Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

You have the right to vote against it and you have the right to challenge the constitutionality of such spending in the courts.

What more do you want? Magic?
I can't understand you liberals. Fucking glibness about using government money to keep a liberal viewpoint on the air when it can't find enough of an audience via the marketplace.

The better solution is for the KKK to institute a management takeover of NPR and change the programming to something that you find utterly offensive. Hey, you can always vote for your Congressman to do something about that.

No one gives a shit about keeping "liberal viewpoints" on the air. You guys are the only ones trying to make it about political viewpoints.

What percentage of PBS airtime is devoted to political opinion shows? What about the other 23.5 hours of the day?

You think liberal bias is expressed only on opinion programs? Like the plague, it infects everything. As with lies of omission, liberal bias affects what constitutes news and how news events are presented.


Why don't you give an example of this "liberal bias" that pervades everything about PBS?

Is Big Bird a commie? What about Oscar the Grouch?

I don't know about PBS but NPR is overrun with progressive liberal propaganda.

That Abe Lincoln gets around...

No, you haven't. A discussion of race is only "liberal agitprop" to a dedicated racist such as yourself.

I'm just not interested in going down this road again.

Plenty of people who play chess would like to disqualify the move which puts them into checkmate. Too bad for them that they don't get to write on-the-fly rules.

You've been checkmated. The fact that you don't want to talk about race and the liberal propaganda on race is immaterial.

BTW, what did you think of the PBS Newshour report on the Danish Cartoon Controversy and their decision to inform their viewers by showing the cartoons at the center of the controversy? Any liberal bias there?


If it makes you feel better about yourself to claim to have "won", then go for it.

It's not about me, it's about you and all of us here know it. It's about putting the spotlight on tactics designed to disqualify topics in a debate so as to shape the debate to specific boundaries that you favor. It's the debate tactic of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

No, you haven't. A discussion of race is only "liberal agitprop" to a dedicated racist such as yourself.

I'm just not interested in going down this road again.

Plenty of people who play chess would like to disqualify the move which puts them into checkmate. Too bad for them that they don't get to write on-the-fly rules.

You've been checkmated. The fact that you don't want to talk about race and the liberal propaganda on race is immaterial.

BTW, what did you think of the PBS Newshour report on the Danish Cartoon Controversy and their decision to inform their viewers by showing the cartoons at the center of the controversy? Any liberal bias there?


If it makes you feel better about yourself to claim to have "won", then go for it.

It's not about me, it's about you and all of us here know it. It's about putting the spotlight on tactics designed to disqualify topics in a debate so as to shape the debate to specific boundaries that you favor. It's the debate tactic of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

This isn't a "debate", I haven't "disqualified" any topics, and you don't speak for "all of us", unless you've got additional personalities living in your head.

You've made the claim that a miniseries on the topic of race is "liberal bias".

I disagree.

You're not going to convince me that you're right, and I'm not going to convince you not to be a racist. There are no nuances to discuss, we are coming from fundamentally different world views, and I don't feel like wasting my time on this anymore.
Don't recall anyone acting "rabid" on PBS. That sounds like a personal problem you have with detecting reality.

The OP has bought in to the strategically pedaled theory of Leftwing media control. Where did this conspiracy theory come from?

Nixon invented the liberal media conspiracy to get the press to stop investigating his crimes. Nixon famously called it the "Jew run liberal media."

Starting in the 70's, the Right used the "liberal media conspiracy" as a partial motivation to launch their own universe of media outlets fed by a well-funded assortment of think tanks. This interlocking institutional structure gave them a protected space to manufacture facts and arguments that served their political goals, i.e., a space outside the confines of traditional oversight.

But seriously, why did the right launch such an aggressive media revolution in the 70s; why was it necessary?

Answer: You have to remember that during the postwar years the Republican Party had a large block of centrists. The rightwing of the party was in the wilderness; their challenge was clear: they needed to create the ideological conditions for unmaking the New Deal / Big Government consensus. They needed to move the country right and purge their party of centrists. They needed to move the goalposts so far to the right that even PBS would look like a Marxist conspiracy. But they faced a tall challenge; their party was controlled by iconic centrists like Rockefeller and Eisenhower - both of whom, by Tea Party standards, would not be permitted into the current Republican party. They needed to change things, and they did

But how, specifically, did they win the loyalty of the Americans whose minds they were trying to change?

Answer: they used the culture war as a strategic populism to attract a certain kind of paranoid and under-educated voter. By appealing to their conservative identity, the power structure on the right captured these poor souls and they conditioned them not to trust any news outlet but FOX (or its variants in print and radio). The revolution fed upon the minds of people with little to no advanced education, i.e., people who didn't know enough about world history & geopolitics to question how they were using the Cold War (and later the War on Terrorism) to remake the global and domestic economy to favor the ultra narrow accumulation of wealth and political power, that is, they needed people who were easy to fool, people who knew as little about the Sandinistas and Contras as they did about Bin Laden and Hussein or oil geopolitics, i.e., people who would not question what they were told.

The biggest lie - the one most crucial to their maintenance of power - was about how the liberals had stolen their government and their media and their entertainment ...and their financial institutions. They used the "liberal media conspiracy" to lock their base in a hermetically sealed information bubble. Inside the bubble these poor morons were terminally agitated with color coded terror warnings over manufactured demons .... gay, islamic, mexican, secularist, Saul Alinsky, hollywood, illegal alien, blame America first, Saddam Osama Saddam Osama... Marxist socialist atheist islamo-fascist demons.

And so yes . . . they were told that PBS was a secret wing of the Marxist conspiracy to take over the country.

(and they bought it)
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Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride
Because they serve the community good and do not forcibly take my tax dollars.
Bush, it's always all about you and your measly tax dollars. Just like a typical republican. Damn, suck it up, we can't always choose where our money goes. My tax dollars went down a rathole in Iraq and Afghanistan and I moved on. The amount you pay towards PBS is probably 1/14000 of a penny.
My measly tax dollars? You mean the 31% that is sucked from me right from the top? Ohhhh no, why should I be passed about that. Especially when it goes to PBS to run a 5 hour series on those "progressive Roosevelt's " during an election year after Labor Day. Coincidence...I think not. Would they run a documentary on Goldwater, Reagan, and conservatism after Labor Day in 2016? No. I anticipate something about the "Obama Revolution" of 2008.
Don't recall anyone acting "rabid" on PBS. That sounds like a personal problem you have with detecting reality.

The OP has bought in to the strategically pedaled theory of Leftwing media control. Where did this conspiracy theory come from?

Nixon invented the liberal media conspiracy to get the press to stop investigating his crimes. Nixon famously called it the "Jew run liberal media."

Starting in the 70's, the Right used the "liberal media conspiracy" as a partial motivation to launch their own universe of media outlets fed by a well-funded assortment of think tanks. This interlocking institutional structure gave them a protected space to manufacture facts and arguments that served their political goals, i.e., a space outside the confines of traditional oversight.

But seriously, why did the right launch such an aggressive media revolution in the 70s; why was it necessary?

Answer: You have to remember that during the postwar years the Republican Party had a large block of centrists. The rightwing of the party was in the wilderness; their challenge was clear: they needed to create the ideological conditions for unmaking the New Deal / Big Government consensus. They needed to move the country right and purge their party of centrists. They needed to move the goalposts so far to the right that even PBS would look like a Marxist conspiracy. But they faced a tall challenge; their party was controlled by iconic centrists like Rockefeller and Eisenhower - both of whom, by Tea Party standards, would not be permitted into the current Republican party. They needed to change things, and they did

But how, specifically, did they win the loyalty of the Americans whose minds they were trying to change?

Answer: they used the culture war as a strategic populism to attract a certain kind of paranoid and under-educated voter. By appealing to their conservative identity, the power structure on the right captured these poor souls and they conditioned them not to trust any news outlet but FOX (or its variants in print and radio). The revolution fed upon the minds of people with little to no advanced education, i.e., people who didn't know enough about world history & geopolitics to question how they were using the Cold War (and later the War on Terrorism) to remake the global and domestic economy to favor the ultra narrow accumulation of wealth and political power, that is, they needed people who were easy to fool, people who knew as little about the Sandinistas and Contras as they did about Bin Laden and Hussein or oil geopolitics, i.e., people who would not question what they were told.

The biggest lie - the one most crucial to their maintenance of power - was about how the liberals had stolen their government and their media and their entertainment ...and their financial institutions. They used the "liberal media conspiracy" to lock their base in a hermetically sealed information bubble. Inside the bubble these poor morons were terminally agitated with color coded terror warnings over manufactured demons .... gay, islamic, mexican, secularist, Saul Alinsky, hollywood, illegal alien, blame America first, Saddam Osama Saddam Osama... Marxist socialist atheist islamo-fascist demons.

And so yes . . . they were told that PBS was a secret wing of the Marxist conspiracy to take over the country.

(and they bought it)
It's not conspiracy, but FACT that even liberals snicker about here in states. You are an indoctrinated socialist so you cannot see the truth because government has not told you what it is yet.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride
Because they serve the community good and do not forcibly take my tax dollars.
Bush, it's always all about you and your measly tax dollars. Just like a typical republican. Damn, suck it up, we can't always choose where our money goes. My tax dollars went down a rathole in Iraq and Afghanistan and I moved on. The amount you pay towards PBS is probably 1/14000 of a penny.
My measly tax dollars? You mean the 31% that is sucked from me right from the top? Ohhhh no, why should I be pissed about that. Especially when it goes to PBS to run a 5 hour series on those "progressive Roosevelt's " during an election year after Labor Day. Coincidence...I think not. Would they run a documentary on Goldwater, Reagan, and conservatism after Labor Day in 2016? No. I anticipate something about the "Obama Revolution" of 2008.
Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.
Sound like Ward Churchill. Thanks for verifying that post for me.

Yup, it's definitely you with the problem.
Don't recall anyone acting "rabid" on PBS. That sounds like a personal problem you have with detecting reality.

The OP has bought in to the strategically pedaled theory of Leftwing media control. Where did this conspiracy theory come from?

Nixon invented the liberal media conspiracy to get the press to stop investigating his crimes. Nixon famously called it the "Jew run liberal media."

Starting in the 70's, the Right used the "liberal media conspiracy" as a partial motivation to launch their own universe of media outlets fed by a well-funded assortment of think tanks. This interlocking institutional structure gave them a protected space to manufacture facts and arguments that served their political goals, i.e., a space outside the confines of traditional oversight.

But seriously, why did the right launch such an aggressive media revolution in the 70s; why was it necessary?

Answer: You have to remember that during the postwar years the Republican Party had a large block of centrists. The rightwing of the party was in the wilderness; their challenge was clear: they needed to create the ideological conditions for unmaking the New Deal / Big Government consensus. They needed to move the country right and purge their party of centrists. They needed to move the goalposts so far to the right that even PBS would look like a Marxist conspiracy. But they faced a tall challenge; their party was controlled by iconic centrists like Rockefeller and Eisenhower - both of whom, by Tea Party standards, would not be permitted into the current Republican party. They needed to change things, and they did

But how, specifically, did they win the loyalty of the Americans whose minds they were trying to change?

Answer: they used the culture war as a strategic populism to attract a certain kind of paranoid and under-educated voter. By appealing to their conservative identity, the power structure on the right captured these poor souls and they conditioned them not to trust any news outlet but FOX (or its variants in print and radio). The revolution fed upon the minds of people with little to no advanced education, i.e., people who didn't know enough about world history & geopolitics to question how they were using the Cold War (and later the War on Terrorism) to remake the global and domestic economy to favor the ultra narrow accumulation of wealth and political power, that is, they needed people who were easy to fool, people who knew as little about the Sandinistas and Contras as they did about Bin Laden and Hussein or oil geopolitics, i.e., people who would not question what they were told.

The biggest lie - the one most crucial to their maintenance of power - was about how the liberals had stolen their government and their media and their entertainment ...and their financial institutions. They used the "liberal media conspiracy" to lock their base in a hermetically sealed information bubble. Inside the bubble these poor morons were terminally agitated with color coded terror warnings over manufactured demons .... gay, islamic, mexican, secularist, Saul Alinsky, hollywood, illegal alien, blame America first, Saddam Osama Saddam Osama... Marxist socialist atheist islamo-fascist demons.

And so yes . . . they were told that PBS was a secret wing of the Marxist conspiracy to take over the country.

(and they bought it)
It's not conspiracy, but FACT that even liberals snicker about here in states. You are an indoctrinated socialist so you cannot see the truth because government has not told you what it is yet.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride
Because they serve the community good and do not forcibly take my tax dollars.
Bush, it's always all about you and your measly tax dollars. Just like a typical republican. Damn, suck it up, we can't always choose where our money goes. My tax dollars went down a rathole in Iraq and Afghanistan and I moved on. The amount you pay towards PBS is probably 1/14000 of a penny.
My measly tax dollars? You mean the 31% that is sucked from me right from the top? Ohhhh no, why should I be passed about that. Especially when it goes to PBS to run a 5 hour series on those "progressive Roosevelt's " during an election year after Labor Day. Coincidence...I think not. Would they run a documentary on Goldwater, Reagan, and conservatism after Labor Day in 2016? No. I anticipate something about the "Obama Revolution" of 2008.

Should we make all taxes voluntary?
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The point I was making is that we have no control how our money is spent. I'm anti war unless it's for defending the country. Still, a way larger percentage of taxpayers money goes to the war for profit industry than programs like PBS.

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride
Because they serve the community good and do not forcibly take my tax dollars.
Bush, it's always all about you and your measly tax dollars. Just like a typical republican. Damn, suck it up, we can't always choose where our money goes. My tax dollars went down a rathole in Iraq and Afghanistan and I moved on. The amount you pay towards PBS is probably 1/14000 of a penny.
My measly tax dollars? You mean the 31% that is sucked from me right from the top? Ohhhh no, why should I be passed about that. Especially when it goes to PBS to run a 5 hour series on those "progressive Roosevelt's " during an election year after Labor Day. Coincidence...I think not. Would they run a documentary on Goldwater, Reagan, and conservatism after Labor Day in 2016? No. I anticipate something about the "Obama Revolution" of 2008.
So, the OP whines about $225 million subsidy to PBS per year, while the oil and gas industry gets $4 billion dollars per year in tax breaks......

4 Billion Oil Subsidies vs 0.223 Billion PBS Subsidies annually -- Which would you Cut

Currently, Oil and Gas drive the US Economy. Content from Liberal Elitists does NOT drive the US Economy. Until Liberal Elitists' Content drives the US Economy, they should be Cut.

ExxonMobil is a proud sponsor of Masterpiece Theatre.
Should we make all taxes voluntary?

I frequently ask liberals to voluntarily pay more, lead by example, they refuse. Liberals are only generous with other peoples money. Most liberals I know are cheap bastards I'm constantly having to pay the tip as they skip out leaving the poor waitress nothing. Then they go attend a rally foaming at the mouth about raising the minimum wage.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Did a little research the past couple of days on this:

Your tax dollars are not going towards them....

Only if you see PBS in the lower right hand corner of the program you are watching on PBS, in a small part is coming from your tax dollars.

The other programs you see on there are contracts held with other media stations who donate to PBS, where they pick their own programing to show in PBS hours of programming that are open and not filled by PBS, these are filled by other TV networks....each local area will be different....

So these political programs are NOT PBS programs that you paid to create, such as programs like Nova, Antiques Road Show, Masterpiece Theater etc....
I've been saying that for years. There is no justification for Taxpayer-Funding of PBS and NPR. And you're right, their programming is slanted far Left/Globalist. Most if not all of their hosts are far Left Democrats. They've never provided balance. You just don't see Conservative/Republican Hosts.

If you receive Taxpayer-Funding, you should be required to provide balance. But regardless, i cannot support Taxpayer-Funded Media Propaganda. It's wrong, no matter which side is doing the propagandizing. They should go it alone and go the private route. Give the Taxpayers a break for God's sake. They're already being used & abused.
One problem. History, Science, and Discovery exist to get viewers and ratings.

As does PBS - the difference is that the others succeed, where PBS fails.

I watched Shark Week on Discovery, something I used to enjoy and feel like I was gaining good information. Their supposedly educational fare came in the form of a fictional movie, on par with Jaws, only in documentary form. They had an actor playing a marine biologist telling the audience that sharks liked to eat people, and liked to play with their food. WTF?

That's one example of the degradation of the educational nature of those channels, because they are whores for the ratings.

Haven't seen it.

But I did watch a series on the building of the Roman aqueducts very recently that was top notch. They were presented as the means of Roman civilization, and it was a convincing. The idea that the war machine was not the key to success, but the ability to irrigate and thus feed large populations.

The point is, not only are History and the rest more entertaining, they are more educational. FURTHER, I have noticed that virtually all the science and history shows on PBS are rebroadcasts from Cable fare or BBC.

PBS has no reason to exist.
No one gives a shit about keeping "liberal viewpoints" on the air. You guys are the only ones trying to make it about political viewpoints.

What percentage of PBS airtime is devoted to political opinion shows? What about the other 23.5 hours of the day?

Really? Then exactly WHAT is the point of PBS?

Disney offers better children's programming - without the Sesame Ghetto indoctrination, cable has vastly better science and history offerings. PBS offers? Nothing is the honest answer.
No one gives a shit about keeping "liberal viewpoints" on the air. You guys are the only ones trying to make it about political viewpoints.

What percentage of PBS airtime is devoted to political opinion shows? What about the other 23.5 hours of the day?

Really? Then exactly WHAT is the point of PBS?

Disney offers better children's programming - without the Sesame Ghetto indoctrination, cable has vastly better science and history offerings. PBS offers? Nothing is the honest answer.
There are people who do not have cable tv....

it is still not available in my region of Maine...while I still pay that stupid tax on all utility bills that is suppose to pay for these services coming to our area....but guess what, no such luck.... Not even broad band was available for the first 5 years living here, but 2 years ago we got a very very slow version of dsl from our phone company....we have the same telephone lines that were put in over 30 or 40 years ago....no fiber optics.....

and I live only a mile and a half from US 1, you'd think these companies would spread the love, but nope...nada, nothing....

PBS has wonderful broadcast programing, a huge alternative to the local stations, for those who do not have cable.

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