Why Are People Stocking Up On Guns? Fear Of Government

This thread certainly demonstrates the sad state of mental health disorders in the United States. Paranoia is a serious mental disorder that can lead to detachment from one's family and social circles. It can also turn into violence the more the patient becomes detached from reality.
Fortunately, Paranoia can be successfully treated with the help of mental health experts, pharmaceuticals and in some severe cases, in-patient treatment. :cool:

This thread certainly demonstrates that Americans are finally waking up to the fact that their government is a continuing criminal enterprise.

This thread certainly demonstrates the sad state of mental health disorders in the United States. Paranoia is a serious mental disorder that can lead to detachment from one's family and social circles. It can also turn into violence the more the patient becomes detached from reality.
Fortunately, Paranoia can be successfully treated with the help of mental health experts, pharmaceuticals and in some severe cases, in-patient treatment. :cool:

Sounds like you have years of experience in the treatment of your condition.
But so far the government and media are not focusing much on his prior obsessions with violent video games, on society's seeming inability to hospitalize the unstable or on the crude violence peddled in Hollywood and through popular music that portrays shooting people as a sort of cheap fantasy without consequences.

You are contradicting yourself.

Faux news is the media just as MSNBC is.
And they are both preaching that people whom the government deems "unstable" should be stripped of any and all rights.

We all know that when the confiscation squad stops you at the roadside checkpoint, you will be a good little patriot and hand over anything they want... 'cause you certainly aren't "unstable", are you?
I missed the section of the Constitution that said candycorn gets to decide what income bracket is allowed to own firearms... Apparently she thinks it's OK to Tax out the poor from the ability to exercise their Constitutional Rights... How very thoughtful that she doesn't advocate banning guns, just pricing them out of reach for many Americans. What Forward thinking she possesses.

If there is one thing I've learned over the years, it's that if enough folks want something, they'll find a way to get it.

There's an end run around everything if one looks had enough.

This may be it.

It's worked for tobacco and alcohol...not constitutionally protected, but still.

The voter ID debate will come back to haunt them though.

If it violates the right to vote to require an ID that costs a few dollars...then it equally violates the second amendment rights to tax firearms and/or ammunition.

Well they know one thing... Unless they have a fresh tragedy to prey upon people's emotions gun control loses every time when one escapes the liberal confines of places like NYC and Chicago.

I agree.
Ahh....I don't want to ban guns either. I want to tax the holy shit out of them though.
All that will do is cause people to find a way around the tax.

I am not interested in it enough to look it up at the moment, but I would suppose that the vast majority of firearms transactions are between private individuals. The odds of collecting taxes from those sorts of transactions gets worse the higher the tax goes too, I'm certain.

Yeah, that needs to change too. Of course when the gun is registered there should be some sort of requirement to show you paid the tax. Like when I get my car inspected, I have to have proof of liability insurance.

What happens is that sales will decrease and thusly manufacturing will decrease. So fewer guns are produced meaning that eventually fewer guns will make it onto the street. Same thing happened with cigarettes and now usage is at an all time low.

wrong on 3 counts
(1 ) prof of insurance is a state requirment ONLY IF you use the vehicle on public roads .
(2 )ownership of firearms is guaranteed by the constitution ratified at least 3 times by SCOTUS ,owner ship of a car or tabacco product is not
(3 ) tabacco is a danger to the health of the user **and others * whether used legally or not
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This thread certainly demonstrates the sad state of mental health disorders in the United States. Paranoia is a serious mental disorder that can lead to detachment from one's family and social circles. It can also turn into violence the more the patient becomes detached from reality.
Fortunately, Paranoia can be successfully treated with the help of mental health experts, pharmaceuticals and in some severe cases, in-patient treatment. :cool:

Is this what passes for argumentation in the "no labels" party?

Allow me to recap.

Obama says he wants to ban guns again.

People buy the guns before he gets an opportunity to ban them.

Please, patronize me by pointing out the "paranoia"?
This thread certainly demonstrates the sad state of mental health disorders in the United States. Paranoia is a serious mental disorder that can lead to detachment from one's family and social circles. It can also turn into violence the more the patient becomes detached from reality.
Fortunately, Paranoia can be successfully treated with the help of mental health experts, pharmaceuticals and in some severe cases, in-patient treatment. :cool:

Is this what passes for argumentation in the "no labels" party?

Allow me to recap.

Obama says he wants to ban guns again.

People buy the guns before he gets an opportunity to ban them.

Please, patronize me by pointing out the "paranoia"?

Well, the liberals can not believe that after spending 12 years at government brainwashing centers ,many Americans still have the will to defend their lives and do not trust their government.

Public education has failed.

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People are stocking up on guns because the gun retailers of America have an excellent viral marketing campaign that goes something like this:


I think you mean Obama's marketing campaign...I haven't heard boo from gun retailers...

The government has banned these firearms before. It's not like it's a stretch that when Obama Says gun control, people believe him.

So if you are looking to blame someone, it's not very difficult to find the ACTUAL culprit...and it ain't gun retailers.

They pay the NRA to say it for them.
This thread certainly demonstrates the sad state of mental health disorders in the United States. Paranoia is a serious mental disorder that can lead to detachment from one's family and social circles. It can also turn into violence the more the patient becomes detached from reality.
Fortunately, Paranoia can be successfully treated with the help of mental health experts, pharmaceuticals and in some severe cases, in-patient treatment. :cool:

Is this what passes for argumentation in the "no labels" party?

Allow me to recap.

Obama says he wants to ban guns again.

People buy the guns before he gets an opportunity to ban them.

Please, patronize me by pointing out the "paranoia"?

Well, the liberals can not believe that after spening 12 years at government braniwashing centers ,many Americans still have the will to defend their lives and do not trust their government.

Public education has failed.


Indeed. They should have removed your tinfoil hats and given you a dunce's hat instead.
I hunt, I have guns. This is fearmongerng.
Do we have a GOP controlled House?

I don't know. Up until the last week, I thought another assault weapon ban was assured.

Today I would say it is only somewhat likely.

Even with GOP control of the house, people feel better when they do something...anything...even if it has zero chance of improving the situation.

It makes them feel like they have some measure of control.

The GOP pretty much proved this week that they are not above forgoing their principles to assuage negative public opinion.
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People are stocking up on guns because the gun retailers of America have an excellent viral marketing campaign that goes something like this:


I think you mean Obama's marketing campaign...I haven't heard boo from gun retailers...

The government has banned these firearms before. It's not like it's a stretch that when Obama Says gun control, people believe him.

So if you are looking to blame someone, it's not very difficult to find the ACTUAL culprit...and it ain't gun retailers.
LaPierre speaks for the gun manufacturers/retailers.
Good luck fighting the fucking marines.

dumb asses.

You will have a problem with this position. Finding the man power that will replace those who refuse to follow an unlawful order.
People are stocking up on guns because the gun retailers of America have an excellent viral marketing campaign that goes something like this:


I think you mean Obama's marketing campaign...I haven't heard boo from gun retailers...

The government has banned these firearms before. It's not like it's a stretch that when Obama Says gun control, people believe him.

So if you are looking to blame someone, it's not very difficult to find the ACTUAL culprit...and it ain't gun retailers.

Let's not forget obama has mentioned reinstating an assault weapons ban, and obama dos not have any problem with using an executive order to get what he wants even if it does not pass through congress.
I think you mean Obama's marketing campaign...I haven't heard boo from gun retailers...

The government has banned these firearms before. It's not like it's a stretch that when Obama Says gun control, people believe him.

So if you are looking to blame someone, it's not very difficult to find the ACTUAL culprit...and it ain't gun retailers.

Say what? Are you stupid?

It is the right wing piss drinkers who keep posting all the "Obama's cummin fer yer gunz" topics, not the left.

Since his first election. Gun sales skyrocketed in 2009 based on the right wing blogosphere's hysteria.

Why are you always so angry.

Can you hold a conversation IRL without calling someone stupid?

Anyway...I'll try my best to ignore it and post reasonable replies.

Obama is a gun grabber...just looking for an excuse.

HE RAN ON reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban...He and Eric Holder were all over it in 2009...until he realized the votes weren't there, even from the Democrats.

From Factcheck.org in 2008:
[Obama] does support reinstatement of the expired "assault weapons ban" but isn’t calling for a wider ban on all semi-automatic weapons.

He said repeatedly during the campaign, "I am not going to take your guns away."
He also supported a handgun ban, also from Factcheck.org:
Obama’s state Senate campaign in 1996 did say in a questionnaire that Obama favored banning handguns.
Is it stupid to believe Obama is going to do what he himself says he supports?

Of course not...the only folks who oppose this reality have an agenda or a chronicly short memory.

He says he isn't coming after your guns, so the smart money is to own them before he bans them.

They'll never get it will they obama is a gun grabber? Just like they'll never get the fact any gun confiscation will start a war. Do they have the balls to stand beside obama and lead the charge against their fellow Americans, because their fellow Americans were defending their rights.
Good luck fighting the fucking marines.

dumb asses.

How would all 175,000 of them fair against 20 million armed citizens?

Victorious. After the first shot, those who were not peeing in their pants would be surrendering. Those who were not peeing in their pants or surrendering would be trying to boot up their computer to complain on this forum about it or brag about how victory is close at hand....332-206.

If the first shot is fired, do you honestly think people will run and face the chance of going to jail? Nope those who take up the cause, when the bullets start firing will be their until it's finished. and the gun grabbers are gone.

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