Why are liberals more dedicated to tolerating Islam than

exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando

Liberals embrace Islam because they are treasonous c*nts and want to see the destruction of white Western culture. They know multiculturalism is the way to destroy European culture, and Islam is the worst possible culture in the world, meaning the best for their cause.
exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando
Christians have owned slaves & Christians hate homosexuals in some churches.

Christ enacted and practiced a lifestyle at odds with the natural "pecking order" life style.
His real followers don't own others as one would own an animal.

Whereas Mohammed led enslavers ... and still does.

But anti-Christ can't resist slandering Christ and His real followers .... while excusing Mohammed and his real followers.
exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando
Christians have owned slaves & Christians hate homosexuals in some churches.

Christ enacted and practiced a lifestyle at odds with the natural "pecking order" life style.
His real followers don't own others as one would own an animal.

Whereas Mohammed led enslavers ... and still does.

But anti-Christ can't resist slandering Christ and His real followers .... while excusing Mohammed and his real followers.

People who are ignorant and lacking in basic reasoning abilities have been trained to attack Christianity any time the subject is Islam. They only do so because others similarly benighted do so.

I am not a Christian, nor am I a true believer of any religion, but that does not prevent me from seeing the absolutely enormous differences between Jesus and Mohammad. Only an utter idiot would think the two comparable yet they go on and on and on with their ignorant blather as apologists for Islam.

Once again, they do not do so because they are liberal. They do so because they aren't.
we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?
Perhaps they are the rational folks?
ALL religions should be attacked intellectually, not just Christianity.

Rational people EXAMINE all religions and then offer a comparative critique.

Only completely irrational people bash one in order to defend another, doing so under the assumption that they must be the same since they are both called religion.
exposing their bestiality regarding homersexuals and their very long history of enslaving negroes which continues to this day?

Yet we see liberals/socialists etc. constantly attacking Christianity?

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando

Mental illness

If defending Islam while calling oneself liberal is a mental illness, the American Psychiatric association sure has their work cut out for them.

Also, such mental illness certainly does not prevent a person from becoming a senior moderator at an internet discussion group.

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