Why are oil prices what people judge Presidents for?


Don't worry Clown, Trump may some day grow a set & call out Putin for his murderous invasion of a sovereign nation & then maybe you'll grow a set too. You're pissed because your boy was impeached for trying to blackmail Zelensky, so fuck off.

You Trump asseating hypocrits are all alike.
Keep trying idiot. You are giving your public education a bad name. Thanks for playing.
You give yours one with your support of traitor Trump.
You are the only dumb fuck that has made any mention of the non entity to this conversation. When are you going to evict him from your head? Do you still fear the boogie man too? Maybe your daddy can remove Trump from under your bed.
The XL is a pipeline it doesn't extract oil from the ground. Oil production in the US was not stopped. It was forced to cut back because of the pandemic and a glut of inventories...

Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support - sources​

By Timothy Gardner, Steve Holland, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Rania El Gamal

WASHINGTON/LONDON/DUBAI (Reuters) - As the United States pressed Saudi Arabia to end its oil price war with Russia, President Donald Trump gave Saudi leaders an ultimatum.

The threat to upend a 75-year strategic alliance, which has not been previously reported, was central to the U.S. pressure campaign that led to a landmark global deal to slash oil supply as demand collapsed in the coronavirus pandemic - scoring a diplomatic victory for the White House.
LMAO! It’s the kung flu! And reducing oil production! Except when Bidumb reduces it. Then it’s something else that has to do with Trump! Yeah, that’s it .
It was a boondoggle then just as it is now. The thing that infuriates me is the lies TransCanada has told over and over.
As I said before, everything Obama/Biden/democrats touch is a boondoggle. Now tell me again how they didn't have anything to do with it in 2011. You morons are too much. Please keep up.
Here's how shit works........

Trump built TDS. Really the media did, and the left being a lazy emotional bunch took the hook.

Everything was better on Trump's watch, no exceptions. But then the left built covid am I right? Only to remove restrictions when Biden was APPOINTED while there were twice the cases.

Then what happened leftists? And why can't you see daylight?
The price of oil affects the price of apples. Greater cost of diesel and fertilizer to grow and harvest plus delivery to market. The cost of diesel in the US has almost tripled in a little over a year--Yep, Biden did that.
Well, sure, YOU say that, but you are rational and intelligent.

You need to learn to see things from Stormy's perspective.
Speculators don't drive price, if that were true then prices would be unhinged from supply and demand.
They exaggerate price swings. When supply and demand drive prices higher, they jump on the bandwagon and drive them even higher.
Why do people think that the President has much to do with the price of...anything? Why does a President have more control over the price of oil than, say, apples? And why does oil matter more than apples?

When was the last time someone looked at the price of corn and either clapped their hands or stomped their feet (depending on political orientations, of course) about whether the President was to credit/blame?

If we believe in a free market where prices are set by supply and demand, then why should prices be attributed to Presidents? And why some prices and not other prices?

Anyone know the price of cherries lately? Because I think lots of you are picking them no matter if they're ripe or not.
This is such simple shit…when the most powerful man on the planet, the leader of the free world says anything his words often influence everything….hahaha…you and Mac1958 honestly didn‘t know that?

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