Why Are Police Shootings Dominating the News?

The people demanding the news. See some of my earlier posts.

LOL "the people" ? What people ? I sure as hell didnt' demand to hear about this shit.
You arent the people. You are just one unimportant, non influential person.

ahhhhhhh the important people demanded it----who are they ?
The people the media is supplying the coverage for. The people that want to know and the people that feel validated its being brought out into the open.

and your proof of this guess is ------?
What guess?
according to your buddies here this kind of stuff goes on all time. Why the recent all coverage ?

care to elaborate?-----there are videos of everything in the world
Its been going on since before I was born.

Videos of cops doing dirt seem to attract more attention now that the younger generation is not as racist and inclined to turn a blind eye to it.

So do kids doing stupid stunts and pulling pranks.
Start a thread about that. Has nothing to do with the OP.

sure it does---you claim cops are in the news because there are lots of videos-----I call bullshit.

care to elaborate?-----there are videos of everything in the world
Its been going on since before I was born.

Videos of cops doing dirt seem to attract more attention now that the younger generation is not as racist and inclined to turn a blind eye to it.

So do kids doing stupid stunts and pulling pranks.
Start a thread about that. Has nothing to do with the OP.

sure it does---you claim cops are in the news because there are lots of videos-----I call bullshit.
Doesnt matter what you call. Thats just an indication of how low your intellect is. Its not just vidoes but public interest. Pretty much every case recently has been one with some video attached to it catching cops doing dirt. Pictures.....especially moving pictures are worth a thousand words.
care to elaborate?-----there are videos of everything in the world
Its been going on since before I was born.

Videos of cops doing dirt seem to attract more attention now that the younger generation is not as racist and inclined to turn a blind eye to it.

So do kids doing stupid stunts and pulling pranks.
Start a thread about that. Has nothing to do with the OP.

sure it does---you claim cops are in the news because there are lots of videos-----I call bullshit.
Doesnt matter what you call. Thats just an indication of how low your intellect is. Pretty much every case recently has been one with some video attached to it catching cops doing dirt. Pictures.....especially moving pictures are worth a thousand words.

hold it----are telling me now that the only videos being taken in the world are the ones that are repeated in the media ? Talk about your low intellect.
Its been going on since before I was born.

Videos of cops doing dirt seem to attract more attention now that the younger generation is not as racist and inclined to turn a blind eye to it.

So do kids doing stupid stunts and pulling pranks.
Start a thread about that. Has nothing to do with the OP.

sure it does---you claim cops are in the news because there are lots of videos-----I call bullshit.
Doesnt matter what you call. Thats just an indication of how low your intellect is. Pretty much every case recently has been one with some video attached to it catching cops doing dirt. Pictures.....especially moving pictures are worth a thousand words.

hold it----are telling me now that the only videos being taken in the world are the ones that are repeated in the media ? Talk about your low intellect.
Who told you that? Dont try to outsmart me. I'm youre intellectual superior by far.
How much sadder can things get for the folks in this city? Just look at the people they ELECT

The Truth About Baltimore
Posted by Daniel Greenfield

The real victim in Baltimore is not Freddie Gray, a repeat loser who eventually died as he had lived, being arrested by the police. The real victims are not the thugs smashing and looting stores. It isn’t the young black men disproportionately stopped by the racist majority black police force in Baltimore under a racist black police commissioner for doing nothing wrong except the usual drug and weapons charges.

It’s not even the “majority of law-abiding Baltimore families” referenced by politicians.

85% of Baltimore voters came out for Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave the muggers and looters “space to destroy”, and then apologized for calling them thugs, defending them instead as “misguided young people” who “need support”.

Rawlings-Blake was a former City Council speaker who got a promotion when Sheila Dixon, the first black female mayor of Baltimore, was convicted of stealing gift cards intended for the poor. During her time in the City Council, Dixon had become notorious for waving her shoe at white colleagues and shouting, “You’ve been running things for the last 20 years. Now the shoe is on the other foot!”

It was indeed. At least some of the stolen gift cards were used to buy clothes. And the shoe is still on the other foot. Just ask the criminals who smashed and grabbed while the police did nothing.

Dixon had won 87% of the vote. And she wants to get back into politics. After the riots, she popped up to complain that white people were going about with business as usual while black anger grew.

"We have some major inequities in the city," she said. "We have to put more focus in those areas."

all of it here:
Sultan Knish
aren't you even listening to yourself ? You claim that cops are in the news because there are videos. There are millions of videos. Who in the hell thinks these are newsworthy ? Granted it was important for people to see black thugs destroying their own neighbourhood.
aren't you even listening to yourself ? You claim that cops are in the news because there are videos. There are millions of videos. Who in the hell thinks these are newsworthy ? Granted it was important for people to see black thugs destroying their own neighbourhood.
Thats why I told you to read the thread. Thats not the only reason. There is an interest in the stories now since the cops are getting caught. Evidently millions of people think they are newsworthy. Thats why they are on the news.
Video at the site:

While I’ve had a lot of fun documenting some of the stupider things that liberals said this week from the Baltimore riots, there’s one thing that really disgusts me. That’s the destruction of businesses by these thugs that are worse than thugs. They’re parasites and maggots.

Maryland Governor Hogan relates the losses:



It makes me sick to my stomach because 200 businesses represented the hopes and dreams and hard work of hundreds of families. Not just black but every color. And those hopes and dreams have been dashed to the ground by these despicable maggots that the liberal press is applauding. It’s absolutely disgusting.

all of it here:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/monday-night-we-lost-200-businesses-most-of-them-were-minority-owned-maryland-governor/#ixzz3ZCGIfODh
You don't care one wit about what happened to Baltimore or its people.....what you DO care about is finding something to whine about blacks people and liberals about. But that is to be expected from you.
TIME to wake up folks, these far and few Incidents they are picking and choosing TO PROTEST OVER. all of this is being PLANNED by, (guess who) and being used Against YOU by the Democrat party, Unions, etc FOR THEIR AGENDAS. they are also using BLACK people (the rioters and looters) in all this AS PAWNS.
wake the hell up

olice shootings and other tales of alleged police abuse (e.g., Eric Garner) dominate the news these days. You can hardly open a newspaper or turn on a television set without seeing protesters, rioters and looters, along with earnest talking heads debating the issue. Why is this? Why has violence on the part of policemen become the story du jour?

One possible answer is that police violence is a terrible problem that presumably has been with us for quite a while, but is just now coming to light. Some respectable commentators support this view. Reason, for example, links to KilledByPolice.net and concludes that “more than 1,000 people have been killed by police in 2014.” KilledByPolice.net is an interesting, bare bones database that collects stories about fatal incidents involving law enforcement from a wide variety of sources.

But it isn’t really a shock that, in a country of 320 million, there are a perceptible number of fatal encounters with policemen. If you follow the links on the KilledByPolice site, it is immediately obvious that in the overwhelming majority of cases, no possible blame can be attached to the officers in question. Most often the person they shoot is a criminal, and they shoot the criminal because the criminal fired first. The second most common fatal incident is commonly referred to as “suicide by cop.” This happens often, and one can argue that better means of dealing with would-be suicides could be developed. But this is not the issue that consumes our news shows. (A digression: an astonishing number of people commit suicide by standing in front of trains. No one blames the railroads for this.)

I haven’t attempted an exhaustive analysis of the cases linked at KilledByPolice, but if you spend some time reviewing the linked stories, I think you will conclude, as I did, that the percentage of cases in which police officers could reasonably be blamed is very small–somewhere between 1 and 5 percent. So maybe there are somewhere between 10 and 50 cases a year where a serious claim could be made that improper police conduct–not just homicide, but any sort of questionable judgment–resulted in a fatality. (From what we know so far, I would say that the Freddie Gray case is probably one of them.) Is this enough to explain the current obsession with the police?

I don’t think so. To draw a simple comparison, every year something like 390 children, most of them younger than five years old, drown in swimming pools. If our news media were to take on swimming pool safety as a cause, and give every one of these drownings–more than one per day–front page, above the fold coverage, and if our television talking heads were to devote a large portion of their time to debating swimming pool safety and the ins and outs of each individual drowning, many people would no doubt be convinced that we are living in the midst of a swimming pool crisis. That crisis would be an order of magnitude greater than the police abuse scandal, and a large majority of the victims would be small children, not the sketchy characters that police officers so often encounter.

But that isn’t happening. Given the comparative insignificance of the police abuse issue, quantitatively speaking, one might suspect that its current dominance of public discourse fits someone’s agenda.

Which, of course, it does. The police abuse story, which began in a nascent form with Trayvon Martin and continued, more fully developed, with Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, is part of the Democratic Party’s effort to divide America along racial lines, in expectation of political gain. Leftists say “Black lives matter,” as though there were some people who say they don’t. Rarely has paranoia been more ruthlessly, or more dishonestly, promoted.

But a more specific left-wing agenda may also be in play. Al Sharpton–as buffoonish as Harry Reid and as corrupt as Hillary Clinton, with more blood on his hands than Democratic National Committeeman Bull Connor–is one of his party’s most authentic spokesmen. And Sharpton wants to place the nation’s police forces under federal control: “We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.” Here he is:

ALL of it here:
Why Are Police Shootings Dominating the News Power Line
Who controls the media in this country????


Ah yes...Photoshop.....very convincing.
Democrats are using the police as a scapegoat for their corruption and failure. Did you know that Baltimore received $1.8 billion in stimulus money from Obama? Take a guess who got the lions share of this money...yes public employee unions the Democratic party's cash cow for campaign contributions. Guess how many jobs they created for $1.8 billion, 290 that's $2.9 million spent per job. Hundreds of millions were siphoned off by the public employee unions, this left an embarrassing $3 million for jobs training for poor black neighborhoods.
How about citing a source for this. Facts are facts. Prove your knowledge claims are facts.

I don't play the liberals stupid give me a link game but I will throw you a bone, I read this in the news this morning. You have two choices, you can choose to remain ignorant on this subject or you can do your own research and find the article yourself.
Big difference. John Q. Public is held accountable for brutality, murder, rape, stealing, and other crimes, and 99% of the time, cops walk. Our courts generally give cops a free pass, where you and I would be serving time in the big house for doing what they do.

99% of the time ? Really ? Got a link for that please ?
Nope, no link. But, I do know, and get you a link, showing how many cops are in our prisons and jails. There have been several articles written on this subject over the years. It's been awhile since I've read one, but I'm sure that I can research it and get you a link if you really doubt that cops are rarely arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for the same crimes that they arrest us for. Basically, it's common knowledge. Cops rarely go to prison for brutality, rape, stealing, murder, taking bribes from drug dealers and pimps, lying in court, planting evidence, and covering for other bad cops.

Blah blah blah---seriously. I think your point is to somehow tell us how much worse cops are than the general population. You are failing. Mighty easy to criticize someone else ain't it ?
Nope, you're very wrong. I have never ever said nor implied that cops were worse than the general public, and certainly they're not. Obviously, you've misunderstood everything that I've said.

Oh,....so you're using the same silly tactics on him you tried using on me!!

Not going all that well this time either I see.....:lame2:
Just speaking the truth and telling it like it is, nothing more, nothing less. FYI - I use no tactics, none.
Democrats are using the police as a scapegoat for their corruption and failure. Did you know that Baltimore received $1.8 billion in stimulus money from Obama? Take a guess who got the lions share of this money...yes public employee unions the Democratic party's cash cow for campaign contributions. Guess how many jobs they created for $1.8 billion, 290 that's $2.9 million spent per job. Hundreds of millions were siphoned off by the public employee unions, this left an embarrassing $3 million for jobs training for poor black neighborhoods.
How about citing a source for this. Facts are facts. Prove your knowledge claims are facts.

I don't play the liberals stupid give me a link game but I will throw you a bone, I read this in the news this morning. You have two choices, you can choose to remain ignorant on this subject or you can do your own research and find the article yourself.

games is all they play, they had to come in and stroke their bud, Sonny
that was all it was about
99% of the time ? Really ? Got a link for that please ?
Nope, no link. But, I do know, and get you a link, showing how many cops are in our prisons and jails. There have been several articles written on this subject over the years. It's been awhile since I've read one, but I'm sure that I can research it and get you a link if you really doubt that cops are rarely arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for the same crimes that they arrest us for. Basically, it's common knowledge. Cops rarely go to prison for brutality, rape, stealing, murder, taking bribes from drug dealers and pimps, lying in court, planting evidence, and covering for other bad cops.

Blah blah blah---seriously. I think your point is to somehow tell us how much worse cops are than the general population. You are failing. Mighty easy to criticize someone else ain't it ?
Nope, you're very wrong. I have never ever said nor implied that cops were worse than the general public, and certainly they're not. Obviously, you've misunderstood everything that I've said.

Oh,....so you're using the same silly tactics on him you tried using on me!!

Not going all that well this time either I see.....:lame2:
Just speaking the truth and telling it like it is, nothing more, nothing less. FYI - I use no tactics, none.

You are as dishonest as the day is long....
TIME to wake up folks, these far and few Incidents they are picking and choosing TO PROTEST OVER. all of this is being PLANNED by, (guess who) and being used Against YOU by the Democrat party, Unions, etc FOR THEIR AGENDAS. they are also using BLACK people (the rioters and looters) in all this AS PAWNS.
wake the hell up

olice shootings and other tales of alleged police abuse (e.g., Eric Garner) dominate the news these days. You can hardly open a newspaper or turn on a television set without seeing protesters, rioters and looters, along with earnest talking heads debating the issue. Why is this? Why has violence on the part of policemen become the story du jour?

One possible answer is that police violence is a terrible problem that presumably has been with us for quite a while, but is just now coming to light. Some respectable commentators support this view. Reason, for example, links to KilledByPolice.net and concludes that “more than 1,000 people have been killed by police in 2014.” KilledByPolice.net is an interesting, bare bones database that collects stories about fatal incidents involving law enforcement from a wide variety of sources.

But it isn’t really a shock that, in a country of 320 million, there are a perceptible number of fatal encounters with policemen. If you follow the links on the KilledByPolice site, it is immediately obvious that in the overwhelming majority of cases, no possible blame can be attached to the officers in question. Most often the person they shoot is a criminal, and they shoot the criminal because the criminal fired first. The second most common fatal incident is commonly referred to as “suicide by cop.” This happens often, and one can argue that better means of dealing with would-be suicides could be developed. But this is not the issue that consumes our news shows. (A digression: an astonishing number of people commit suicide by standing in front of trains. No one blames the railroads for this.)

I haven’t attempted an exhaustive analysis of the cases linked at KilledByPolice, but if you spend some time reviewing the linked stories, I think you will conclude, as I did, that the percentage of cases in which police officers could reasonably be blamed is very small–somewhere between 1 and 5 percent. So maybe there are somewhere between 10 and 50 cases a year where a serious claim could be made that improper police conduct–not just homicide, but any sort of questionable judgment–resulted in a fatality. (From what we know so far, I would say that the Freddie Gray case is probably one of them.) Is this enough to explain the current obsession with the police?

I don’t think so. To draw a simple comparison, every year something like 390 children, most of them younger than five years old, drown in swimming pools. If our news media were to take on swimming pool safety as a cause, and give every one of these drownings–more than one per day–front page, above the fold coverage, and if our television talking heads were to devote a large portion of their time to debating swimming pool safety and the ins and outs of each individual drowning, many people would no doubt be convinced that we are living in the midst of a swimming pool crisis. That crisis would be an order of magnitude greater than the police abuse scandal, and a large majority of the victims would be small children, not the sketchy characters that police officers so often encounter.

But that isn’t happening. Given the comparative insignificance of the police abuse issue, quantitatively speaking, one might suspect that its current dominance of public discourse fits someone’s agenda.

Which, of course, it does. The police abuse story, which began in a nascent form with Trayvon Martin and continued, more fully developed, with Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, is part of the Democratic Party’s effort to divide America along racial lines, in expectation of political gain. Leftists say “Black lives matter,” as though there were some people who say they don’t. Rarely has paranoia been more ruthlessly, or more dishonestly, promoted.

But a more specific left-wing agenda may also be in play. Al Sharpton–as buffoonish as Harry Reid and as corrupt as Hillary Clinton, with more blood on his hands than Democratic National Committeeman Bull Connor–is one of his party’s most authentic spokesmen. And Sharpton wants to place the nation’s police forces under federal control: “We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.” Here he is:

ALL of it here:
Why Are Police Shootings Dominating the News Power Line
Who controls the media in this country????


Ah yes...Photoshop.....very convincing.
Wasn't meant to be convincing.....just funny.
Nope, no link. But, I do know, and get you a link, showing how many cops are in our prisons and jails. There have been several articles written on this subject over the years. It's been awhile since I've read one, but I'm sure that I can research it and get you a link if you really doubt that cops are rarely arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for the same crimes that they arrest us for. Basically, it's common knowledge. Cops rarely go to prison for brutality, rape, stealing, murder, taking bribes from drug dealers and pimps, lying in court, planting evidence, and covering for other bad cops.

Blah blah blah---seriously. I think your point is to somehow tell us how much worse cops are than the general population. You are failing. Mighty easy to criticize someone else ain't it ?
Nope, you're very wrong. I have never ever said nor implied that cops were worse than the general public, and certainly they're not. Obviously, you've misunderstood everything that I've said.

Oh,....so you're using the same silly tactics on him you tried using on me!!

Not going all that well this time either I see.....:lame2:
Just speaking the truth and telling it like it is, nothing more, nothing less. FYI - I use no tactics, none.

You are as dishonest as the day is long....
Nope, sorry, I'm a very honest person, and always have been. If you can show otherwise, please do so, otherwise your words are hollow with no meaning.
Video at the site:

While I’ve had a lot of fun documenting some of the stupider things that liberals said this week from the Baltimore riots, there’s one thing that really disgusts me. That’s the destruction of businesses by these thugs that are worse than thugs. They’re parasites and maggots.

Maryland Governor Hogan relates the losses:



It makes me sick to my stomach because 200 businesses represented the hopes and dreams and hard work of hundreds of families. Not just black but every color. And those hopes and dreams have been dashed to the ground by these despicable maggots that the liberal press is applauding. It’s absolutely disgusting.

all of it here:

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/monday-night-we-lost-200-businesses-most-of-them-were-minority-owned-maryland-governor/#ixzz3ZCGIfODh
You don't care one wit about what happened to Baltimore or its people.....what you DO care about is finding something to whine about blacks people and liberals about. But that is to be expected from you.
I think we all care for different reasons. Libs tend to want to mother the thugs, while we tend to see this as a festering problem that no one can resolve. There are solutions...I would like to see it turned over to the pastors...the pols have failed.
Blah blah blah---seriously. I think your point is to somehow tell us how much worse cops are than the general population. You are failing. Mighty easy to criticize someone else ain't it ?
Nope, you're very wrong. I have never ever said nor implied that cops were worse than the general public, and certainly they're not. Obviously, you've misunderstood everything that I've said.

Oh,....so you're using the same silly tactics on him you tried using on me!!

Not going all that well this time either I see.....:lame2:
Just speaking the truth and telling it like it is, nothing more, nothing less. FYI - I use no tactics, none.

You are as dishonest as the day is long....
Nope, sorry, I'm a very honest person, and always have been. If you can show otherwise, please do so, otherwise your words are hollow with no meaning.
I'll bet there are fewer politicians in jail than cops.
The only reason that we even have a police force is because a percentage of people won't behave. Probably the same percentage of police that won't behave. Address brutality in general if you want to be taken seriously.
The police are there to 'protect and serve'. Responsible police tactics take community concerns into account. Killing the unarmed, those under control, those in custody betrays the mandate to the police to protect and serve the community in their charge.

Protect and serve law abiding citizens from criminal civilians who murder or brutalize people every day.
Twas ever thus. Police are now killing civilians, the unarmed, the minority. Is this a change? Have police always acted this aggressively while protecting us from the murderers and brutes? Is this now standard operating procedure for policing? Do community police departments need all the paramilitary gear they got after September 11th?

Or are we now painfully aware of police brutality after, well, we saw it in Chicago in 1968, on the streets of Los Angeles in 1993, in Ferguson, Missouri last summer, in Cleveland this past winter, on Staten Island last autumn, in Baltimore Maryland las month?

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