Why Are Our Children Being Forced To Read This Evil Racist Book??

Boy this lady is quite the Karen isn't she? Her son was a senior in high school and she doesn't think he already knew a lil something about sex? Hell, I had a teacher as a junior in high school mid-70s who would read us some pretty steamy books. I loved it and so did my classmates.

Regarding CRT, I was watching the national news last night on NBC and they were interviewing Virginians who were just up in arms. The reporters would ask questions like "do you know anything about CRT" and "did you know it isn't taught anywhere in Virginia?"

They knew NOTHING - only that they "didn't like it". :rolleyes-41: McAuliffe didn't push back enough on the Youngkin lie. CRT seems to be the thing that motivates them then most, and they can't even present a rudimentary understanding about what it even is. Too damn funny!
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I am against any form of censorship. If the teacher wants students to read the book make sure they set time in class for a open discussion. Any study of history can be upsetting. You want a fictional story that will upset a teen read Romeo and Juliet.
When I was a teen we watched an actual film taken by the British army of the Death Camps in WW2. I hope I am not being too insensitive but maybe the lady needs to teach her son to toughen up a bit.
Certain elements of American History SHOULD upset people. If we are not taught the truth about our history, we're doomed to repeat it.

Fucking snowflakes.
Boy this lady is quite the Karen isn't she? Her son was a senior in high school and she doesn't think he already knows a lil something about sex? Hell, I had a teacher as a junior in high school mid-70s who would read us some pretty steamy books. I loved it and so did my classmates.

Regarding CRT, I was watching the national news last night on NBC and they were interviewing Virginians who were just up in arms. The reporters would ask questions like "do you know anything about CRT" and "did you know it isn't taught anywhere in Virginia?"

They knew NOTHING - only that they "didn't like it". :rolleyes-41: McAuliffe didn't push back enough on the Youngkin lie. CRT seems to be the thing that motivates them then most, and they can't even present a rudimentary understanding about what it even is. Too damn funny!

There is NO WAY, that crt is not taught in a state like Virginia.
Who does that, you lying dumbfuck? Seriously.
Oh hell Harley - LOTS of RWNJ's do that. Do you not remember Cliven Bundy and his opinion that blacks may have been better off as slaves? I mean, "the Negro" were so happy about picking cotton that they sang spirituals while they worked. Now, they just sit on their front porches! :lol:
Oh hell Harley - LOTS of RWNJ's do that. Do you not remember Cliven Bundy and his opinion that blacks may have been better off as slaves? I mean, "the Negro" were so happy about picking cotton that they sang spirituals while they worked. Now, they just sit on their front porches! :lol:
Stating they had it better here, doesnt mean someone thinks slavery wasnt bad.
I have never heard someone say slavery was a good thing.
Well besides the present day blacks in africa that have around 20M slaves right now :lol:
I'm a tad embarrassed to say that I have not read or seen a course taught about "CRT".
Have the posters above, or for that matter, any of our active posters seen the curriculum or been taught 'CRT'?
If so, would you share with the forum some of the reading material?

Also, to the best of my knowledge, I don't believe it is being taught in the local schools....elementary, middle, or high school.
In fact, I haven't heard either of the two community college instructors that I know describe it being taught in their system. If any of the posters here have some familiarity with its teachings in community colleges....well, would you share?

And, as long as we are doing a deep dive.....do you know of courses on "CRT" at universities or 4yr colleges?
If so, would you please share some of the teaching materials?

I'm curious about the reading list that is suggested or required for the aspect of 'CRT' that is taught at any level. Though, I suspect, each grade level would have a different menu of readings?

So, if anyone knows for sure......please share.

Yep, I offered 50 bucks to charity of choice for anyone who could prove that CRT is being taught in K-12 anywhere in America. They couldn't and it isn't. It IS however a college subject for those entering certain fields such as law, history and sociology.
On what basis do you claim that any of us don't accept that slavery was a bad thing? I do not know of anyone who doesn't view slavery in a very negative way.
It's an article of faith. They need no evidence, they need no proof. All they need is the narrative and their feelz.
ONly a lying asshole would make such a claim.
You don't know WTF you are talking about.

You don't know WTF you are talking about.

And neither do you. You're sources are nothing but opinion pieces. Libscum.
You don't know WTF you are talking about.

i know that w.s. is a dying fringe movement that has to lie or latch onto another issue to get much more than double digits to show up at a rally.

That you posted some links from libtards sayhing the same shit you/they alway say, doesn't change that.
And neither do you. You're sources are nothing but opinion pieces. Libscum.

Sorry loon, but if you haven't figured out by now that most militia members, Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis and Klansmen are white supremacists, I cannot help.

The whole dang deal was about Keeping 'Murca White.

Sorry loon, but if you haven't figured out by now that most militia members, Proud Boys, Neo-Nazis and Klansmen are white supremacists, I cannot help.

The whole dang deal was about Keeping 'Murca White.

View attachment 559496

Current leader of the Proud Boys, a black cuban American. You, Dr. Love, are a race baiting asshole.


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