Why are oil prices what people judge Presidents for?

  1. No drilling on federal lands.
  2. Cancellation of Keystone pipeline
  3. Not granting drilling permits.
  4. Reversing the Trump Administration’s rollback on methane regulations
  5. Staffing the SEC in preparation to mandate ESG and climate disclosures
Drilling on federal lands is ok if approved, Keystone has been active since 2010. Climate disclosure should be disclosed.
So let's allow Putin to steamroll across Eastern Europe, right genius?
Where was all of this concern for Ukraine when your heeeero Obama allowed Russia to steam roll Crimea? Ukraine owns Crimea, moron--can you find either on the map. Study your history. Ukraine is to Russia as Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Marshall Islands are to the US. STFU
Short answer: Because that and his stutter is all they have to attack Biden with.

Long answer: He has no impeachable offenses yet - has not called and blackmailed any foreign officials - has not tried a Coup - so bitching about prices is all they have. And he stutters.
Seems you forgot about Hunter's laptop with the "big man" references.
  1. No drilling on federal lands.
  2. Cancellation of Keystone pipeline
  3. Not granting drilling permits.
  4. Reversing the Trump Administration’s rollback on methane regulations
  5. Staffing the SEC in preparation to mandate ESG and climate disclosures
1) Did Biden stop such drilling?
2) Why do you people have this obsession with Keystone? Even if Biden didn’t cancel if, ir wouldn’t be up and running at this point anyway.
3) For who? Which did he deny?
4) Why would that affect gas prices? You know gas prices are high all over the world right?
5) I’m not sure what this refers to but it definitely doesn’t sound like it would affect gas prices.
1) Did Biden stop such drilling?
2) Why do you people have this obsession with Keystone? Even if Biden didn’t cancel if, ir wouldn’t be up and running at this point anyway.
3) For who? Which did he deny?
4) Why would that affect gas prices? You know gas prices are high all over the world right?
5) I’m not sure what this refers to but it definitely doesn’t sound like it would affect gas prices.
God damn it yes. We've been over this a dozen times! The FEDs have directly prevented lifting oil.
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.
Most people are just stupid and/or need someone to blame. Trump is a perfect example.
Yet, it was reduced during Trump was it not because of COVID-19? Then why did you lie when you claimed it increased during Trump? And Trump made an agreement with OPEC to reduce production.
LOL what loser?

US oil production has steadily declined during the Biden presidency. It increased during the Trump presidency. It was only interrupted by COVID. Dumb ass.
1) Did Biden stop such drilling?
2) Why do you people have this obsession with Keystone? Even if Biden didn’t cancel if, ir wouldn’t be up and running at this point anyway.
3) For who? Which did he deny?
4) Why would that affect gas prices? You know gas prices are high all over the world right?
5) I’m not sure what this refers to but it definitely doesn’t sound like it would affect gas prices.
Because Canada is now building a pipeline WEST to the coast to ship the oil that would have been flowing through the pipeline south to the gulf coast. Now it will go to China and not the retrofitted refineries built to handle the tar sands crude and by the way Canada has filed a lawsuit, against the U.S., for their expenses on Keystone.
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.

Oil and it's price is still the life blood of industry.
Do ya' think for a minute that wind and solar energy has the capacity yet to step in?
Joey is anti oil and gas. Attack that production and promote cherries, then all that remains is more fruit flies like yourself!
Ya' F'in numbskull!!

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