Why Are Liberals So Upset About Trump Not Participating In Debate

Ronald Reagan skipped the debate right before the Iowa caucus and kicked the ass of the Russkies in the Cold War so who is the pussy now?
Reagan did not kick any ass of anybody the Soviet Union collapsed not because of Reagan but in spite of him.
He just took credit for it and dumbfucks like yourself swallowed it.
That's the narrative the left has been trying to put over on the public for the last 25 years.
Because it's fact.
Since you're fact phobic it's no surprise you'd say that.
Besides Reagan wouldn't be a republican today for obvious reasons.
They find a way to be offended by everything. Does this really surprise you?

good timing for this.
How does one mistake laughing for "upset"?
How would anyone mistake you for a Republican or a conservative?
It's no mistake and you're neither.
that's right, it's no mistake when every conservative Republican in this forum says g5000 is no conservative and no Republican.

Really, you're nothing more then a economic libertarian with social conservative views. You're probably closer to a anarchist as you don't even believe in basic government that has been around for the past 8,000 years.
How does one mistake laughing for "upset"?
How would anyone mistake you for a Republican or a conservative?
It's no mistake and you're neither.
that's right, it's no mistake when every conservative Republican in this forum says g5000 is no conservative and no Republican.
Oh...we vote on our political credentials now?

Where did I mention voting?
Still waiting for one example of a "Liberal" upset about Trump not participating in our debate.

So far we have the usual RWNJ's who keep starting threads over the issue- not a liberal in sight.
I'll take out ISIS. I'll meet Putin face to face. I'll make Mexico pay for the wall. I'll... is that Megyn Kelly? :scared1:
You don't honestly believe that Trump is running from Kelly, do you?

Say what you want about any candidate or network, but every debate is about softball questions where the moderators allow non-answers. The only real debate is between the candidates. Megyn Kelly asked a question about something Trump actually said, and now he thinks Fox is out to get him. He's a pussy. And people think this man will stare down Putin. He can't stare down the people running against him.
I'll take out ISIS. I'll meet Putin face to face. I'll make Mexico pay for the wall. I'll... is that Megyn Kelly? :scared1:
You don't honestly believe that Trump is running from Kelly, do you?

Say what you want about any candidate or network, but every debate is about softball questions where the moderators allow non-answers. The only real debate is between the candidates. Megyn Kelly asked a question about something Trump actually said, and now he thinks Fox is out to get him. He's a pussy. And people think this man will stare down Putin. He can't stare down the people running against him.
Kelly put her own unflattering interpretation on what Trump said. It was an attack, not a question.
Ronald Reagan skipped the debate right before the Iowa caucus and kicked the ass of the Russkies in the Cold War so who is the pussy now?
You are saying that Trump is a Reagan?

You really are stupid.

It's not a comparison between the two PEOPLE but the ACTIONS. Reagan skipped the last debate and kicked Democrat asses twice. Are you saying it can't happen again?
Ronald Reagan skipped the debate right before the Iowa caucus and kicked the ass of the Russkies in the Cold War so who is the pussy now?
Reagan did not kick any ass of anybody the Soviet Union collapsed not because of Reagan but in spite of him.
He just took credit for it and dumbfucks like yourself swallowed it.

Actually Reagan wasn't even in office any more. By that point he didn't even know where he was.

Are you saying what Jimmy Carter did over 10 years before the USSR disbanded caused it?
A debate on Fox, with the gop frontrunner who is apparently unassailable refusing to attend because it's not fair and balanced .... what's not to love.

I know. You could be watching an old Socialist gasp for breath while listening to the combat hero of the Bosnian War defend her rapist husband.
When you are trying this hard, it's a fair guess you are panicking.

You idiots say none of the Republican candidates can beat Hillary or Bernie. Since you continue to address something you claim is that certain, it's proof, not a guess, you're really scared shitless and don't have then guts to admit.

You're two options are an old fart that, at best, might be the comedic relief at the nursing home and a dried up prune.

Not none...Kaisich, Rubio and even Bush have a chance. The guys you're likely going to nominate though? Yeah, they have no chance.

Maybe you think polls are like golf and the lower the support percentage the better the score.

You likely do because you're that stupid. Anyone that would vote skin color with Obama has to be.
I'll take out ISIS. I'll meet Putin face to face. I'll make Mexico pay for the wall. I'll... is that Megyn Kelly? :scared1:
You don't honestly believe that Trump is running from Kelly, do you?

You don't honestly believe there's any other way to read it, do you?

The obvious one.

He's pissed about the spin-doctored no-way-to-win baiting that occurred last August and is pissed at Kelly for being the hatched man and decided not to play their game.

Facing a no-win scenario, he thought outside the box, took an axe, hacked through the Gordian Knot, and made a lot of people smile over the unconventional solution.

It was an interesting and unanticipated response, and, despite the fuss and feathers, there's an excellent chance that he'll come away from that intact, or better.
I'll take out ISIS. I'll meet Putin face to face. I'll make Mexico pay for the wall. I'll... is that Megyn Kelly? :scared1:
You don't honestly believe that Trump is running from Kelly, do you?

Say what you want about any candidate or network, but every debate is about softball questions where the moderators allow non-answers. The only real debate is between the candidates. Megyn Kelly asked a question about something Trump actually said, and now he thinks Fox is out to get him. He's a pussy. And people think this man will stare down Putin. He can't stare down the people running against him.
Yer a funny wee little boggit, ain't-cha, lad?

Kelly was playing hatchet-man, intentionally trying to undermine the guy - he knew it, she knew it, the audience knew it, the country knew it - and he decided not to play.

Personally, I think Trump could prove to be a disaster as POTUS, but he's taken the lead in a Populist revolution, and this was actually a fairly gutsy call.

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