partisan Inspector Generals working across the federal government, which would save taxpayers $67 billion per year, have not been implemented.

Backlogs of unimplemented recommendations have grown to 16,906.
“President Obama should listen to the recommendations of his Administration’s own Inspector Generals and work with Congress
to implement common sense spending cuts that target wasteful and poorly performing programs instead of settling for the furloughs
and service disruptions happening under the sequester.”
Education and Transportation: We Have No Idea How Much Money We Spend on Conferences - Katie Pavlich

So why didn't Obama cut these wasteful $67 billion earlier if he KNEW about this and then not close WH tours??
I can't find any source for this besides right-wing propaganda rags.

Is there a credible source for this out there?

All I see is the same story from "CNS News" repeated over and over on various right-wing sites, with no links to the source material.

Maybe there is a reason for that
I'll agree that studies like this do not need to be funded by the government and Congress could have addressed things like this...if the sequester hadn't gone into effect which targets specific programs and gives zero latitude to addressing actual waste.

Did you type that with a straight face?

Because there ain't no way on this planet that this Administration is gonna voluntarily not spend money on bullshit.

For the record, I am undecided as to the value of the research under discussion - because I don't know what the study forms part of... more often than not, they are part of a larger - and quite valuable - research project and without these smaller, more controversial, studies... the value of that overall research is diminished.

But - unlike many (left and right), I actually understand research.
I'll agree that studies like this do not need to be funded by the government and Congress could have addressed things like this...if the sequester hadn't gone into effect which targets specific programs and gives zero latitude to addressing actual waste.

Did you type that with a straight face?

Because there ain't no way on this planet that this Administration is gonna voluntarily not spend money on bullshit.

For the record, I am undecided as to the value of the research under discussion - because I don't know what the study forms part of... more often than not, they are part of a larger - and quite valuable - research project and without these smaller, more controversial, studies... the value of that overall research is diminished.

But - unlike many (left and right), I actually understand research.

Seriously, the research could have some relevancy to societal norms and individual behavior to comply, but the whole topic is wonderfully absurd.
You know its waste without knowing why the study exists in the first place? Amazing...I guess every study is considered waste as long as:
1. you dont understand it and
2. you dont want to understand it


WHY it exists is irrelevant.. That the GOVERNMENT, not an association, private group, etc is funding it IS the point.. the fact that it is being funded like this while we are MASSIVELY in deficit and debt IS the point

I know, You dont get it and dont care to listen...Ignorance is bliss.

Oh.. I can get that it is important to somebody to know.. which is why they want to research it.... but that is why they should raise the funds themselves... there is NO place for this shit in government when we are this much in deficit and debt... it is irresponsible...

Yet you will have people all ok with this shit, and calling for more taxation on people or cuts in things like defense..

unfucking believable
Damn! Wish I'd thought of that as a study! Let's see, what do we need next....

...Why bicyclists are thinner than tv football spectators!

Wait, I mean T.V., not 'tv'!
WHY it exists is irrelevant.. That the GOVERNMENT, not an association, private group, etc is funding it IS the point.. the fact that it is being funded like this while we are MASSIVELY in deficit and debt IS the point

I know, You dont get it and dont care to listen...Ignorance is bliss.

Oh.. I can get that it is important to somebody to know.. which is why they want to research it.... but that is why they should raise the funds themselves... there is NO place for this shit in government when we are this much in deficit and debt... it is irresponsible...

Yet you will have people all ok with this shit, and calling for more taxation on people or cuts in things like defense..

unfucking believable

Seriously. Ignorance from some of these lefties is unbelievable.

What is there to understand about this anyways. It's a study about why lesbians are fat. What else are we missing here??? :eusa_eh:

It should be everybody's talking point. It's a gross waste of tax dollars, particularly after we were just warned about the "dire" affects of Sequester.

The fact that you're mocking people for being concerned about government waste puts you in more negative light than the "nutters."

Yeah, well....read the article and you'll see that funding began in 2011 and was re-authorized last year, before sequester ever happened. You'll also see that future funding can't be assured because of sequester.

In other words, y'all are taking everything totally out of context and trying to make it another OMG! OBAMA thread.

Of course, that's not a surprise because EVERYTHING is about Obama to you loons.

You're free to point out where I mentioned Obama.
Dave, you're almost there buddy. Now who do you think find this important? The next question is...why?
I know, You dont get it and dont care to listen...Ignorance is bliss.

Oh.. I can get that it is important to somebody to know.. which is why they want to research it.... but that is why they should raise the funds themselves... there is NO place for this shit in government when we are this much in deficit and debt... it is irresponsible...

Yet you will have people all ok with this shit, and calling for more taxation on people or cuts in things like defense..

unfucking believable

Seriously. Ignorance from some of these lefties is unbelievable.

What is there to understand about this anyways. It's a study about why lesbians are fat. What else are we missing here??? :eusa_eh:

Yes.. because their weight (or anything else about Lesbians) matters in how we run the court, national defense, or any of the things the federal government is SUPPOSED to be doing.. :rolleyes:

There ignorant progressives just have zero clue
WHY it exists is irrelevant.. That the GOVERNMENT, not an association, private group, etc is funding it IS the point.. the fact that it is being funded like this while we are MASSIVELY in deficit and debt IS the point

I know, You dont get it and dont care to listen...Ignorance is bliss.

Oh.. I can get that it is important to somebody to know.. which is why they want to research it.... but that is why they should raise the funds themselves... there is NO place for this shit in government when we are this much in deficit and debt... it is irresponsible...

Yet you will have people all ok with this shit, and calling for more taxation on people or cuts in things like defense..

unfucking believable

It is not the role of government to pay for everyone's favorite idea or to fulfill everyone's heart's desire.

Just sayin'.

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