Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

According to a national survey recently commissioned by PBS and undertaken by the bipartisan polling firms of Hart Research and American Viewpoint, 69% of voters oppose congressional elimination of government funding for public broadcasting. Over half of all voters say it would be a massive or significant loss for themselves and their family if Congress, voting to eliminate funding, forced PBS to eliminate some programming and jeopardized some PBS television stations. The survey also shows that six in ten voters believe this would be a massive or significant loss for the country as a whole.
Federal Funding PBS

I trust a study commissioned by PBS about as much as I trust Harry Reid.

If only you had intelligence you could challenge the results of the poll.

{Public television is America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world – all at the cost of about $1 per person per year. The proposed legislation overlooks the critical value that PBS’ nearly 360 member stations provide to major cities and small towns.}

The problem is, not a word of this is true.

In 1970 it was, but in 2014 it is a steaming pile of shit.

The viewership of the Science Channel, History Channel, and the dozen Discovery Channels dwarf PBS - combined they provide a classroom that is thousands of times more watched than PBS. A&E and Paladium offer vastly more cultural fare than does PBS.

IF PBS is the value you leftist claim, then viewers will be happy to pay for it, just as we pay for Science and Discovery channels.

When their were 3 network stations, the argument for PBS was sound. With 3,000+ stations on most systems, it is total bullshit.

So according to you, the better idea is that PBS should play commercials, receive revenue from the commercials, than charge you to watch?
Then how is it that Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to talk radio show?

Because he is on the radio.

Radio is the medium of middle class, working people. Conservative ideas and values are consistent with the audience.

Daytime TV is the medium of welfare mothers and hipsters living in mom's basement - so the perfect medium for Jon Stewart and MSCCCP.

Too bad Rush can't keep up with his radio persona of values.........Anyone want an illegally obtained painkiller? Kinda makes you wonder if he was high during most of his broadcasts.
Then how is it that Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to talk radio show?

Because he is on the radio.

Radio is the medium of middle class, working people. Conservative ideas and values are consistent with the audience.

Daytime TV is the medium of welfare mothers and hipsters living in mom's basement - so the perfect medium for Jon Stewart and MSCCCP.

Too bad Rush can't keep up with his radio persona of values.........Anyone want an illegally obtained painkiller? Kinda makes you wonder if he was high during most of his broadcasts.

Just like every other liberal asshole, you can't resist the urge to make personal attacks on Rush.
what you sometimes see on your local PBS station may not have much, or anything, to do with PBS and doesn't have the PBS stamp of approval. And it seems to me, also based on anecdotal evidence from my ombudsman's perch, that: 1) a fair number of people don't understand that, and 2) that you can hardly blame them for not understanding.
For example, I get a steady, and at times very heavy, flow of e-mail from viewers who hear something on The McLaughlin Group talk show that they don't like. This is probably one of the most well-known programs on television. It's been around for 25 years and its culture is that of a raucous, free-swinging, weekly opinion program. It is produced by Oliver Productions of Washington, D.C., and now airs on CBS affiliates in Washington, New York and elsewhere, having recently ended a quarter-century production relationship with the NBC affiliate in Washington.

PBS has nothing to do with the production or content of this program. But, aside from CBS, McLaughlin also airs on 315 PBS affiliates around the country through a long-standing distribution agreement with the Chicago PBS-affiliate, WTTW. That is all legal and laid out in long-standing public television regulations that spell out the proper usage of the Public Television Satellite Interconnection System by PBS affiliates, all of which are independent stations. But you can hardly blame PBS viewers for thinking The McLaughlin Group is a PBS program because that's where they watch it.

Officially, the cognoscenti among PBS viewers will know that the real PBS programs — the ones distributed by PBS through its National Program Service (NPS), such as Antiques Roadshow, NOVA, Frontline, American Experience, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Great Performances and dozens of other — all have that little PBS logo in the lower corner of the screen and at the end of the program.
But it seems clear that a lot of people don't quite get this, which seems very understandable to me. This has come up before and has been the subject of earlier ombudsman columns.

Which brings me to the point of this column. PBS and its 355 affiliates ought to figure out some way to flag viewers on the screen about programs that are not developed, produced and approved within the PBS system. The absence of that little logo doesn't seem to be enough, especially when PBS will not take editorial responsibility for those programs in which the ownership is not clear to the viewer.
PBS Ombudsman Caution That Program May Not Be From PBS

you guys don't even know how PBS works, yet we get these knee jerk partisan threads such as this one, that goes on forever, regurgitating the same misinformation?
Then how is it that Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to talk radio show?

Because he is on the radio.

Radio is the medium of middle class, working people. Conservative ideas and values are consistent with the audience.

Daytime TV is the medium of welfare mothers and hipsters living in mom's basement - so the perfect medium for Jon Stewart and MSCCCP.

Too bad Rush can't keep up with his radio persona of values.........Anyone want an illegally obtained painkiller? Kinda makes you wonder if he was high during most of his broadcasts.

Just like every other liberal asshole, you can't resist the urge to make personal attacks on Rush.

No personal attack, just pointing out that conservative and hypocrite go hand in hand.
Then how is it that Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to talk radio show?

Because he is on the radio.

Radio is the medium of middle class, working people. Conservative ideas and values are consistent with the audience.

Daytime TV is the medium of welfare mothers and hipsters living in mom's basement - so the perfect medium for Jon Stewart and MSCCCP.

Too bad Rush can't keep up with his radio persona of values.........Anyone want an illegally obtained painkiller? Kinda makes you wonder if he was high during most of his broadcasts.

Just like every other liberal asshole, you can't resist the urge to make personal attacks on Rush.

No personal attack, just pointing out that conservative and hypocrite go hand in hand.

OK, you lying asshole. That's not a personal attack, if you insist.
Should we make all taxes voluntary?

I frequently ask liberals to voluntarily pay more, lead by example, they refuse. Liberals are only generous with other peoples money. Most liberals I know are cheap bastards I'm constantly having to pay the tip as they skip out leaving the poor waitress nothing. Then they go attend a rally foaming at the mouth about raising the minimum wage.

How much are you voluntarily paying for our massively oversized military?

Isn't that a question for your president Obama and the Dem controlled senate?
PBS is just more proof that this not the center/right nation that conservatives love to pretend it is.

If it were, would every state and the federal government financially support PBS, if PBS is as liberal as conservatives claim it is?
This issue was effectively settled when the GOP controlled Congress for all those years when Bush was president.

Did they end PBS funding?

Yeah? So the immigration issue is settled since the Dims had a filibuster prof majority in Congress in 2009, right?
PBS is just more proof that this not the center/right nation that conservatives love to pretend it is.

If it were, would every state and the federal government financially support PBS, if PBS is as liberal as conservatives claim it is?

A government propaganda outlet is the measuring stick for the political orientation of the country?

Who knew?
PBS is just more proof that this not the center/right nation that conservatives love to pretend it is.

If it were, would every state and the federal government financially support PBS, if PBS is as liberal as conservatives claim it is?

A government propaganda outlet is the measuring stick for the political orientation of the country?

Who knew?

Why is PBS funded nationally, universally, by the American people?

Do you have a plan to sidestep the will of the People to get rid of PBS?
PBS is just more proof that this not the center/right nation that conservatives love to pretend it is.

If it were, would every state and the federal government financially support PBS, if PBS is as liberal as conservatives claim it is?

A government propaganda outlet is the measuring stick for the political orientation of the country?

Who knew?

Why is PBS funded nationally, universally, by the American people?

Do you have a plan to sidestep the will of the People to get rid of PBS?

It's funded because politicians are scumbags. If people had the choice of paying or not paying as they do with any other product, then PBS would go down the tubes.

In case you haven't figured it out, I don't give a damn about the will of the people when it involves ramming something down my throat that I don't want.
You believe that a company that takes >$7 billion in taxpayer subsidies and pays so little that their employees qualify for >$6 billion in taxpayer supported welfare SHOULD BE nickel and dimeing their employees?

Why do you keep telling lies that you have been busted on dozens of times.

Walmart gets not one dime of federal subsidies

No matter how many times you tell this lie, it will remain a lie.

I wrote 'taxpayer subsidies.'

Yes, you lied.

You're a leftist - you have no integrity.
that liberal theology tends to go strongly with liberal politics and conservatives theology tends to go with conservative politics. Generally we go to conservatives churches my wife wants, but we do go to some liberal churches too. I grew up in the Church of the Brethren and I've gone to Mennonite and Quaker churches.

The fact is that in liberal churches liberal politics is discussed openly and constantly. In all the States and churches I've gone to, I have not once heard politics discussed in a conservative service. You have your nice little liberal talking point, but the reality is, the rubber doesn't meet the road. Sorry, Charlie.

I'm not surprised since conservative are rather hypocritical.

What does that have to do with hypocrisy?
that liberal theology tends to go strongly with liberal politics and conservatives theology tends to go with conservative politics. Generally we go to conservatives churches my wife wants, but we do go to some liberal churches too. I grew up in the Church of the Brethren and I've gone to Mennonite and Quaker churches.

The fact is that in liberal churches liberal politics is discussed openly and constantly. In all the States and churches I've gone to, I have not once heard politics discussed in a conservative service. You have your nice little liberal talking point, but the reality is, the rubber doesn't meet the road. Sorry, Charlie.

I'm not surprised since conservative are rather hypocritical.

What does that have to do with hypocrisy?

Liberal Dictionary:
hypocritical - not liberal.
In this day and age, if a radio or tv station cannot generate enough public support on its' own the government should not support them.

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