Why Are Liberals So Upset About Trump Not Participating In Debate

It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

What liberals care?

As a proud liberal, I think it is hilarious.

Watching the GOP attack each other is a great spectator sport.
A debate on Fox, with the gop frontrunner who is apparently unassailable refusing to attend because it's not fair and balanced .... what's not to love.
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

What liberals care?

As a proud liberal, I think it is hilarious.

Watching the GOP attack each other is a great spectator sport.

No more Christians to throw to the lions?
So...you don't want liberals looking at Trump's run and taking it into consideration for voting purposes in November? Not a very wise decision, my friend. If your desire is to tell half the voting population to not pay attention, you won't be very successful.

As long as you hold Trump to the same standards as you do Obama and Hillary...who both pulled out of the Nevada Fox News Debate 2007.

Just sayin'...

....that is why I am not voting for Obama this coming election.......lol....

I am so enjoying watching the same old RWNJ BS.

Blaming liberals for Conservatives attacking each other.

So much for being the party of 'personal responsibility'
The narratives you guys build for yourselves to justify pretty much anything your clown-fuerer does are truly amazing.

Why would liberals be "upset" by watching the right eat it's own?

That's how liberals roll they stick their nose in other peoples business.
Did you hit your head ?
Interfering in other people's lives is a basic tenant of conservativism or did the fight over reproductive rights and same-sex marriage ,the separation of Church and state just slip your tiny mind?

^^^ projection alert!
Yes yours! Thanks for admitting that.
What no denial?
So we're in agreement, conservatives are masters and getting into other people's business, uninvited.
I think that they should nominate G Bush Sr. again. he was the last republican presidential candidate who was playing with a full deck.
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

What liberals care?

As a proud liberal, I think it is hilarious.

Watching the GOP attack each other is a great spectator sport.

No more Christians to throw to the lions?

Who are the GOP? The Christians or the lions?
A debate on Fox, with the gop frontrunner who is apparently unassailable refusing to attend because it's not fair and balanced .... what's not to love.

I know. You could be watching an old Socialist gasp for breath while listening to the combat hero of the Bosnian War defend her rapist husband.
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.
Threads I see today are from Odium, slade3200, longknife, cereal_killer, and steve_McGarrett.

You are going to assert that they are liberals?

All libtards- every one of them!
A debate on Fox, with the gop frontrunner who is apparently unassailable refusing to attend because it's not fair and balanced .... what's not to love.

I know. You could be watching an old Socialist gasp for breath while listening to the combat hero of the Bosnian War defend her rapist husband.

LOL- still waiting for you to show us your fictional "Liberals so upset" about Trump being Trump.
"Why Are Liberals So Upset About Trump Not Participating In Debate"

Why are most conservatives incapable of starting threads that don't fail as straw man fallacies – this thread being one one of many examples.
Why are you bashing liberals then if liberals shouldn't be bashing RWnuts?

I'm a bully. I'm the kid who beat you up for your lunch money at school. It's how I get my kicks.

You're a fat pussy. I've seen your picture. That's what makes your statement so priceless.

Yes, I'm really fat. I stand 5' 10" and weigh 160 lbs. I'm obese as hell.

You don't understand how the internet works, obviously.

Probably not since I've been using it since Al Gore invented it right before he invented global warming.
No wonder you're confused.
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

Why are you bashing liberals then if liberals shouldn't be bashing RWnuts?

I'm a bully. I'm the kid who beat you up for your lunch money at school. It's how I get my kicks.
Sure you were:piss2:
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

What liberals care?

As a proud liberal, I think it is hilarious.

Watching the GOP attack each other is a great spectator sport.

No more Christians to throw to the lions?
Well, you never know....after all, we know how you LOVE to feel persecuted.
whatever Trump needs to do to get the nomination and run against Clinton .... go for it !

Run Donald, PLEASE run ..

Democrats are counting on you to run.
False bravado......I believe you are a smart woman/man and know that it will be an epic battle. If it's a Trump/Clinton general its going to be a war and Trump just may very will win it. To totally discount him as possibly winning is sheer ignorance AND vice versa.

This election is like no other.
That's not the first time that's been said .
Is this your first election?
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

Why are you bashing liberals then if liberals shouldn't be bashing RWnuts?

I'm a bully. I'm the kid who beat you up for your lunch money at school. It's how I get my kicks.

You're a fat pussy. I've seen your picture. That's what makes your statement so priceless.

Yes, I'm really fat. I stand 5' 10" and weigh 160 lbs. I'm obese as hell.
Doesn't mean you don't have a fat pussy.
Is that 5' 10" in heels, just like tom cruise.
It just doesn't rise to the level of common sense. Most of these threads are from Liberals bashing Trump for his not appearing on the Republican debate. Why? He's not about to get their votes. Neither are any of the other Republican candidates. From the report of the viewership of the last Democrat debate, these Liberals didn't even watch that one. It is true that Liberal logic is as elusive as is the Missing Link.

Why are you bashing liberals then if liberals shouldn't be bashing RWnuts?

I'm a bully. I'm the kid who beat you up for your lunch money at school. It's how I get my kicks.
You're a liar and coward who is yet to identify these 'upset liberals.'
whatever Trump needs to do to get the nomination and run against Clinton .... go for it !

Run Donald, PLEASE run ..

Democrats are counting on you to run.
AH, stupid, got a minute? Trump IS running for president.
Hillary is waiting for the seating arrangement at Leavenworth.
Where's that indictment? You guys have been telling us for "four decades" she's going to be indicted. Tick Tick

Four decades?

Your point is lost in your dishonesty.
The mentally ill tend to exaggerate.

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