Why are our children taught that Columbus discovered North America?

And Amerigo Vespucci gets all the name recognition even though he didn'ta do-a much-a. Like-a Raygun who was-a lucky enough-a to be da president when da Soviet Union-a collapsed.

Lucky is much better than good in many cases.
It's fairly common knowledge that Vikings were here far earlier. Why are we teaching and inaccurate history? What is the purpose?
Actually the Indians were here earlier than the vikings...
Actually if you could comprehend what you read it never said who was here first. I only questioned what was taught in schools.

As to your post you are wrong. The Myans/Aztec's were here before the Indians lol. But of course if we go back far enough and discuss the land bridge it was Europeans.

You should just shut up so as to not expose your continued ignorance

I wasn't going to interfere but I must correct you since you are such a jerk. FYI the Mayans and Aztecs were/are Indians too. That is the name given to autochthonous peoples of the new world by Columbus. You knew that didn't you? But apparently you seem to think Europeans came here first via an intact Bering Strait bridge. I suppose the discovery of Kennewick man in what is now Washington state gives that perspective some credence since his remains are reputed to be over 9000 years old. But so-called European features can be found in non European people such as the Ainu of Japan. Personally, looking at the reconstruction models of K man's face, he looks more Asian to me. But is that a race?

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