Why are Obama supporters trying to give the win to McCain?

Why do they see it as an effort to kneecap Obama...imo it's because that is what the right is telling them to think.

Actually, the first well-known person to write that was Maureen Dowd, on March 26, 2008. And that was two weeks after I posted that theory on the Young Turks website, back when I still supported her.
Dowd has always been a Clinton hater.

You might be right. But I supported Hillary, and when her chances for winning faded, I asked myself why she continued, and began to wonder if that was her intention.
heh... i've been known to talk fast, too. lol...

it's the whole multi-tasking thing.

I did that same thing one back in the day... it sucks having to apologize to some asshole that was previously in the process of reaching for his ass as i was handing it out.

Anyhoo, I think it's hilarious that Clinton supporters point a finger at someone for trying to wreck the party. It's pretty damn clear which candidate will walk away with the nomination. wrangled stats filtered through the politik machine wont polish this turd.

Oh, and take your geraldine fararro and shove her back to whatever crevice she's been festering in the last 20 years.

Geraldine Ferraro, calling Barack Obama "sexist," may not back him

Might fully one-third of the six surviving Democratic vice presidential nominees end up opposing their party's national ticket this November?

That possibility arose today based on comments Geraldine Ferraro, the 1984 Democratic veep candidate, made to The New York Times.

Sen. Joe Lieberman, who occupied the No. 2 slot for the Democrats in 2000, months ago declared for presumptive Republican White House nominee John McCain.

And Ferraro, a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter who sparked a brouhaha earlier this year over whether she made a racially dismissive remark about Barack Obama, apparently is no longer a reliable Democratic vote.

Ferraro, in the NYT story, terms Obama "terribly sexist." And, as a result, she says she may not be able to cast her ballot for him if, as anticipated, he gains the Democratic presidential nod.


another tampon vote IRONICALLY whipping out the sexist card like an Al Sharpton' reflex while, apparently, still too stupid to see how her PREVIOUS ignorant fucking statement pretty much sums up the vaginal support Clinton sops up just the same as it would have applied to Obama.
Actually, the first well-known person to write that was Maureen Dowd, on March 26, 2008. And that was two weeks after I posted that theory on the Young Turks website, back when I still supported her.

btw, I don't believe you still supported her when you wrote that blurb on Young Turks.
btw, I don't believe you still supported her when you wrote that blurb on Young Turks.

I know it reads harsh, but it was a think piece and I had a lot of questions. I was still defending Clinton on other issues and electability, and I had not switched my support at that time. That came later, and I could easily switch back because I still like them both.
I know it reads harsh, but it was a think piece and I had a lot of questions. I was still defending Clinton on other issues and electability, and I had not switched my support at that time. That came later, and I could easily switch back because I still like them both.


I found this "theory" posted at Daily Kos in February. And at another board I post at it has been floated by the right and at least one rabid Obama supporter for quite some time.

I found this "theory" posted at Daily Kos in February. And at another board I post at it has been floated by the right and at least one rabid Obama supporter for quite some time.

What is up with the repeated hatred by Obama supporters toward Hillary and Hillary supporters? Many of them have spent months calling Hillary a racist, calling her a race-baiter, calling her a bitch, saying she enables a serial rapist...and on and on and on.

It seems to me they are intent on splitting the party beyond repair. I got asked to leave the blog of someone whose opinion I admired simply because I'd stick up for what to me were totally unfounded slurs about Hillary. I never once criticized Obama on the site. The guy actually had the nerve to tell me that the reason everyone supported Obama was because he was so inclusive. He never saw the irony in his statement.

What do you think?

I say thank the numerous McCain supporters for voting for Hillary in the Primaries in order to keep Obama and Hillary fighting between themselves rather than running individual campaigns against McCain. While I can't stand McCain either, it was a very smart (but unethical) move by many republicans (I voted for Huckabee....if only we all voted for who we wanted...:sad: )....:cool:
Only in bizzaro world. I use my powers for good, not evil.

I wish I could believe you, really I do, but I've seen so much of this recently, i.e. statements that have no basis in fact that are repeated endlessly to slam Hillary.

But perhaps you think the ends justify the means.
I wish I could believe you, really I do, but I've seen so much of this recently, i.e. statements that have no basis in fact that are repeated endlessly to slam Hillary.

But perhaps you think the ends justify the means.

I really don't care for either candidates or their campaigns. It seems the only one who has run a decent campaign is McCain. Though I don't care for him either, you can't deny that his campaign has been run clean for the most part. It could be because as of now, the Dems are fighting amongst themselves. I'm not saying that McCain would run a clean campaign if he had a Repub against him still or was campaigning against single democratic candidate.

Personally, I don't like Obama's stance on guns (or Hillary's for that matter). I don't care for Hillary's "mistatements." I don't care for either of their attemtps to "appear" like a small town acquaintance, and project themselves into various activities to make it appear as if they enjoy it and they have something in common with you.
I really don't care for either candidates or their campaigns. It seems the only one who has run a decent campaign is McCain. Though I don't care for him either, you can't deny that his campaign has been run clean for the most part. It could be because as of now, the Dems are fighting amongst themselves. I'm not saying that McCain would run a clean campaign if he had a Repub against him still or was campaigning against single democratic candidate.

Personally, I don't like Obama's stance on guns (or Hillary's for that matter). I don't care for Hillary's "mistatements." I don't care for either of their attemtps to "appear" like a small town acquaintance, and project themselves into various activities to make it appear as if they enjoy it and they have something in common with you.

They've all mispoke about something.
I really don't care for either candidates or their campaigns. It seems the only one who has run a decent campaign is McCain. Though I don't care for him either, you can't deny that his campaign has been run clean for the most part. It could be because as of now, the Dems are fighting amongst themselves. I'm not saying that McCain would run a clean campaign if he had a Repub against him still or was campaigning against single democratic candidate.

Personally, I don't like Obama's stance on guns (or Hillary's for that matter). I don't care for Hillary's "mistatements." I don't care for either of their attemtps to "appear" like a small town acquaintance, and project themselves into various activities to make it appear as if they enjoy it and they have something in common with you.

As soon as McCain's age was raised, his response was "if you want to talk about that, we can talk about Rev. Wright". I suspect he won't be so nice once it's him and one opponent whom he has to fight himself.

As for guns, the individual opinion of a candidate is going to be moot once the supreme court rules, so it's a non-issue.
The real problem? They're making Hillary supporters feel like red-staters. And you and I know how dumb that is.

The Obama supporters don't have to make me feel like a red-stater. Obama does enough of that himself.
I started this primary off liking Hillary but supporting Obama. As the primary continued and the tone got negative my feelings changed about Hillary. She didn’t talk much about the issues or policies, she even agreed that both of their polices were pretty much the same give or take a few details, but she began attacking Obama; trying to scare people into voting for her, diminishing his political experience while putting herself on a pedal stool. So that turned me off. Next, she questioned everything about Obama and took everything he said out of context, however she was never questioned about some of her remarks or associations (how she switches her stance depending on the crowd; her lies; people in her campaign; her racial comments), mainly because Obama is trying to avoid going negative. So that as well turned me off. Plus, her feminist argument IMO is somewhat prejudiced. Feminist are all about women rights forgetting about the racial issues that a lot Americans, male or female, face every day. So I do not want a president who only fights for women I want someone who is going to fight for EVERYONE! (Side note: NARL supported Obama :) ) In addition, she is currently losing the primary and in no way can win; instead of her backing down, not dropping out just not being vocal about her presence, she is continuing to tear a part Americans.

Basically, her attitude and selfishness is not becoming of an American President and I will not support her if she has anything to do with the general election.
I started this primary off liking Hillary but supporting Obama. As the primary continued and the tone got negative my feelings changed about Hillary. She didn’t talk much about the issues or policies, she even agreed that both of their polices were pretty much the same give or take a few details, but she began attacking Obama; trying to scare people into voting for her, diminishing his political experience while putting herself on a pedal stool. So that turned me off. Next, she questioned everything about Obama and took everything he said out of context, however she was never questioned about some of her remarks or associations (how she switches her stance depending on the crowd; her lies; people in her campaign; her racial comments), mainly because Obama is trying to avoid going negative. So that as well turned me off. Plus, her feminist argument IMO is somewhat prejudiced. Feminist are all about women rights forgetting about the racial issues that a lot Americans, male or female, face every day. So I do not want a president who only fights for women I want someone who is going to fight for EVERYONE! (Side note: NARL supported Obama :) ) In addition, she is currently losing the primary and in no way can win; instead of her backing down, not dropping out just not being vocal about her presence, she is continuing to tear a part Americans.

Basically, her attitude and selfishness is not becoming of an American President and I will not support her if she has anything to do with the general election.

Funny. I feel the same way about Obama but I'll still vote for him. IMO, the Obama supporters have acted exactly like Bushbots. It's kind of funny in a way. I guess the extremes of both parties are pretty much alike.

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