Why are oil prices what people judge Presidents for?

Presidential Executive Orders that change policies that directly affect oil prices which in turn affect the cost of all products resulting in 20% inflation is what a POTUS has to do with prices. Coupled with toying with WWIII while ignoring the invasion of our country by illegals from the south and dictatorial mandates on the populace over a 99.7% recoverable virus, the vegetable in the WH has earned every oz. of venom that is directed his and the democrats way.
well said. these policy changes coming from bedpan joe effects more then the price of cherries.
Presidential Executive Orders that change policies that directly affect oil prices which in turn affect the cost of all products resulting in 20% inflation is what a POTUS has to do with prices. Coupled with toying with WWIII while ignoring the invasion of our country by illegals from the south and dictatorial mandates on the populace over a 99.7% recoverable virus, the vegetable in the WH has earned every oz. of venom that is directed his and the democrats way.
What specific EO’s are you referring to?
The price of oil affects the price of apples. Greater cost of diesel and fertilizer to grow and harvest plus delivery to market. The cost of diesel in the US has almost tripled in a little over a year--Yep, Biden did that.
The price of oil affects the price of apples & red MAGA hats.

No wonder you guys are pissed & blaming Biden.

Soon, Trump will be begging for more cash for his Stop The Steal scam citing inflation as a cause & you Bozos will line up to hand it over.
Yea, let's equate Putin's massacre in Ukraine with illegals crossing over the border.
What is more important moron? An invasion on OUR border or an internal conflict 1/2 way around the world. Your an idiot, STFU.
How many bombs have those brown people from C. America tossed your way, genius?
How many bombs have either of those former soviet countries tossed your way, Einstein. I can direct you to numerous murders, drug smuggling and human trafficking incidents that have happened as a direct result of an insecure southern US border. Again, STFU.
the Ukraine invasion
Not my country, not my war. Neither of those countries have mutual defense agreements with the US. We have no business taking sides.
What is more important moron? An invasion on OUR border or an internal conflict 1/2 way around the world. Your an idiot, STFU.

How many bombs have either of those former soviet countries tossed your way, Einstein. I can direct you to numerous murders, drug smuggling and human trafficking incidents that have happened as a direct result of an insecure southern US border. Again, STFU.

Not my country, not my war. Neither of those countries have mutual defense agreements with the US. We have no business taking sides.
So let's allow Putin to steamroll across Eastern Europe, right genius?
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.
I don't judge Joe Biden by the massive inflation, or the energy and border crisis, or for leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan and the Ukraine in flames, etc.

Nope, I judge him for his legs as well.

How about you?
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.
Only an idiot would consider it is just oil. Its the economy stupid.

Speculators react to what they think will happen to oil prices, which in turn pushes prices in that direction. If an American president, for example, looks weak and ineffective while a Russian dictator convinces them he's serious about invading another country, they expect the ensuing war to cut world supplies of oil and push things accordingly. In fact, they all try to get out in front of the expected price increases, which in turn exaggerates the increase. That's how Quid Pro drove up prices, by making war more likely.
Speculators don't drive price, if that were true then prices would be unhinged from supply and demand.
The price of oil affects the price of apples & red MAGA hats.

No wonder you guys are pissed & blaming Biden.

Soon, Trump will be begging for more cash for his Stop The Steal scam citing inflation as a cause & you Bozos will line up to hand it over.
Tell me genius. If you grow apples and the cost of fertilizer doubles and the cost of diesel for your equipment triples do you sell them for the same price? If you deliver apples and the cost of diesel triples, what do you do? Do you deliver them for the same price? Nope, the store pays you more. Do you think the store sells the apples for the same price? If you said yes to any of these questions you are dumber than the vegetable in the WH.
It is and always has been a political cudgel.

A President gets too much credit for low gas prices and too much blame for high ones…
Why do lefties play dumb about oil prices? Is it because the president is dumb? The president's (or the shadow government's) energy policies dictate energy prices. Not many of us can buy or want to buy an electric car that starts at around 80k but elitist government types think that we will come around if we are punished enough.

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