Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

Since the corporate media has failed to cover this issue in any depth or with thorough research of any kind, and we have had to rely on a He Said, She Said of the internet media bloggers....

I look forward to viewing the program and seeing what they truly found out with their INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING...and with them not limited in their time spent to gather information....as it is with the News we get from cable, that is there to just push a profit or push a political agenda...

I wouldn't be so afraid of the truth as you all seem to be....

It could be that they found out it was not as bad as us Liberals believe it to be...on the numbers of citizens without ID? Who knows? Worth finding out though, for the sake of all citizens....and their right to vote.
MOST people DO NOT consider PBS in that partisan manner since MOST of their programming IS Not political, but they do think that way with NPR....

Almost all their programming is political. What most people consider is irrelevant. 65 million of these morons voted for Obama.
It's time to pull the plug on Taxpayer-Funding of PBS and NPR. It should have happened a long time ago. They've proven they will not provide balance by hiring Conservatives/Republicans. Most of not all of their Hosts are far Left/Democrats. No one should be forced to pay for such propaganda. Just pull the plug now.

Yes just pull the plug. Pull the magic the People Don't Matter plug.

PBS and NPR had plenty of opportunities to provide balance, but have refused to. No one should be forced to pay for one-sided propaganda. Most consider PBS & NPR far Left/Globalist Media Outlets. So it's time for them to go it alone. They should go the private route. Give the Taxpayers a break for God's sake. They already have enough on their plate. Everywhere they turn, Government is there demanding tribute. PBS and NPR will have to make it on their own.

Why should PBS provide balance when conservatives pay for so little of it?

They pay exactly as much as you, dumbass.

Really? Voluntary donations to PBS are equal among conservatives vs. others?

They pay the same amount in taxes to support PBS, moron. If you want to donate your money to a government propaganda organ, that's your business. It doesn't obligate me in any way whatsoever.

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