Why Are Our Children Being Forced To Read This Evil Racist Book??

I don't want anti-American, race baiting shit taught to American students with American tax dollars.

That you DO, is you being an anti-American, race baiter.

That is the fucking TRUTH.
Actually that is exactly what you want, History is History sorry you can't change it because you don't like it.
Why not just teach that slave owners were really bad people who used force as a way to make others do all the work. That is accurate. And we have learned from this evil period in our history.
This piece of shit in the White House, conveniently trafficking genuflecting members of his own protection-racket mafia across the border, should go suck Chinese-made fentanyl with the Minneapolis baboons.

“We are not going to teach our children to feel guilty.”
What are they teaching that is anti-american?
They should teach the entire history of slavery------making sure to point out that Africa was far more into it----has done it for thousands of years and continues to do it this day. They should also teach the story of Darby's dose--the real story that it wasn't the only white man around for days of travel named Darby but his black common law wife and her black henchmen/clan who were behind it.
I don't recall calling him a white supremacist, do you know something I don't?

Well you know folks love to claim their folks weren't in the country during slavery, therefore they have no blame. Now their folks weren't in this country when America got it's Independence either, but they celebrate it on the 4th of July.
Super is a racist moron and is attacking anything that he sees as "white".......he sees 4th of July as a white holiday so starts screaming that it must go because of you ....you know...know...SLAVERY even though it has nothing to do with slavery-- There is no rationalizing with him---he is trying to rewrite history and destroy anything that he sees as white no matter how stupid it makes him seem. He's stupid but he is more blind hateful racist.
They should teach the entire history of slavery------making sure to point out that Africa was far more into it----has done it for thousands of years and continues to do it this day. They should also teach the story of Darby's dose--the real story that it wasn't the only white man around for days of travel named Darby but his black common law wife and her black henchmen/clan who were behind it.
Did slavery happening in Africa prevent the US from basing much of their entire jurisprudence on White supremacy??

Did slavery ending in Mexico over a 100 years before it ended in the US prevent the US from codifying anti-black racism in its systems and institutions for over 100 years after slavery ended?

This is what triggers folks like you...so much so that you are saying "but but but there was slavery in other places too"

there were genocides in other places too....would you support Neo-Nazis using that as a defense to minimize the Jewish holocaust?


but when it comes to minimizing the suffering of people of color, you are all for it....
Super is a racist moron and is attacking anything that he sees as "white".......he sees 4th of July as a white holiday so starts screaming that it must go because of you ....you know...know...SLAVERY even though it has nothing to do with slavery-- There is no rationalizing with him---he is trying to rewrite history and destroy anything that he sees as white no matter how stupid it makes him seem. He's stupid but he is more blind hateful racist.
Some folks did see the 4th of July as a white holiday...

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Was Frederick Douglass racist??
95% of the people who went after our corrupt politicians on 1/6 were White? Gee, and you think that this is a bad thing..
Your idea of corrupt politicians aren't politicians who used their positions to engage in insider trading huh?

No, your idea of corrupt politicians are those who don't subscribe to your delusions that the election was stolen......

The fact that even the Trump campaign knew it and felt you morons will believe them anyway -- you don't even care do you??

This is why these same folks can have morons like you believing JFK Jr was coming back yesterday to put Trump back in power....they have utter disrespect for your intellect..and you love it
Did slavery happening in Africa prevent the US from basing much of their entire jurisprudence on White supremacy??

Did slavery ending in Mexico over a 100 years before it ended in the US prevent the US from codifying anti-black racism in its systems and institutions for over 100 years after slavery ended?

This is what triggers folks like you...so much so that you are saying "but but but there was slavery in other places too"

there were genocides in other places too....would you support Neo-Nazis using that as a defense to minimize the Jewish holocaust?


but when it comes to minimizing the suffering of people of color, you are all for it....
Minimizing the the suffering of people of color---WTF are you babbling about now you nitwitted racist race pimp?

Lets' start off, people of color are not suffering from slavery that was 150 years ago idiot. Race Hustlers want to be thought of as victims in order justify their current bad behavior and get free shit such as reparations/affirmative action/free chit which basically enslaves taxpayers over and over again.

Nazism should be taught, but is shouldn't be taught as the only abuser because they weren't and it warps impressional minds when you teach one group is bad while ignoring all the others. Communist China has done far worse, but since the nazis were white you are stuck on hating them while ignoring the elephant in the current room the Communists. Which I think is the main point, you seek to enrage the weak minded prone to violence while beating down white children so they will accept being abused by pretending that whites are the only ones who have done evil especially when the facts are that other races have done far far worse.

Third, yes the Us engaged in slavery....and it was wrong. And many slave owners knew this and wanted to free their slaves but could not afford to and the slaves could not support themselves if freed. Thomas Jefferson being a prime example of this. Current Americans had nothing to do with with slavery so why beat them over the heads with it especially with twisted nonsensical fantasies of race pimps like yourself. Most all other nations engaged in slavery at one point or the other, and of all of them when you compare the US, the US was far milder and far shorter while Africa was hands down the worse. The white US engaged in slavery for a short time with whites then fighting to release the slaves and end it for everyone around the world---AFRICA has been doing it for thousands of years and continues to do nothing to make the world a better place.

Fourth, lets face facts---blacks whose ancestors were brought over as slaves are better off than blacks whose ancestors weren't brought over as slaves TO THE US overall. You've got more not less if your ancestors were slaves in the US fool. You could be running around still in a loin cloth starving in Africa shitting in holes in the ground if not for this....or you could be stuck in shithole slave islands like Haiti where abuse was far worse by slave owners and became far far worse once blacks gained political control of the area leaving most to be abused even once freed and extremely abusively poor and much more on par with AFRICANs human rights treatment of people.

Fifth, unlike violent black tribes, many of the whites (not to be confused with the black slave owners here) who had African slaves--were not as brutal overall as blacks and their African brothers were to slaves. Slavery was justified to white Americans who found such as immoral from its inception by being a means to convert the heathens to Christianity. America was reluctant to get into slavery--many different christian sects were flatly against it. Your and other race pimps fantasies of how slaves here were treated is largely fictional. Large groups of slaves here were treated no worse than workers---even with white slave owners providing homes and lands for slaves after freeing them...such was the case with Harriet Tubman's father. While Harriet Tubman far from escaping was likely pushed out or seen as a good riddance by her owner and many of her own family members. Entire christian sects forced their members free their slaves, many even setting them up to live afterwords---something that I have read of no black slave owners doing btw.

Sixth, following slavery whites continued to live with blacks but slowly separated living arrangements---largely because blacks proved themselves to be more violent if you bother to research usually following triggering events...often black males raping a white woman. There was a higher crime rate among blacks that we continue to see to this day. Whites set about to segregate the criminal element in order to protect their own. This said, many blacks did quit well and became quit wealthy in black segregated communities. They weren't held back. Working hard, staying off drugs and alcohol, keeping the family together was often rewarded in the black communities just as it was in the white communities.
Your idea of corrupt politicians aren't politicians who used their positions to engage in insider trading huh?

No, your idea of corrupt politicians are those who don't subscribe to your delusions that the election was stolen......

The fact that even the Trump campaign knew it and felt you morons will believe them anyway -- you don't even care do you??

This is why these same folks can have morons like you believing JFK Jr was coming back yesterday to put Trump back in power....they have utter disrespect for your intellect..and you love it
Omg, you are delusional....Burr? I'm an independent idiot---both parties are corrupt--just the dems are far more abusive and far more corrupt. Burr insider trading is nothing compared to Pelosi's insider trading via her husband dear. Marching and protesting Congress is a righteous thing to do. Think we all should have been there protesting them. All corrupt politicians should have the full extent of the law applied to their asses from insider trading to TREASON just like everyone else.
of course the indians were engaged, they were the slaves

Indians were slavers as well. They enslaved each other and thousands of blacks....See Oklahoma and how NEGRO WALLSTREET (it wasn't called Black Wallstreet) got their new found wealth. Short story---judge ordered the indians to give reparations (lands) to their former black slaves and their descendents hence the overnight wealth of Negro wallstreet. Oil was later found on these lands given as reparations...causing black mobster mostly to open businesses especially speak easies and gambling halls to liberate the new found wealth from their fellow blacks.
They should teach the entire history of slavery------making sure to point out that Africa was far more into it----has done it for thousands of years and continues to do it this day.
How does that change the history of slavery in America?

They should also teach the story of Darby's dose--the real story that it wasn't the only white man around for days of travel named Darby but his black common law wife and her black henchmen/clan who were behind it.

Who another racist ass white man, who should have had his head cut off and shoved up his ass.

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